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FC/OC VS Battles Wiki
Carve Destiny, Essentia!

After the events of OmniRealm Warriors 2, Ethan has embarked on many, many, missions of varying magnitudes. Most of which, these missions involve investigation in a potential threat from another world or such along the lines. In one of those missions, directly after the events of another mission, something went wrong, and he was sent Adrift through universes... into the Real World.

Offering to help at the JSDF as an assistant of sorts from the “characters”, Ethan is more or less a main “leader” of the “Dimensional Survivors”, after Asuka and JSDF officials- though he never really likes calling himself that. He’s has a good boy personality, friendly and approachable- especially with those at survival shelters, but serious when it comes to business: missions and battle. Overall helpful in all categories, such as basic leadership, communication, recon, rescue, messaging, mailman, and even on the field, one could say he’s a jack of all trades.


Mission Rank: ERROR




Secondary Mission: .


Powers and Stats[]

Tier: 8-B, possibly 7-C | High 7-C, possibly Low 7-B

Name: Ethan Aliester Xavier

Origin: Adrift Tabletop RPG (Originally from OmniRealm Warriors)

Gender: Male

Age: 18

Classification: Character

Powers and Abilities:

  • Same as previous, in addition to 5 Second Time Stop (via Luna Dial)

  • Attack Potency: City Block level, possibly Town level (Fought against Ignis on his lonesome for an entire day, a foe who has been repeatedly shown to be one of the strongest characters in the RP at this time, which would make him superior to Chara. Chara in particular unleashed an explosion onto Omega Zero, which was compared to the nuke dropped on Hiroshima, and Omega didn't take any damage from it at all; instead enhancing it the blast with his own energy to make it more destructive. Though Ethan fought Ignis, he was still significantly weaker than him, to the point where just one hit nearly killed him; only almost winning with a strategy if it weren't for civilians) | Large Town level (At least comparable to the rest of the cast, as he's shown easily keeping up with everyone, even while injured), possibly Small City level (Fought on-par against Ignis for some time using Super Signal. Punched Omega Zero hard enough to interrupt his attacks. Survived against Asimov until reinforcements arrived after fighting Ignis)

    Speed: Supersonic (Should be comparable to the rest of the cast at minimum by this time, who can easily evade and defend against automatic bullet fire), Massively Hypersonic+ with Lightning Dash and Super Signal (Lightning Dash allows Ethan to move at the speed of lightning, typically blitzing foes like Ignis does. Super Signal allows him to blitz Lala.) | Massively Hypersonic+ (Can move at this speed more consistently by this point. Can keep up with Asimov and Omega Zero.)

    Lifting Strength: Unknown (Despite having fractured and broken arms, still managed to help stop Rick from causing a city wide catastrophic earthquake by throwing a massive tree onto his foe)

    Striking Strength: City Block Class, possibly Town Class | Large Town Class, possibly Small City Class

    Durability: City Block level, possibly Town level (Able to survive a single hit from Ignis), higher with Wall (Able to almost completely block attacksor dramatically reduce damage to almost negligible amounts, even against attacks that would normally one shot him) | Large Town level, possibly Small City level (Survived multiple hits from Ignis this time, as well as from Asimov right afterwards)

    Stamina: Comparable to his canon self (Fought Ignis for an entire day, breaking many of his bones, still managed to prevent the catastrophic earthquake by Rick, preform multiple Lightning Dashes, moderate the all four of the Icebound Missions at once, and train Seiko)

    Range: Comparable to his canon self

    Standard Equipment: Same as his canon self, in addition to:


    Scarlet Devil Mansion[]

    These weapons are stolen from Ethan's first dungeon in the world of Fate/ (his previous mission), all of which are stored in his Hammerspace.

    Lævatein (Repica. Light) +10

    • Rank: C
    • Ethan's main weapon. It may just be a replica of the true Noble Phantasm and Divine Construct made from that Planet that rivals the holy spear, Rhongomyniad in power, nor does it tear off the Texture known as the Age of Gods, but it's power is not to be underestimated either. It's said that it feels like felt like it was as hot as the sun. On top of its surprisingly lightweight to a point where Saber attack twice in a slightly more amount of time than he can attack with a regular sword, Laevatein is capable of attacking with searing flames during it's swing to deal intense fire and slashing damage. It's able to block fire and physical attacks with ease as well.
      • Seiko infused this weapon with another trinket Ethan has found in the Mansion known as the Magical Jewel, raising the weapon's Rank from D to C. It gained it's +10 Status from Big Kahuna, increasing it's offensive and defensive capabilities minorly.
    • Abilities
      • Loptr Laegjarn (False): Using the innate and natrual power of the blade, the sword glows orange and red for an instant upon activation. Sacrificing a little of his Mana, Ethan instantly can create a 5 meter circle of flame on the ground around him basically on will, not sacrificing any extra movement. The circle lasts about the same time as Jewel Burst. All that goes in will be struck with a searing flame that is as powerful as the sword itself without a wielder, unless heavily resisted with pure endurance and durability against the sword's power itself. Is absolutely pathetic compared to the EX Noble Phantasm of the original.
      • Jewel Myriad: With the power of the jewel infused into the sword, the blade shines purple and pink for an instant upon activation. This ability may only be done once per every time Ethan hasn't been in battle for hours, but for a limited amount of time (about enough time to swing 15 times, if he took an interval to defend every five swing), the weapon enables Ethan to become 150% faster (about 2.5x) when using it to attack, able to swing five times in the amount of time he could swing twice!

    Kanshou and Bakuya (Repica. Light)

    • Rank: D-
    • Ethan's secondary weapons after the Laevatein. Ethan initially decided to add them into his arsenal simply due to how he was impressed by EMIYA's use of them in his very first simulation battle, and the fact they looked really, really, cool. They represent Yin and Yang, and each one is even faster to swing compared go the flame sword, 20% faster, to be exact! They may not be the real Noble Phantasm, but just like EMIYA's, they have the exact same powers as his Traced ones! With all of this replica weapon stealing, is Saber just another Shirou Emiya that Archer hates so? Maybe, if Saber could convince him, he could train under such a wielder?
    • Abilities
      • Boomerang Throw: Ethan can throw one of these weapons up to 80 Meters, using the other weapon to attract it back like a boomerang. If the initial throw misses, it'll retry on the return blow!
      • Resistance: Ethan gains more physical and magical resistances when holding these two blades together

    Card of Cards

    • Rank: D
    • Ethan's main ranged weapon, a pink ethereal looking card that can be throw at enemies for decent slashing and thrusting damage
    • Abilities
      • Returning Throw: The card always comes back to Ethan, and if reflected, deals half the damage when it come back
      • Duplication: Sacrificing some of his Mana, Ethan can duplicate this thrown weapon up to two times for potential triple the damage!

    Clarent (Replica.)

    • Rank: D
    • Stolen Replica of a Noble Phantasm
    • Ability
      • Power Up: Increases his Strength, Endurance, and Agility by one Rank.

    Caladbolg (Replica.)

    • Rank: B++
    • Stolen Replica of a Noble Phantasm
    • Ability
      • Slashing Wave: Upon hitting an enemy, Ethan can choose to make the weapon emit a shockwave of slashing energy to hit all in melee range

    Critical Throwing Knife x12

    • Rank: D
    • A simple throwing knife of a certain knife wielding maid. It's able to deal an incredible amount of damage at times, surprisingly, despite it's small size.

    Featherweight Knife x2

    • Rank: D
    • A simple lightweight knife of a certain knife wielding maid, it can be wielded almost as fast as the Laevatein

    Spell Book

    • Rank: D
    • A low level spell book that fires projectiles of 20 meter elemental attacks in a cone shape, or usage on Ethan himself. Has about 20 uses.
    • Abilities
      • Fire: When this projectile hits enemies, it deals constant fire damage
      • Water: If this is used on himself or an ally it heals them minorly
      • Air: The enemy is knocked away 20 meters backwards
      • Earth: On self, gives minor armor

    Ice Sign: Icicle Fall

    • Rank: C
    • A preferred ranged card that contains an ice spell made by a certain ice wielding fairy. It's used when Ethan wants to deal elemental damage without the use of his Mana.
    • Ability
      • Icicle Fall: A portal opens up above the enemy to drop down six icicles to deal ice type damage, this doesn't work in melee range.

    Gungnir (Replica. Quick. Heavy) +10

    • Rank: D
    • A weapon similar to one Ethan has seen in his encounters with both EMIYA and Cu, and happened to pick it up in the Mansion. Due to his previous experiences with the similar weapon, Ethan requests for Cu to train him in using this weapon, and manages to get a few hits on him.
    • Abilities
      • Double Attack: The weapon has an odd ability to enable Ethan to strike twice with it in the time it takes to attack once with any normal weapon, each one being only slightly easier to defend
      • Regeneration Negation: Once this hits, any form of regeneration at or below the power of the spear itself is completely negated until the fight ends
      • Super Armor: This spear has a strange power that lets Ethan power through any means of prohibiting, interrupting, or slowing down his attack..

    Durandal (Replica.)

    • Rank: B
    • Stolen Replica of a Noble Phantasm
    • Ability
      • Indestructible: This weapon is impossible to break from anything that isn't far far above the power of the ability, the blade itself (EX Rank).

    Ascalon+10 (Replica.)

    • Rank: C
    • Stolen Replica of a Noble Phantasm
    • Ability
      • Defensive Reflex: Ethan, while holding this blade, is imbued with the ability to block attacks 40% faster, rather than 30% due to Archer's upgrade.

    Stella (Replica.)

    • Rank: C++
    • A bow that fires purple magical arrows from a distance. Ethan has never considered using bows before, but if he could ask a certain Archer to train him... Maybe he can put it to good use...
    • Ability
      • Shockwave Shot: Ethan can choose if the impacting arrow creates a powerful shockwave of a 20 meter radius on impact.

    Phoebus Catastrophe (Replica.)

    • Rank: C
    • A bow that fires purple magical arrows from a distance. Ethan has never considered using bows before, but if he could ask a certain Archer to train him... Maybe he can put it to good use...
    • Ability
      • Split Shot: Ethan can choose to make the flying arrow split into four, in exchange for half damage and range.

    Undies of Terror

    • Rank: D
    • Ability
      • Intimidating Aura: It's mysterious power gives Ethan the ability to resist intimidation and even Fear Manipulation, as well as attempts to fluster or charm him. This increases if he decides to wear only the underwear.

    Luna Dial

    • Rank: C
    • A stolen old clock with lots of history. Ethan... Shouldn't have stolen such an important object...
    • Ability:
      • Time Stop: Ethan can use up some of his Mana to activate the stopwatch's power. By hitting an enemy with it, he can stop time for them momentarily, enough for him to walk up and attack plenty of times before it wears off, though it can be resisted by fighting against Ethan's magical power with one's own.

    Other Loot[]

    Polyalloy Weapon

    • Rank: C+
    • A handle with a mysterious silver liquid oozing out of it. The weapon can control the shape and size of it to be a heavy or light weapon at Ethan's choosing, as the memetic alloy deals physical or water damage.

    Skynet Sidearm

    • Rank: C
    • A black pistol that can fire electricity, fire, or even high pressure water at enemies from 100 meters away.

    Plasma Lasso

    • Rank: C+
    • Crafted by a certain Avenger, this metal wristband houses a socket that ejects a 10 meter whip of electricity, fire, or watery liquid, made to slash an enemy.
    • Ability
      • Grapple Enhancer: Ethan puts this weapon on overdrive to enhance it's grappling capabilities. It cannot be used for short period of time at all after this use.

    Intelligence: Genius (Despite his mental capabilities being shorted out thanks to an encounter with Asimov, he is still the top martial artist in the RP, mastering every martial art in the world and learning to implement all of those moves into a hybrid “style” which simply became a mastery of the human body in general. He constantly uses science to facilitate his abilities and make them work at all, and against enemy foes such as Asimov’s Flashfield being insulated by his Air, using magnetism and electric based physics for speed boosts, and explaining atmospheric refraction to Seiko so she can cast her own illusions using air. He also defeated Ignis, who stomped him in stats with knowledge of the fire triangle, and in another fight before that he had saved massive amounts of civilians while fending him off. Even though his mental and Xenotribute abilities are now limited, he is capable of thinking up new and more creative ways than ever before, instantly able to create entirely new techniques for new situations, which would normally take at least days of training for a normal Xenowielder)


    • Takes IMMENSE concentration to maintain Super Signal, to the point where he can't use anything else other than his own melee skills to fight.
    • Has trouble utilizing Currently Existing Technology, due to most of his technology being far too advanced to hold any resemblance to them. Is often cautious enough to believe any unknown presence is an "Enemy Xenowielder".
    • A Character is dependent on how real humans perceive them. Thus, if people believe that he is weaker than he actually is, his Influence will lessen, and thus he will actually become weaker. However, considering that the entire military and city know that he managed to fight valiantly against Ignis while saving their lives for an entire day- this is unlikely to happen.

    Notable Abilities Somewhat to his canon self, other than those not listed in his Powers and Abilities section. Being pulled from Fate/, he retains his apparent lack of control needed to pull precise tricks that his canon self can provide, but can still create and manipulate elemental constructs.

    Key: First Adrift & Gunvolt Arc (Early) | Gunvolt Arc (Late)
