Extranatural addresses the question "Where are the aliens?" in supernatural and occult fiction, the biggest inspiration being Supernatural (Hence the title Extra(terrestrial)(Super)natural. Set in the height of the Cold War, humanity faces threats beyond and within. A upstart wizard and rouge alien from the far reaches of the galaxy 'team' up to face against the threats far beyond either of their pay-grade. They will learn the secrets of each others past and combine their strengths to over come the beings who want them more than dead.
Extranatural takes place in the late 80s in the time of growing tensions between the Cold War Superpowers. However, the Cold War is a simply a facade for greater powers to exert their influences onto the world. Religion has fallen in favor of manipulation and deceit to keep the masses in line and in check to serve the greater powers. However, the web of deception is slowly being unraveled as Man comes ever closes to complete nuclear annihilation.
The Realms of Man however is preparing for the final confrontation between the West and the East. Both are decayed and rotten long since abandoned their idealistic fantasies for brutal pragmatism. The West has been falling into decadence while the East still clings to the old ways and traditions. The two superpowers have become a threat to each other as they prepare for the inevitable clash of arms. But neither can afford to lose this war, so both sides are willing to sacrifice anything and everything to win it.
Realizing that Man's ever destructive nature will cause tens of thousands of years of progress to be wiped and possibly arouse the anger of the Creator God, the greater powers decide to intervene by sending their agents on Earth to ensure that mankind does not fall into ruin and chaos. They send them with an order: "To save humanity from itself."
Greater Power Factions[]
The Greater Powers: These factions control the metaphyiscal aspects of the realms beyond and are situated in the First Realm.
Nurian Empire[]
The Enigmatic Guardians of the Material Realm and are spread across the Galaxy where the setting resides. They are charged with maintaining divine law and territory between the various realms of the Universe. Their influence spreads through a network of guardians and enforcers throughout the known universe. They are opposed to the Kingdom of Heaven and the Kingdom of Hell for interfering with the fates of many mortals rather than guarding the realm from the encroaching madness that is the Outer Gods. They do not interfere directly but merely enforce the laws of the lesser races and watch over the mortal realm as they see fit. Their numbers are unknown but they have great strength in the number of powerful individuals they control. They are ruled by the Ordo Supremus who are comprised of several Princeps Excellentia ruled by the Imperatrix Prima Luxzaria.
Kingdom of Heaven[]
The House of Heaven is the most prominent in the mortal realm of Man and maintains all the religions and faiths of the people. Their mission is to bring peace and prosperity to the people and maintain balance between the Divine and the Mortal realms. Their servants are the Holy Orders which are made up of the different religious sects of the church such as the Templar, Catholic, Orthodox, Protestant, etc. The Holy Orders follow the teachings of the El-Shaddai and protect the mortal realm against the evil forces of the Outers and Dark Gods. The Church also acts as a mediator between the Divine and Mortal realms. Their numbers are large and they are led by the Cardinal Virtues represented by either a Seraph or an Archangel, all loyal to the El-Shaddai.
Kingdom of Hell[]
This sect of the Divine was formed after the Envious Gods fell into insanity. It is made up of the Fallen Angels and Demons whose purpose is to punish the mortals for their sins. Their presence is felt in every corner of the mortal realm and therefore no one escapes their wrath. They are a force of destruction that causes chaos wherever they go. In exchange for the mortals' sins, they receive power to fuel their existence. The Devils are sent out by the Infernal Courts to collect the souls of the deceased and use them to sustain themselves. Their presence is seen everywhere in Man's world. Their number is unknown but they are led by the Archdevils who rule the Netherworlds and report to the Grand Master of Hell.
The Inferian Republics[]
The Inferian Republics: A group of small city states that band together under the banner of freedom and equality. These cities were founded by refugees from the Mortal realm and their political structure is built around democracy. They are located mostly on the borders of the mortal realm and thus are constantly at odds with the Divine and Mortal factions. While the leaders of these republics may be elected by the citizens, their power is limited and the system of government is far from perfect. Their military is a militia of volunteers who train regularly and fight alongside the other factions when necessary. The only permanent military force of the Republics is the Republican Guard which is a special unit trained to defend the cities from external threats. The Republican Guard is made up of elite warriors hand selected by the leader of the Republic and reports directly to him.
The Outer Gods[]
The Outer Gods are divine entities that chosen to serve in the Creator God's role of universal overseers. They are free to act outside the rules of the Creation and some choose to do so for their own purposes. Most of the time they simply ignore the affairs of the mortals and allow them to live their lives without interference. But sometimes they are drawn to the material realm and make contact with the mortal realm. When this happens, the situation becomes complicated as the gods must work within the rules of the mortals and often get caught up in their conflicts. The most active outer god is a benign Outer God named Polaris: the Cosmic Dragon. He is the dying source of all magic and thus his absence would spell doom for the mortal realm. His whereabouts are unknown and he rarely makes any appearance.
Mortal Realms[]
Defined as the "Mortal Realms" by members of the Greater Powers, zones of the Universe are sectioned off as mortal realms and are not to be directly influenced by the will of the Creator God, however this has been ignored, in favor of indirect interventions. While not the only mortal realm, Earth is by far the most successful mortal realm within its galactic neighborhood causing it to have great promience within the plans of the Great Powers. Earth is divided into two major political factions as the Cold War continues to edge ever closer to conflict.
The supernational alliance against the Comintern has been meet with economic hardship as recovery from World War II had cause a deep depression in western markets and the popularity of extreme nationalism began to repeat itself. The Soviet Union is using this to stir up tensions between the NATO member states and the rest of the world. Many former key powers of NATO have formed their own alliances and become rivals to the Superpower bloc. The United States is now experiencing a political power struggle between the nationalists and liberalists in its own ranks.
Deciding to stick with old tradition the Comintern idea was revitalized as many nations abandonded market capitalism as the US retreated into isolationism after the war. As of 1983 the internationalist alliance of the socialist powers has started to decay into miltiarism and internal conflict. Some countries are openly hostile towards others while others remain neutral. Russia is openly hostile towards the United States and the rest of NATO. Its army is currently engaged in border skirmishes with the West. Other nations like China and Eastern Europe are sympathetic to the West and the Soviet Union remains isolated and neutral. However despite this divisons the unity of the cause is still strong and the Communist Party remains the dominant force in the Kremlin.
Black Sea Alliance[]
Formed in 1982 by the newly independent communist states of the region, the Black Sea Alliance is a loose confederation of socialist states that are not part of the USSR. The member states are Armenia, Azerbaijan, Bulgaria, Turkey, Georgia, Moldova, Romania and Ukraine. The goal of the Alliance is to achieve complete independence from the Soviets and form a socialist superstate that will rival the Soviet Union. The goal is not unrealistic as the members are already working to build a new economy and trade routes that bypass the Soviets. Cynical strategists and analysts don't expect the diverse alliance to hold against the superpowers but their relative industrial progress compared to the rest of the world is commanding.