“ | I want to say that in the brief time we got stuck close together I become fond of you weirdos, and if we might not survive this ... know that you're the funniest fuckers I have ever had the displeasure to die with |
„ |
Ember is one of the five protagonists of Drite77's Kingsholm Campaign, played by Faruel1998.A young wizard and adventurer who accepted the request from the village of Kingsholm to investigate about the disappearance of some of the townsfolk around the near graveyard. With the aid of some other adventurers and not long after, the help of his old friend Chardwick, Cleric of Aurifar they will discover a mysterious conspiracy lurking underneath the tomb at the opera of a sinister group of people known as Vanguard who charged some grave robbers with the task of retrieving the remains of then ancient king of the very mausoleum in which they were for an unknown goal.
Power and Stats[]
Tier: At least 9-B | 9-A
Key: Level 1-4 | Level 5-8
Name: Ember
Origin: Drite77's Kingsholm Campaign, Dungeons & Dragons
Gender: Male
Age: 25
Height: 180 cm
Classification: Fire Genasi, Wizard/Evoker, Paragnostic Apostle
Powers and Abilities:
Superhuman Physical Characteristics, Weapon Mastery (Ember is proficient in the use of daggers, quarterstaffs, slings, darts and light crossbows), Enhanced Senses (Ember can see 60 ft into pitch black darkness thanks to Darkvision), Statistics Amplification (As a Fire Genasi, Ember's Fire Spells are treated as 1 Caster Level higher than normal, further increased by the feats Fiery Burst and Elemental Spellcasting [Fire] as well as gaining a +1 bonus to the DC of the spells he casts with the energy type [Fire]. In addition he has a +2 bonus on saving throws against Fire based spells and effects), Power Modification and Resistance Negation (The Piercing Evocation Feat allows Ember to change part of the elemental energy of a spell of the school of Evocation with untyped damage in order to overcome Resistances and immunities. With the Eternal Wand of True Casting, Ember gains a momentary bonus to rolls made to overcome Spell Resistance), Non-Physical Interaction, Magic, Fire Manipulation and Explosion Manipulation (Ember can use Fiery Burst, a Supernatural Ability at will capable of creating a small explosion of fire with a radius of 5 ft and a range of 30 ft which can harm creatures in different planes of existence, as well as abstract, intangible, incorporeal, and nonexistent entities), Summoning and Minor Telepathy (Ember as a wizard can summon his familiar which shares a telepathic link with), Acid Manipulation and Electricity Manipulation (Ember carries with him two wands of Acid Splash and Electric Jolt), Healing (Ember carries with him a potion of Cure Moderate Wounds), Forcefield Creation (Ember carries with him an Eternal Wand of Shield, which generates an invisible but tangible field of force that protects him), Size Manipulation (Via the Eternal Wand of Enlarge Person, Ember can make a humanoid creature larger and stronger, increasing the size by one), Information Analysis (Via the Eternal Wand of Identify, Ember can analyze and identify magical objects) | The same as before plus Resistance Negation (Via the metamagic feat Searing Spell, Ember's spells are so hot that they ignores the resistance to fire of creatures affected by the spell, and affected creatures with immunity to fire still take half damage. As a Paragnostic Apostle Ember acquired the ability Manifest Ethos, allowing him to bypass resistances and immunities against creatures of Evil Alignment by treating half of the damage of his spells as Divine Damage), Power Modification (Via the Metamagic School-Focus, he can lower the level requirement of a metamagic feat by one for three spells of the School of Evocation), Holy Manipulation (Via Manifest Ethos, half of the damage of Ember's spells is considered Divine Damage), Damage Boost (Via Lesser Rod of Fiery Spell, Ember can increase the damage of three spell of 3rd level of lower per day, adding one point of damage per die of the spell), Statistics Amplification (Ember carries with him a Cloak of Elvenkind, granting him a +5 bonus on Hide Checks), Instinctive Reaction (With the Eternal Wand of Nerveskitter, Ember can cast the spell Nerveskitter, gaining a bonus of +5 on initiative), Restoration (Ember carries with him a Wand of Repair Light Damage, which repairs constructs)
Magic, Non-Physical Interaction and Reality Warping (All magic is the result of manipulating The Weave, a multiversal construct personified by the Goddess Mystra, which in turn refines the raw power of the entity known as The Serpent while also capable of interacting with creatures in different planes of existence, as well as abstract, intangible, incorporeal, and nonexistent entities), Acid Manipulation (Ember can cast the spell Acid Splash, which generates an orb of acid), Electricity Manipulation (Ember can cast the spell Electric Jolt, which generates a spark of electricity), Light Manipulation and Statistics Reduction (Ember can cast the spell Light on a creature or object, shedding a beacon of light with a radius of 40 ft while the spell Flare generates a flash of dazzling light for one minute against creatures that relies on sight), Extrasensory Perception (With Detect Magic, Ember can sense the presence of magic, learning more information about it as he studies a particular area), Mind Manipulation (Ember can cast the spell Daze,capable of clouding the mind of a humanoid creature and impeding any actions for a brief moment), Forcefield Creation (Ember can cast Mage Armor,, a spell that creates an invisible but tangible field of force that protects his body. Protection from Evil wards a creature from attacks by evil creatures, from mental control, and from summoned creatures. It creates a magical barrier around the subject at a distance of 1 foot),Power Bestowal (With Magic Weapon, Ember can temporarily grant a non-magic weapon magic properties, allowing them to hit intangible opponents and increasing their power), Size Manipulation (With Enlarge Person, Ember can make a humanoid creature larger and stronger, increasing the size by one), Oil Manipulation (With Grease, Ember can create a slippery surface that causes creatures within its area to fall prone), Energy Projection and Homing Attack (With Magic Missile, Ember creates bolts of magical forces that instantly hits his target), Fire Manipulation (With Fire Bolt, Ember can launch a mote of molten rock that can lit ablaze a creature, with Flaming Sphere, Ember can summon a sphere of fire that can command the direction and set ablaze objects and creatures caught in its path), Resistance Negation (With True Casting, Ember gains a momentary bonus to rolls made to overcome Spell Resistance), Information Analysis (With Identify, Ember can analyze and identify magical objects), Status Effect Inducement and Invisibility Negation (With Glitterdust, Ember can summon a cloud of glittering dust that blinds the creatures affected by it and nullifying the ability to become invisible), Statistics Amplification (With Fox Cunning, Ember can increase his intelligence score, making his skill checks that relies on intelligence higher and increasing the save DC of his spells), Gravity Manipulation (Via Feather Fall, Ember can slow the fall of multiple creatures, preventing fall damage) | The same as before but to a greater degree plus Fire Manipulation (Via Aganazzar's Scorcher, Fireball and Channeled Pyroburst), Damage Boost (With Energy Vulnerability, Ember creates silvery tendrils on an area of effect, making the creatures afflicted by the spell taking 50% more damage from a damage type of his choice), Chain Manipulation and Statistics Reduction (With Bands of Steel, Ember can chain a creature of medium size or lower, rendering them helpless on a failed save or entangled on a successful one), Statistics Amplification (With Haste, Ember can increase the speed, durability and attacks of various creatures of his choice within range of the spell. With Mind over Matter, Ember increases the hardness of objects he creates and the defense of barriers such as Mage Armor by 2), Summoning (With Evard's Black Tentacles, Ember can summon black tentacles in an area capable of grappling and crushing every creature caught by them), Omnilingualism (Ember can cast the spell Comprehend Languages, allowing him to understand all spoken language and writings), Absorption and Extreme Resistance to Acid Manipulation, Ice Manipulation, Fire Manipulation, Lightning Manipulation and Sound Manipulation (Ember can cast Protection from Energy, which grants temporary immunity to Acid, Cold, Fire, Electricity or Sound by absorbing 12 points of damage per level)
Attack Potency: Wall Level (As a level 4 character, Ember is more powerful than the baseline casters of Burning Hands) | Small Building Level (Able to cast the spell Fireball)
Speed: Subsonic (Capable of dodging arrows) | Hypersonic+ with High Hypersonic+ reactions (Keeps up with adventurers who can dodge lightning)
Lifting Strength: Athletic Human (With a Strength ability score of 10, Ember is capable of pushing 220 kg in the air)
Striking Strength: Wall Level | Small Building Level
Durability: Wall Level | Small Building Level
Stamina: Athletic
Range: Standard Melee Range, Tens of Meters with various Spells
Standard Equipment: Ember carries his standard adventurer equipment, a Lesser Rod of Fiery Spell, a potion of Cure Moderate Wounds, a Wand of Acid Splash, a Wand of Electric Jolt, a Wand of Repair Light Damage and Eternal Wands of Identify, Enlarge Person, Nerveskitter, True Casting and Shield
Intelligence: Extraordinary Genius (Ember has an intelligence score of 18, he is superior to the greatest possible minds of humanity, barring those with supernatural enhancements, higher with the aid of the Fox Cunning spell and also having academic experience on various fields of knowledge as he is trained in Arcana, Dungeoneering, Religion, Architecture, Local and Planes)
Weaknesses: As a Vancian wizard, Ember may only prepare a limited number of spells per day. Once he has used one, unless he has prepared it twice, he must rest for eight hours before he can prepare it again. If deprived of his spellbooks, he cannot prepare new spells. He must be able to speak and move freely to cast the majority of his spells. To use his Fiery Burst ability he must hold a spell of fire damage from being cast. He cannot learn nor use spells from scrolls or wands of the schools of Illusion and Necromancy as those are his opposed schools. The noncombatant flaw gives him a -2 on melee attack rolls.
Notable Attacks/Techniques:
- Ember
- Feats and Class Features
- Darkvision: Ember can see 60 ft into pitch darkness.
- Fire Focus: Ember's spells that deals Fire Damage as treated as 1 Caster Level higher than normal. He has a +1 Bonus of DC of Spells that deals Fire Damage and +2 Bonus on saves against Spells and other effects that deals Fire Damage.
- [Feat] Elemental Spellcasting (Fire): Ember's spells that deals Fire Damage as treated as 1 Caster Level higher than normal.
- [Feat] Piercing Evocation: 10 points of damage from the Spells of the School of Evocation are treated as untyped to overcome resistances and immunities.
- [Feat] Fiery Burst: Ember's spells that deals Fire Damage as treated as 1 Caster Level higher than normal. As long as Ember holds a spell of 2nd level or higher that deals Fire Damage from being cast, he can use at will a Supernatural Ability capable of creating a small explosion of fire in a range of 30 ft and with a radius of 5 ft.
- [Feat] Metamagic School-Focus (Evocation): Three times per day, Ember can reduce by one level the cost of a metamagic feat applied to a spell of the chosen school.
- Wizard
- Familiar: Ember can summon his familiar, a Hawk with shares an empathic link, spells casted on himself benefits also the familiar if within 5 ft of him and can deliver touch spells through it.
- Scribe Scroll: Ember can scribe on a scroll a spell he knows of, requiring gold and time (1 day at least).
- [Feat] Metamagic Searing Spell: Ember's Fire Spells ignores resistance to fire damage and treat immunity to fire as resistance. Creatures with the cold subtype takes double damage from a Searing Spell.
- Paragnostic Apostle
- Manifest Ethos: Half of the Damage dealt by Ember's spells is considered Divine Damage against Evil Aligned creatures in order to bypass resistances and immunities.
- Mind over Matter: When Ember casts a spell that creates a solid object, its hardness and hit points each increase by 2. When Ember casts a spell that provides an armor bonus, that bonus to AC also increases by 2.
- Spells
- 0th-Level
- Resistance: Subject gains +1 on saving throws.
- Acid Splash: Orb deals 1d3 acid damage.
- Detect Poison: Detects poison in one creature or small object.
- Detect Magic: Detects spells and magic items within 60 ft.
- Read Magic: Read scrolls and spellbooks.
- Daze: Humanoid creature of 4 HD or less loses next action.
- Dancing Lights: Creates torches or other lights.
- Electric Jolt: Spark deals 1d3 electricity damage.
- Flare: Dazzles one creature (-1 on attack rolls).
- Light: Object shines like a torch.Ray of Frost: Ray deals 1d3 cold damage.
- Mage Hand: 5-pound telekinesis.
- Mending: Makes minor repairs on an object.
- Message: Whispered conversation at distance.
- Open/Close: Opens or closes small or light things.
- Arcane Mark: Inscribes a personal rune (visible or invisible).
- Prestidigitation: Performs minor tricks.
- 0th-Level
- 1st-Level
- Protection from Evil: +2 to AC and saves, counter mind control, hedge out elementals and outsiders.
- Shield: Invisible disc gives +4 to AC, blocks magic missiles.
- Grease: Makes 10-ft. square or one object slippery.
- Mage Armor: Gives subject +4 armor bonus.
- Identify: Determines properties of magic item.
- True Casting: +10 bonus on Spell Penetration check on the next spell cast.
- Magic Missile: 1d4+1 damage; +1 missile per two levels above 1st (max 5).
- Kelgore's Fire Bolt: 1d6/level fire damage (max 5d6).
- Enlarge Person: Humanoid creature doubles in size.
- Feather Fall: Objects or creatures fall slowly.
- Magic Weapon: Weapon gains +1 bonus.Magic Weapon: Weapon gains +1 bonus.
- Comprehend Languages: You understand all spoken and written languages.
- 2nd-Level
- Glitterdust: Blinds creatures, outlines invisible creatures.
- Flaming Sphere: Creates rolling ball of fire, 2d6 damage, lasts 1 round/level.
- Aganazzar's Scorcher: Creates a line of scorching fire, 1d8/2 levels fire damage.
- Fox’s Cunning: Subject gains +4 Int for 1 min./level.
- 3rd-Level
- Energy Vulnerability: Creatures up double the Hit Dice or lower takes 50% more damage from acid, cold, electricity, fire, or sonic, 10-ft radius.
- Bands of Steel: A creature of medium size or lower is immobilized (helpless) on a failed save or entangled on a successful one.
- Fireball: 1d6 damage per level, 20-ft. radius.
- Haste: One creature/level moves faster, +1 on attack rolls, AC, and Reflex saves.
- Protection from Energy: Absorb 12 points/level of damage from one kind of energy between acid, cold, fire, electricity or sound.
- 4th-Level
- Channeled Pyroburst: 1d4 fire damage per level (max 10d4) as a swift action against a creature, 1d6 (max 10d6) as a standard action, 10-ft radius, 1d8 (max 10d8) as a full round action, 15-ft radius, 1d10 (max 10d10) as two full rounds, 20-ft radius.
- Black Tentacles: Tentacles grapple all within 20 ft. spread.
Notable Victories:
Notable Losses:
Inconclusive Matches: