Feralisks are bio-engineered spiders originally intended to be an easy method of mass producing synththread fibers. However, the project to produce them was scrapped due to the great danger in creating them; rather than being destroyed, they were lost en route to their demise and rapidly destroyed all life on their home planet, which was ultimately reduced to a Marble World by the Imperium- a planet purged by atomic flame. Still, the Feralisks managed to escape their fate in small numbers, and now large colonies of them infect countless rim worlds.
Feralisks are a common enemy of Molokar, but pose little actual threat to the colony.
Powers and Stats[]
Tier: 9-A | 8-C
Key: Feralisk | Feralisk Clutch Mother
Name: Feralisk
Origin: Be My Rimworld Pawns
Gender: Varies, Clutch Mothers are exclusively female
Age: Varies, up to 12 years
Classification: Bio-Engineered Spider
Powers and Abilities: Superhuman Physical Characteristics, Bodily Weaponry (Feralisks possess fangs that they use to dispatch enemies), Thread Manipulation (Feralisks are bio-engineered to produce vastly more powerful threading than typical spiders, in great volumes, sufficient in strength to completely lock down colonists), Surface Scaling (Feralisks can climb walls despite their massive size), Poison Manipulation (Feralisks possess venom-laced fangs that have a poison powerful enough to drop an elephant in seconds), Stealth Mastery (Feralisks are an enhanced danger due to their surprising stealthiness, which allowed them to originally escape their home planet), Clutch Mothers have Large Size (Type 0, they are about 14 feet in body length), Self-Sustenance (Types 1 and 2, although they require food to create their threading, Feralisks survived being ejected into space from their home planet long enough to then reach other planets), Free Movement (They are unimpeded by their own webbing), Enhanced Senses (Similar to real-world spiders)
Attack Potency: Small Building level (Individually, Feralisk attacks are approximately equal to baseline industrial small arms fire, which is in turn superior to miners capable of smashing apart steel and stone in several strikes) | Building level (Feralisk Clutch Mothers can survive a fall from space and damage one another if need be)
Speed: Athletic Human (Feralisks walk at a pace of about 8.5 m/s) | Superhuman (Clutch Mothers proportionately should walk at a pace of approximately 17 m/s)
Lifting Strength: At least Class 25, likely much higher (Their webs can restrain colonists who can easily lift Paraceritherium corpses, which weigh over 15 tons; Feralisks are capable of ripping these colonists out of their webbing, implying significant superiority) | At least Class 25, likely much higher (Ought to be significantly superior to their children)
Striking Strength: Small Building level | Building level
Durability: Small Building level | Building level
Stamina: Average
Range: Extended melee, up to tens of meters via webbing
Standard Equipment: None
Intelligence: Below Average
Weaknesses: None notable
Notable Victories:
Notable Losses:
Inconclusive Matches: