“ | Carve Destiny, Essentia! | „ |
After the events of OmniRealm Warriors 2, Ethan has embarked on many, many, missions of varying magnitudes. Most of which, these missions involve investigation in a potential threat from another world or such along the lines. In one of those missions, directly after the events of another mission, something went wrong, and he was sent Adrift through universes... into the Real World.
Offering to help at the JSDF as an assistant of sorts from the “characters”, Ethan is more or less a main “leader” of the “Dimensional Survivors”, after Asuka and JSDF officials- though he never really likes calling himself that. He’s has a good boy personality, friendly and approachable- especially with those at survival shelters, but serious when it comes to business: missions and battle. Overall helpful in all categories, such as basic leadership, communication, recon, rescue, messaging, mailman, and even on the field, one could say he’s a jack of all trades.
Mission Rank: ERROR
Secondary Mission: .
Powers and Stats[]
Tier: 8-B, possibly 7-C | High 7-C, possibly Low 7-B
Name: Ethan Aliester Xavier
Origin: Adrift Tabletop RPG (Originally from OmniRealm Warriors)
Gender: Male
Age: 18
Classification: Character
Powers and Abilities:
- By Himself: Superhuman Physical Characteristics, Genius Intelligence, Accelerated Development (Leveling; Physical Stats, Abilities. The more established a Character is in the world, the more they gain "Influence", and Influence is what allows for a Character to get stronger and develop new abilities), Statistics Amplification and Statistics Reduction (To themselves via Influence. Depending on how a Character is perceived by an audience, or would be perceived by an audience, they can either become stronger or become weaker in a moment. For example, if an audience would root for a certain Character from a storytelling standpoint, such as a protagonist-type Character losing to an antagonist-type Character in a stomp, said Character can gain the power and speed to match their enemy's. This would also of course work vice versa. There is no need for an audience, though it would boost the effects of the amplification or reduction)
- Combat Experience: Weapon Mastery, Martial Arts, Chi Manipulation (Healing/Statistics Amplification/Increased invisible range), Pressure Points, Limited Attack Reflection, Instinctive Reaction, Analytical Prediction, Acrobatics (Has complete mastery over every known martial arts in the world. Has been repeatedly stated to be the best melee combatant in the series, unmatched and unparalleled to the point where he can fight people who can one shot him, blitz him, and have more combat experience than him through sheer skill)
- Equipment: Dimensional Storage (via Hammerspace), Hologram Creation (via Holo Ring), Information Analysis and limited Retrocongition (via Information Lens), Limited Plasma Manipulation (via Plasma Coated Knives. As implied by the name, these knives are plasma-coated), Limited Power Nullification (via Xenobreak Knives. Temporarily disables an opponent's powers on-hit), Statistics Amplification and Statistics Reduction (via Lævatein and other weapons), Fire Manipulation (via Lævatein), Duplication (via Card of Cards and Phoebus Catastrophe), Air Manipulation and Earth Manipulation (via Spell Book), Ice Manipulation (via Ice Sign: Icicle Fall), Regeneration Negation (via Gungnir), Energy Manipulation (via bows, can create ethereal purple magic arrows), Fear Manipulation and Resistance (with Undies of Terror)
- Elemental Manipulation: In-general, these would include the following: Speed Boost (via Dash. Can be used with all the elements he has access to), Weapon Creation, Complex Energy Projection, Various Auras that provide Statistics Amplification, Damage Reduction (via Veil), Limited Duplication, Extrasensory Perception and Resistance Negation, Status Effect Inducement, Energy Projection with Shapeshifting, making for Extra Limbs with varying sizes, Smokescreens, Attack Reflection (via Spike Wall), Forcefield Creation, Limited Absorption of Elements (does not inherit the ability to fully absorb the elements, such as absorbing attacks, but can absorb minor sources such as haywire electrical lines)
- Levin Glaive (Electricity Manipulation): Enhanced Speed Boost (via Super Signal), Regeneration/Healing (High-Low, possibly Low-Mid via Bioelectric Recovery), Limited Magnetism Manipulation (Able to walk on walls, ceilings, and even liquid via electromagnetism), Limited Technology Manipulation/Hacking, Mind Manipulation (Manipulates electricity in the brain to achieve certain effects, such as Sleep Manipulation, Pain Manipulation, Body Puppetry, though he can no longer do something like stopping hearts or brainwaves by absorbing bioelectricity and the like), can increase attack power via manipulating adrenal glands (via Bioelectric Command, except for the first, done by natural electrical means), Enhanced Senses (via Bioelectrecepter. Can also detect electrical sources, currents, and potential differences, even if minute, like human bioelectricity)
- Tellur Glaive (Earth Manipulation): Hazard (via Stone Shards), Burrowing (Concealment, Surprise Attack, and Environmental Manipulation via Subterra Strike), Limited Vibration Manipulation (Can make small, yet powerful, earthquakes to trip enemies), Limited Imprisonment (via rock traps), Seismic Sense (Can sense the vibrations of the earth to detect all beneath or whatever touches a surface, can even send out his own seismic wave to act as an ecolocator to detect things underneath him, such as cave systems), Limited Metal Manipulation (Can theoretically manipulate the earth in metals), Limited Sand Manipulation (Can break down rock to create sand hazards)
- Frigor Glaive (Ice Manipulation): Heat Manipulation, Hazard and Imprisonment, Limited Friction Manipulation (via freezing the ground), Limited Water Manipulation (Can make water whips from melted ice. Can create water but not control it), Status Effect Inducement (via freezing or slowing down), can detect moisture
- Ventus Glaive (Air Manipulation): Limited Vibration Manipulation (Can be used to nullify sound-based attacks), Invisibility (Can refract light, making him or any object he wants invisible), Sound Manipulation, Air Vibration Sensing, Limited Flight (via Air Dashes)
- Ignem Glaive (Fire Manipulation): Heat Manipulation, Explosion Manipulation, Limited Flight, Cauterization, Limited Matter Manipulation (by "softening" and deforming solid structures, Ethan can break through materials more easily), Heat Sensing
- Resistances: Elemental Manipulation (Resistant to everything that's shown above)
Attack Potency: City Block level, possibly Town level (Fought against Ignis on his lonesome for an entire day, a foe who has been repeatedly shown to be one of the strongest characters in the RP at this time, which would make him superior to Chara. Chara in particular unleashed an explosion onto Omega Zero, which was compared to the nuke dropped on Hiroshima, and Omega didn't take any damage from it at all; instead enhancing it the blast with his own energy to make it more destructive. Though Ethan fought Ignis, he was still significantly weaker than him, to the point where just one hit nearly killed him; only almost winning with a strategy if it weren't for civilians) | Large Town level (At least comparable to the rest of the cast, as he's shown easily keeping up with everyone, even while injured), possibly Small City level (Fought on-par against Ignis for some time using Super Signal. Punched Omega Zero hard enough to interrupt his attacks. Survived against Asimov until reinforcements arrived after fighting Ignis)
Speed: Supersonic (Should be comparable to the rest of the cast at minimum by this time, who can easily evade and defend against automatic bullet fire), Massively Hypersonic+ with Lightning Dash and Super Signal (Lightning Dash allows Ethan to move at the speed of lightning, typically blitzing foes like Ignis does. Super Signal allows him to blitz Lala.) | Massively Hypersonic+ (Can move at this speed more consistently by this point. Can keep up with Asimov and Omega Zero.)
Lifting Strength: Unknown (Despite having fractured and broken arms, still managed to help stop Rick from causing a city wide catastrophic earthquake by throwing a massive tree onto his foe)
Striking Strength: City Block Class, possibly Town Class | Large Town Class, possibly Small City Class
Durability: City Block level, possibly Town level (Able to survive a single hit from Ignis), higher with Wall (Able to almost completely block attacksor dramatically reduce damage to almost negligible amounts, even against attacks that would normally one shot him) | Large Town level, possibly Small City level (Survived multiple hits from Ignis this time, as well as from Asimov right afterwards)
Stamina: Comparable to his canon self (Fought Ignis for an entire day, breaking many of his bones, still managed to prevent the catastrophic earthquake by Rick, preform multiple Lightning Dashes, moderate the all four of the Icebound Missions at once, and train Seiko)
Range: Comparable to his canon self
Standard Equipment: Same as his canon self, in addition to:
Equipment: |
Scarlet Devil Mansion[]These weapons are stolen from Ethan's first dungeon in the world of Fate/ (his previous mission), all of which are stored in his Hammerspace. Lævatein (Repica. Light) +10
Kanshou and Bakuya (Repica. Light)
Card of Cards
Clarent (Replica.)
Caladbolg (Replica.)
Critical Throwing Knife x12
Featherweight Knife x2
Spell Book
Ice Sign: Icicle Fall
Gungnir (Replica. Quick. Heavy) +10
Durandal (Replica.)
Ascalon+10 (Replica.)
Stella (Replica.)
Phoebus Catastrophe (Replica.)
Undies of Terror
Luna Dial
Other Loot[]Polyalloy Weapon
Skynet Sidearm
Plasma Lasso
Intelligence: Genius (Despite his mental capabilities being shorted out thanks to an encounter with Asimov, he is still the top martial artist in the RP, mastering every martial art in the world and learning to implement all of those moves into a hybrid “style” which simply became a mastery of the human body in general. He constantly uses science to facilitate his abilities and make them work at all, and against enemy foes such as Asimov’s Flashfield being insulated by his Air, using magnetism and electric based physics for speed boosts, and explaining atmospheric refraction to Seiko so she can cast her own illusions using air. He also defeated Ignis, who stomped him in stats with knowledge of the fire triangle, and in another fight before that he had saved massive amounts of civilians while fending him off. Even though his mental and Xenotribute abilities are now limited, he is capable of thinking up new and more creative ways than ever before, instantly able to create entirely new techniques for new situations, which would normally take at least days of training for a normal Xenowielder)
- Takes IMMENSE concentration to maintain Super Signal, to the point where he can't use anything else other than his own melee skills to fight.
- Has trouble utilizing Currently Existing Technology, due to most of his technology being far too advanced to hold any resemblance to them. Is often cautious enough to believe any unknown presence is an "Enemy Xenowielder".
- A Character is dependent on how real humans perceive them. Thus, if people believe that he is weaker than he actually is, his Influence will lessen, and thus he will actually become weaker. However, considering that the entire military and city know that he managed to fight valiantly against Ignis while saving their lives for an entire day- this is unlikely to happen.
Notable Abilities Somewhat to his canon self, other than those not listed in his Powers and Abilities section. Being pulled from Fate/, he retains his apparent lack of control needed to pull precise tricks that his canon self can provide, but can still create and manipulate elemental constructs.
Key: First Adrift & Gunvolt Arc (Early) | Gunvolt Arc (Late)