FC/OC VS Battles Wiki

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FC/OC VS Battles Wiki


A minor Cape NPC, FILO was a cartel member who was encountered by the player party in the raid on the cartel.
FILO was tasked with murdering Russian Mercenaries due to the cartel not wanting to pay them, but he was stopped after a fight with the party and then Justice Man bombed him to death.

Powers and Stats[]

Tier: 9-C to 9-A

Name: FILO

Origin: Wokistan's Weaverdice Game

Gender: Male

Age: Unknown

Classification: Human, Brute, Mover

Powers and Abilities:

Peak Human Physical Characteristics, Statistics Amplification (His power increase his strength, speed and endurance the more he harms and murders people), Martial Arts (Has the Brawl skill which makes him adept at Brawn based attacks), Weapon Mastery (Has the Barrage skill which makes him proficient in using multi fire weapons)

Same as before plus Superhuman Physical Characteristics, Enhanced Accuracy (Due to raising his Dexterity score which is the stat most often used for ranged attacks, even with one kill he has supernatural level of accuracy), Supernatural Willpower and Limited Immortality (Type 2; While he does not truly raise his guts score he still gets a bonus to resisting mental effects and shrugging off deadly injuries)

Attack Potency: Street level (Even before using his power he can crack bones and is comparable to Zealot, who could crush a human skull with a riot shield) to Small Building Level (When empowered by the deaths he caused in his fight with Justice Man he was stated to have become comparable to Tier 1 Coin Lesser)

Speed: Varies from Athletic Human (Has a baseline athletics score of 4, putting him above most people) to Peak Human (By causing one moderate his Athletics score raises up to 5 which makes him the peak of what humans can achieve), up to Subsonic (With enough kills he becomes on par with the likes of Muddle who can dodge various gunfire at close range. His punches moved faster than what Justice Man could perceive)

Lifting Strength: Above Average Human to Class 25 (Can gain a strength comparable to Coin)

Striking Strength: Street Class to Small Building Class

Durability: Street level to Small Building Level

Stamina: Varies from above average (Has a baseline Athletics and Guts scores of 4 which makes him superior to average people) up to superhuman (While he has his amps he can endure multiple lethal hits)

Range: Melee range, extended melee range with sledgehammer and rat filled bag and tens of meters via an Uzi

Standard Equipment: A sledgehammer, a bag filled with rats and an Uzi

Intelligence: Average academically and below average socially

Weaknesses: Is an unstable person who can barely function socially. Needs to stay still before shooting in order to use his Barrage skill.

Notable Attacks/Techniques:

  • Combo Counter: FILO's power is simply that he gains greater physical capabilities the more violence he inflicts upon living creatures. In order to activate the ability he must either harm or murder a creature within a certain range directly (Things such as traps do not count), it even work on small animals but it's a weaker boost then murdering babies.

  • Brawl: A melee skill which emphasizes swinging one's one weapons as hard as can, this skills makes Crowbar Man's Brawn attacks more likely to hit
    • Wild Swing: Can put all his force behind his swing which leaves him staggered after its use but if it hits it also staggers his enemy
  • Barrage A ranged skill which focuses on increasing the volley of shots one can make with a given weapon.
    • Dakka Dakka Dakka: This specialty allows FILO to alternate between different targets upon hitting someone.

  • Note: Wok put in a Hotline Miami reference into the game


    Notable Victories:

    Notable Losses:

    Inconclusive Matches:
