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The Darkness Before the Light

Little is known about the Endless Darkness, all that is known is that Darkness inhabited the Earth at the beginning of its creation, when it was disordered, in abyssal chaos, with the deep waters covering the Earth, when the hills and mountains were covered by water...

When the only thing in the sky were thick, dark clouds that prevented sunlight and moonlight from penetrating creation...

Leaving the planet in dense darkness.

However, when Yahweh blew on the surface of the abyssal waters and shouted "let there be light", an intense light illuminated the planet, and this caused a terrible pain in the Darkness that immediately attacked the Creator.
~ Rafael Jackson.


Endless Darkness.

Before the light illuminated the Earth, I had meaning. I had a purpose. Which was to sleep eternally, possessing no conscience, having no will, no emotion, no word, no thought, no action. It just existed in eternal dreaming of never waking up. But when I felt the light in my body, I felt terrible pain and I had my first sense of ego and all satisfaction disappeared. Now I don't know where I come from and I don't even know where I'm going. So say, son of the man, WHO AM I?
~ The Endless Darkness to Asbeel.


The Endless Darkness, also known as Tehom, the Goddess of Darkness, the Bottomless Abyss and Yahweh's shadow, is the primordial personification of darkness and chaos that emerged after the Great Flood, when the Earth was covered by flood waters, leaving the earth without form and void, covered in dense darkness and waters. When God said "let there be light", the light caused terrible pain in the darkness and in extreme despair and fear, the Darkness attacked Yahweh and He was without option forced to imprison the Endless Darkness in Nothingness.

Powers and Stats[]

Tier: 2-C

Name: The Endless Darkness, the Abyss, Tehom, Goddess of Darkness, Chaos, Tiamat, Bottomless Abyss, Yahweh's shadow, the Anti-God, God of Fire and Brimstone.

Origin: Throne of Heaven.

Gender: Genderless.

Age: Inapplicable. Exists beyond time and space.

Classification: Goddess of Darkness, Personification of Abyss, Dark Aspect of God.

Powers and Abilities: Superhuman Physical Characteristics, Abstract Existence (Type 1 and 2; Exists as the personification of chaos and darkness, of abyss and endless, and can be revived independently thanks to this, existing above the physical plane, with all her manifestations on the physical plane being just avatars of her true self), Empowerment (Receives her power directly from humanity's faith and exists thanks to it, needing their faith to have more power), Nonexistence Manipulation, Immortality (Type 1, 3 and 8), Darkness Manipulation (Embodies Darkness, being able to manipulate it freely), Conceptual Manipulation (Type 1), Soul Manipulation, Time Manipulation, Spatial Manipulation, Teleportation, Telepathy, Avatar Creation, Omnipresence, Void Manipulation, Mind Manipulation, Reality Warping, Dream Manipulation, Aura, Portal Creation, Technology Manipulation, Water Manipulation, Weather Manipulation, Omniscience, Invulnerability, Biological Manipulation, Blood Manipulation, Incorporeality

Attack Potency: Low Multiverse level (Equally as powerful as Yahweh)

Speed: Unknown, likely Omnipresent

Lifting Strength: Unknown

Striking Strength: Unknown

Durability: Low Multiverse level

Stamina: Infinite.

Range: Planetary in her true form

Standard Equipment: None notable.

Intelligence: Unknown.

Weaknesses: Light. The Light of God and stars causes her great pain.
