FC/OC VS Battles Wiki

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FC/OC VS Battles Wiki
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It's better to meet them in another world than to spend the rest of your life in despair...C'MON SPIKE MAKE YOUR CHOICE! I AM THE DISASTER ITSELF!!
~ Famished Butch - Desire Or Despair


Famished Butch is a Starved version of Butch and is an opponent in the song Desire or Despair. After eating a mysterious duckling, Butch became deeply hungry for the taste of raw meat, leading him to devour numerous stray cats before finally turning his attention to Tom and Jerry. Spike, concerned about the disappearance of Tom and Jerry, proceeded to search for them. However, on his search, he came across the monster Butch had become and armed himself to kill him once and for all.

Powers and Stats[]

Tier: 9-C

Name: Butch Cat, Famished Butch

Origin: Friday Night Funkin': The Basement Show

Gender: Male

Age: Unknown

Classification: Cannibalistic mutated cat

Powers and Abilities: Peak Human Physical Characteristics, Natural Weaponry (Conventional: Has sharp fangs and claws), Enhanced Senses (As a cat, He naturally has sharper sense than a human), Social Influencing (Deception: Despite his monstrous appearance, Butch could trick Tom into following him. Instigating Fear: Naturally increases Spike's despair)

Attack Potency: Street level (Is responsible for the death of numerous stray cat. Killed Tom by cutting one of his arm and leg and gougin open his chest. Can cut off Spike's arm in one strike of his claws)

Speed: Athletic Human (Cut off Spike's arm before the latter could react)

Lifting Strength: Average Human (Capable of struggling against Spike, a dog larger than him)

Striking Strength: Street level

Durability: Street level

Stamina: Above Average (Is responsible for the death of numerous stray cats and is able to battle spike without wearing himself out)

Range: Standard Melee

Standard Equipment: Nothing Notable

Optional Equipment: Robot Cats

Intelligence: At least Gifted (A dangerous and cunning cannibal who is able to trick his victims despite his monstrous appearance alongside being capable of building numerous robot cats)

Standard Tactics: Butch seems to favor tricking his victims into a sense of security before killing them through the usage of his sharp claws. If he's unable to trick them, Butch will instead bring despair into them while attempting to overpower them.

Weaknesses: Nothing Notable

Battle Records[]

Notable Victories:

Notable Losses:

Inconclusive Matches:
