FC/OC VS Battles Wiki

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FC/OC VS Battles Wiki

"We are souls of many warriors joined into one. When you fight us, you fight many."


Ermac is a creation of Shao Kahn, and amalgamation of souls gathered into one body to create an incredibly powerful kombatant. He is an obedient servant and a participant in Mortal Kombat.

Powers and Stats[]

Tier: 7-A

Name: Ermac

Origin: Mortal Kombat: Elemental Realm

Gender: Male

Age: Unknown

Classification: Amalgamation of souls

Powers and Abilities: Superhuman Physical Characteristics, Enhanced Senses, Martial Arts, Telekinesis, Flight, Weapon Manipulation

Attack Potency: Mountain Level+ (was deduced by Shikamaru to be even more dangerous than the kombatants from previous fights which includes Rain, Sheeva, and Reptile)

Speed: Massively Hypersonic+ (easily outclassed Shikamaru, comparable to Rain and Sheeva)

Lifting Strength: At least Class G

Striking Strength: Mountain Class+

Durability: Mountain Level+

Stamina: At least superhuman

Range: Standard Melee Range, higher with telekinesis

Standard Equipment: Nonthing notable

Intelligence: Above average (a good martial artist and combat strategist)

Weaknesses: None notable


Notable Victories:

Notable Losses:

Inconclusive Matches:
