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FC/OC VS Battles Wiki
Princess of Origins
Embla Feuerdrache
Race Human
Nickname Em
Age 17
Gender Female
Eye Color Red
Hair Color Black
Height 5'7
Weight 127 lbs
Blood Type AB-
Affinity Shadows
Arts N/A
General Information
Birthday Siv 13, 7EN 0198
Place of Origin Hnitborg, Midgard
Professional Status
Affiliation Yggdrasil
Team Memento Mori
Personal Status
Relatives Valentina Feuerdrache (Older Sister)
Samuel (Teacher/Father Figure)

I think I understand what she went through now. When I was younger, people always questioned my apprenticeship to my Master. A sage taking a child with no Arts as their student. How laughable.
~ Vol II, Chapter XXV: The Climax of the Tourney

Embla Feuerdrache is the main protagonist and a member of the titular group, Memento Mori. She is a vagabond looking for her missing older sister. Circumstances lead her to the capital city of Midgard, Yggdrasil, after a chance encounter with Shirayuki. There, she met and encountered the party, Memento Mori.


Much of her actual background is unknown but Embla has traveled around the whole of Midgard for seven years. Her sister went missing seven years ago. Due to this, Embla left her village to look for her. Prior to her leaving, Embla learned to fight under Antares of the Twelve, who taught her the Burst, Refraction. She also appears to personally know the Kngiht Commander of the Knights of Midgard. However, much of what she knows is a lie. In a letter left to her by her older sister, Valentina left her due to Embla's life being threatened by one of the council members of Midgard, Kvasir. Fearing for her sister's life, Valentina left her to go on an expedition which had an undetermined return date.

After her encounter with Yuki, Embla went to Midgard in pursuit of a lead. There she met and joined Memento Mori as a guide.


A vagabond that travels the countrysides. Her goal eludes her and loneliness pervades her.

She has yet to see what the end of her journey entails for she has not reached the her of tommorow.

However, a destined encounter with the Princess of Ice might strike the end to her lonely journey.

Embla knows not what she wants. Her goals have been questioned and her world view shattered.

In a contest of power between the fighters of Yggdrasil, she stands ready to point her sword.

Perhaps it is fate that she stands between the long standing rivalry of the Snow and Moon.

And at the end of the long standing fight between the unending illusion of eternity and the fleeting light of setsuna, will she finally have her answer or will it erode before her very eyes?


Embla is described to be a young girl in her late teens. She has long onyx black hair that she keeps styled in a ponytail. She has two bangs that frame the sides of her face, reaching down past her jaw. Her most striking feature is her red eyes, which is described to be as red as blood. She is taller than her female teammates, being the tallest female member of Memento Mori and the third tallest member on the team.

Embla's outfit consists of a hunting outfit and a black hooded cloak. The hunter's outfit consists of a collared sleeveless red shirt and black skintight pants. She wears brown boots that nearly muffle all sound that she makes with each step. On her waist is a belt where a pouch containing several tools hangs.


When first introduced, Embla presented herself as an awkward person, not knowing how to interact with other people. Her mind immediately defaulted to talking about dangers within the woods. She has a tendency to joke around with others, calling Heim an eternal gate guard.

Embla also has a rather sarcastic and snarky way of speaking. She is blunt, having nearly no filter. This is mostly seen when she is around Caelum. Due to her initial animosity towards him, she tends to banter back and forth with him, slinging insults about his hair color and height. Embla also seems to have this dynamic to smaller degree with Pandora.  

She has rather loose morals, living outside of civilization for years. Embla is known to break into places to sleep, swindle people for money, and steal food. Despite this, Embla has shown herself to have some sort of morals. She does not want people to spend money on her nor does she accept charity without paying back. Embla also appears to have a strong sense of justice, stating that if Yuki were to fall in the same situation, she would save her again.

Despite her rather unsavory traits, Embla is a generally nice person to those around her. She expressed concern for Yuki after the mention of Eschamali's presence during the Ataraxia Guild Tournament. She is also empathetic, understanding Yuki's situation and emotions. She has some level of social skill, being able to read people. Embla states that it was a skill she learned in order to get around and haggle. Due to her years on the road, Embla has displayed instances where she is wise beyond her years.

Embla states that she has trouble expressing her emotions sincerely. Multiple instances of this could be seen when she had a hard time expressing her anxiety of leaving to her friends. In addition, Embla appears to express herself through a teasing personality or her actions. An example of this is when she covered up her shock, anger, and grief by teasing Cal when he went to go check on her. She also sympathizes with Yuki's feelings of inadequacy towards her parents as she stated that she also went through it.

Her lack of awareness has led her friends to become concerned for her. An example of this was when she told Yuki that there was absolutely nothing wrong with sleeping in the park. Despite this, Embla is rather intelligent, knowing the ins and outs of travel and tracking. She is also able to discern the layout of an abandoned fortress based on prior experience.

After hearing from Koji that she would no longer receive support from him due to the government, Embla fell apart and felt lost. She admitted to Cal that her entire life revolved around finding her supposedly missing sister and her discovery that she wasn't missing at all, made her feel empty. However, after reading Valentina's letter, Embla's resolve to find her older sister reignited.

One of Embla's biggest concerns and fears is being left alone or being alone. It is ironic due to her traveling Midgard alone for nearly a decade. However, her dislike stems from Valentina's sudden disappearance and her subsequent journey alone. After reading Valentina's letter, Embla expressed to her friends that she didn't like being alone and wished to join their party. Due to years of isolation with very little contact with other intelligent races, Embla secretly yearns companionship but has a hard time displaying that fact.


Volume I[]

Wandering the woods of Midgard, outside of Caine's Village, Embla stumbles upon a wandering Alf. The Alf was hunting a Sabyr and managed to strike it down. However, unaware that Sabyrs had multiple hearts, Embla rescued the Alf before she was killed. The Alf introduced herself as Shirayuki Honokami, and offered to repay her for her help. However, Embla refused and led her to the edge of the forest.

A few days after her encounter with Yuki, Embla heads off to the capital city of Midgard, Yggdrasil, in order to meet with her contact. Her contact had been providing her with information on where her older sister had gone to. However, upon arriving in the city, Embla steals the food of a random bystander in a bid to sate her hunger. Her action ensues a small chase through the city, ending in a small duel. Pressed back against the wall, Embla resorts to kicking her assailant in the groin before fleeing. When she arrives at the Headquarters of the Knights of Midgard, Embla is informed that her informant is currently out on a mission.

Having no choice but to leave once more, Embla opted to stay in the city's Guild, Ataraxia Guild, until her informant returned. Upon entering, Embla encounters her assailant and Yuki. After being invited to dinner, Embla meets the rest of the party. Her assailant's name is Caelum Izayoi. She also meets Pandora Izayoi and Red Magdaros in the Guild. Despite not wanting to invade their space, Embla reluctantly accepts Yuki's invitation to stay at their home until her informant returned. After a few days of staying in their home, Embla decides to go take on a Quest to pass the time. Upon receiving the Quest from the receptionist, Annalise, Embla goes to meet up with the party. At the gates, it is revealed that the quest Embla took is the same quest that Yuki's party is going. Yuki had put in a request for a guide. Without a second thought, Embla accepts her request and continues the quest, temporarily joining the now introduced, Memento Mori.

After a long ride north, Embla and the rest of the party arrive in a small town outside of the Ancient Pines in the Hinterlands of Midgard. They find and track down the Mayor's house, only to discover from the townsfolk that the Mayor had offered himself in order to prevent more of their people from being taken. The five decide to head into the Ancient Pines. Using her tracking skills, combined with Cal's and Pandora's Clairvoyance, Embla was able to help predict an ambush. A fight ensues and Mementor Mori comes out on top. The party captures one of the bandits and interrogates him. They discovered the existence of a fortress deep within the Ancient Pines and that the camp had been occupying it. In addition, they learned that the camp had access to a Gusisnautar, a magical weapon that gathered Mana from Leylines and Prana from the flora and fauna.

Their captive leads them to the Bandit Fortress. After counting how many guards there were, the group discusses who will go in and disable the cannon in the central tower. As Embla was about to volunteer herself, Yuki volunteered herself to go. After a scuffle involving Pandora, the group watches as Yuki enters the camp as a faux prisoner.

Combat Statistics[]

Tier: 9-B, higher with Enhance Parameter. 8-B, possibly higher with Refraction | 9-A, likely higher with Skills and Bursts. 8-B, possibly even higher with Refraction

Classification: Hunter-Class Adventurer

Powers and Abilities:

Superhuman Physical Characteristics, Enhanced Senses (Her skill, Farcast, lets her see across vast distances. In addition, her senses have been honed to high levels due to her years as a hunter), Acrobatics and Surface Scaling, Statistics Amplification via Prana and Enhance Parameter, Electricity Manipulation, Camouflage (Ghille Mimicry is a skill that lets her completely blend in with the background, allowing her to sneak into various locations), Invisibility, Chi Manipulation (Prana is an energy produced by bodily and chemical processes that can be harnessed in order to use martial skills)[1], Very Limited Magic, Light Manipulation, Afterimage Creation (Her Folded Dances allows her to create several solid afterimages to attack her foes simultaneously), Attack Reflection (Her Burst, Refraction, allows her to mimic the property of glass and reflect magical attacks back at their caster with enhanced strength. The stronger the attack, the stronger the reflection[2]), Skilled Hand to Hand Combatant, Skilled Swordswoman

All previous abilities including Magic and Darkness Manipulation (Embla's mana affinity is shadows, however her exact skill with Shadow Element Magic Skills is considered to be beginner due to not having any prior training)[3], Teleportation via Shadow Sneak, Forcefield Creation, Weapon Creation, Imperfect Existence Erasure

Attack Potency: Wall Level (Embla is capable of killing grown men easily with her bare hands. Killed multiple bandits during their mission to the Hinterlands[4]. She can also kill animals as powerful as Sabyrs, large saber toothed cats that roam the forests of Midgard. Comparable to Caelum and Pandora.) City Block Level with Refraction (Refraction is capable of deflecting the shot of a weapon as powerful as a Gusisnautar. The Gusisnautar is a magictech cannon that is capable of destroying an entire city block[5]) | Small Building Level, likely higher (Stronger than her Vol I self. She is capable of damaging Mutated Sabyrs like Cal and Pandora, both of whom use Complex Casting and Burst Skills. Her new skill, Dark Spike, is capable of penetrating a Mutated Sabyr's flesh). City Block Level, likely higher with Refraction

Speed: At least Supersonic (Embla's Eightfold Dance is capable of moving faster than human perception, allowing her to place eight consecutive strikes on her opponent), higher with Enhance Parameter (Enhance Parameter boosts all the user's attributes including speed) | Supersonic, higher with Super Acceleration and Enhance Parameter. Hypersonic with Nimble Shredding

Lifting Strength: Class 1, higher with Enhance Parameter

Striking Strength: Wall Class, higher with Enhance Parameter

Durability: Wall Class, higher with Enhance Parameter

Stamina: High (Constantly traveled the world for years, slaying all manner of beasts while looking for her sister. She is capable of battling for long periods of time and can go for longer without the need to eat food or drink water thanks to her adaptation to harsh environments)

Standard Equipment:

  • Chromatic Slicers: Embla's initial pair of swords. The swords are made of a steel alloy. It has a black grip with a silver guard extending to the pommel. The blade is slightly curved, resembling an unfinished sickle in a way. The swords served Embla for nearly a decade, even before she left her hometown to search for Valentina. The swords were destroyed in a backlash of her Burst.
  • Chromatic Slicers Mk.II: Chromatic Slicers Mk.II are Embla's new swords. The swords retain the design of their original. However, the metals used in making them have changed. According to Durinn, the swords are a steel-mythril alloy, allowing it to withstand a high volume of magic. Embla states that it's perfect for her Burst.

Intelligence: Average. As an adventurer, Embla is a gifted hunter, tracker, and fighter. Despite having no formal secondary education, she is highly knowledgeable in biology and ecology due to her seven years of traveling Yggdrasil. She is knowledgeable with the workings of the Midgard Knights. However, Embla is average in all other subjects.

Weaknesses: She has abandonment issues. Refraction has a negative effect on her body if the attack is too much for her to handle, inflicting heavy internal burns and injuries that can incapacitate her for a fairly long period of time.[6][7]

Powers and Abilities[]

Magical Skills[]

Despite her large reserves of mana, Embla is very inexperienced in the field of magic. Prior to her screening, Embla was unaware of her own Affinity and relied on the meager skills she learned from her teacher. She has demonstrated the capability to use Lightning Magic Skills and Light Magic Skills, however, due to her lack of knowledge, she is only stuck at the basics. Her training with Pandora has shown that Embla's magic skills have improved but to what degree, has yet to be revealed. In the tournament, Embla revealed several new magical skills and has displayed a more refined control over her own mana.

Shadow Affinity Magic: Embla's innate magical element. Shadow Magic involves the control and generation of shadows and dark energy in order to affect her surroundings. This can be manifested in several different ways in an offensive or defensive manner. Embla's skill is still at the beginner level with this magical branch as she has just started training in it.

  • Dark Spike: Dark Spike is a standard Shadow Magic Skill. The user can press their hand on any surface and generate a cascade of spikes made of pure darkness, capable of piercing through even a mutated Sabyr.
  • Shadow Ball: The user manifests and condenses shadow-affinity mana into a condensed ball of energy that they then thrust into the user or throw like a projectile.
  • Crossroads Killing: Crossroads Killing is a Magical Skill used by Embla Feuerdrache. The user coats their blade with a thin layer of shadow affinity mana, enhancing its cutting power and range. The energy can also be released from the blade as a wave of cutting violet power.
  • Shadow Sneak: Shadow Sneak is a Shadow Element Magical Skill that allows the user to teleport to objects imbued with their mana. If there is no such object within range, the user can create a small object with shadow mana and throw it, allowing them to teleport to the object's location.

Lightning Affinity Magic: Lightning Affinity Magic is magic involving the control and generation of lightning and electrical energy. Embla displays some basic skill in this, however, it is just that. Basic.

  • Sparks: Sparks is a beginner level magical skill of the Lightning Affinity. It allows the user to generate and fire a steady stream of electricity at the opponent.

Light Affinity Magic: Light Affinity Magic is magic involving the manipulation and control of light. It is seen as a holy form of magic due to its wide applications. Embla has limited knowledge in this magical affinity.

  • Flash: Flash is a magical skill that even average citizens can learn. The user creates a ball of light to illuminate their surroundings. Flash can also be released in a rapid burst that can stun targets.

Martial Skills[]

Embla is very adept in the manipulation and control of her own prana. Due to this, she is skilled in Martial Skills. Combined with her skill in combat, Embla is a very dangerous opponent to cross blades with for the average person. Her skill allows her to hunt unabated and allowed her to survive for seven years, traveling Midgard in search of her sister.

Skilled Combatant: From the get-go, Embla has demonstrated great skill in combat. Embla has demonstrated that she is capable of fighting unarmed and is skilled with a sword. She uses her natural flexibility to her advantage and uses Prana to enhance her speed and striking strength. Her combat skill is refined, allowing her to fight multiple bandits and kill them, even while her insides were suffering from severe mana burns and her blades were melted into slag. In addition, she was also capable of fighting Cal during their first meeting. She has displayed great spatial awareness, allowing her to sense and perceive attacks from different locations. Later in the tournament, Embla displayed improvement in her combat skill thanks to her training with her master. She was able to push Kaguya, the Apprentice of Eschamali, to her limits in both swordplay and hand to hand combat.

  • Eight Fold Dance: Eight Fold Dance is a Martial Skill involving the use of a bladed weapon. This skill is Embla's primary and most frequently used skill. The skill involves flooding the user's entire body in Prana, enhancing their speed. The user then disappears and attacks the target from eight different directions simultaneously, giving off the illusion of a self-duplication skill.
    • Sixteen Fold Dance: An advanced version of Embla's Eight Fold Dance. The speed is doubled, allowing the user to attack from sixteen different locations simultaneously. The attack leaves sixteen afterimages that have the illusion of weight and mass.
  • Nimble Shredding: A Martial Skill involving the use of a bladed weapon. The user uses Prana to heighten their senses, reflexes, and dexterity. Afterwards, the user unleashes numerous cuts at high speeds. The speeds are said to be too fast for even Kaguya, an extremely adept swordswoman, to perceive and forced her to utilize her Arts, Setsuna, to slow down time and avoid the attacks.

Enhancement Skills: Enhancement Skills are a series of skills that involve boosting the body's physical abilities.

  • Enhance Parameter: Enhance Parameter is a basic Enhancement Skill. The user floods their body with their prana, enhancing their entire body ranging from physical strength, speed, and durability.
  • Farcast: Farcast is an enhancement skill that allows the user to drastically enhance their visual range and acuity. There is a backlash however, as prolonged use can lead to immense strain on the eyes.
  • Super Acceleration: Super Acceleration is a Speed Enhancement Skill that allows the user to go at extremely high speeds over a distance instantly.

Ghille Mimicry: Ghille Mimicry is a skill that masks the user's presence, allowing them to blend in with their surroundings.

  • Hidden Body: Considered to be an advanced version of Ghille Mimicry, the user allows a thin coat of prana to cover their body and warp the light around them. This allows them to become transparent and effectively invisible.


Refraction: Refraction is a special burst taught to Embla by her mentor. Refraction allows the user to reflect energy based attacks back at the caster with seemingly greater power than it was cast. Refraction Burst acts upon the physical law of reflection in which waves such as light and sound are reflected off the reflective medium. Similarly, magic and non-physical phenomena are treated as waves that are reflected off the reflective medium (the user) back at the source medium (the caster).


Unknown Arts: Embla possesses an unknown Arts. It was first showcased during her fight against Kaguya in which her body reacted and activated it to preserve her life. There isn't much known of her Arts other than it can create objects from nothing and fire highly destructive beams of red energy. When she uses her Arts, her left eye turns gold.

Key: Introductory Arc | Volume II


  • Embla's name is a reference to Embla from Norse Mythology. Embla was the first woman alongside her brother-husband, Ask.
    • The word embla has two contested meanings. The generally accepted meaning is Vine while the other meaning is Elm Tree.
  • Embla's character and personality is partly inspired by Raeliana Mcmillan from The Reason Raeliana Ended Up In The Duke's Mansion.
  • Embla is cross-dominant, meaning that they favor one hand for certain tasks and another for others. However, during combat, Embla can use both hands equally well.
  • Embla's swords, Chromatic Slicers, are a reference to the game, Monster Hunter World. In the dual blades evolution tree, there is a weapon known as Chromatic Slicers.
    • The skill, Ghille Mimicry, is a reference to the Ghille Mantle.
  • Several of Embla's skills are references to various games.
    • Her electric magic skill, Sparks, is a reference to The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim.
    • Her skill, Hidden Body, is a reference to Dark Souls.
    • Her skill, Flash, is a reference to Pokemon.
  • The inspiration for her skill, Refraction, is the move, Full Counter, from Nanatsu no Taizai.
  • Her real world birth date is April 13.
  • Embla owned a stuffed wolf named Mr. Fenny. The name is a reference to the Wolf of Ragnarok, Fenrir.
  • Despite her large mana reserves, Embla states that she is very bad at magic, knowing only Sparks and Flash. However, she was seen casting a small flame.


  1. Vol II, Chapter II
  2. Vol I, Chapter IX
  3. Vol II, Chapter II
  4. Vol I, Chapter V
  5. Vol I, Chapter VI
  6. Vol I, Chapter IX
  7. Vol I, Chapter X