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Fanmade Marble Hornets Mask Render

The Figure's Mask


Elliot "Eli" Owens, also known as The Figure, is an unwilling Proxy of The Operator. Back in 2007 Elliot found a tape for a canceled student film, he decided to post it to 4Chan. A few days later he was lured and attacked by Alex in Rosewood Park, albeit he survived. Later in October 11th, 2009 he finds a post from Jay. He later talks to Jay about the Marble Hornets trailer (this time using a recently made account in fear of being found by Alex), however nothing comes up of it. He later messages Jay about the location of Brains house.

Elliot discovers that he had been in a trance under The Operators control thanks to a camera. He discovers that in Summer 2006 he left dead animals at Brains house (which he later gives the location to Jay but doesn't mention the animals), that he harmed and/or killed people, and that he tried to kill Alex pre Entry #16. On May 1st, 2010 Elliot went to a lake to end his life, he believes he needs to suffer despite not being in control, the lake is connected to ToTheArk so he likely lived and is MIA.

Powers and Stats[]

Tier: 9-C, Higher via Gun, Far Higher via KE, Wall Level via Car

Name: Elliot Owens (Full Name), Eli (Nickname), The Figure (Alternate Persona)

Origin: Marble Hornets, possibly Incorporated into The Slenderverse

Gender: Male

Age: 20 during MH Filming (Summer 2006, Born March 1986), 21 in 2007, 23 - 28 during the Webseries (June 20th, 2009 to June 20th, 2014)

Height: 5'4 / 1.63 m

Weight: Around 133 lb / 60.32 kg

Kill Count: At Least 3 - 4 Directly He has killed people because of The Operator.), 3 Harmed (Indirectly; Sent Jay to Brains house furthering the plot, Jay harmed Masky. Directly; Tried to kill Alex). At Least 5 - 6 Total

Classification: Human, Serial Killer via Brainwashing, Paranormal Investigator, Bartender

Powers and Abilities:

Resistance to:

Attack Potency: Street Level (Is athletic for his age. Can fight Alex. Left dead animals at Brains house, presumably squirrels, opossum, raccoons, or other small animals. Overpowered men and women killing them {85.11 to 307.2 J}.), Higher via Gun (A S&W Model 19; Uses .357 S&W Magnum which can produce 731 J to 1062 J.), Far Higher via KE (Weighing at 60.32 kg and running at 7.7 to 10.03 m/s he can generate 1788.2 to 3034.123 J), Wall Level via Car (Based on size alone. No feats)

Speed: Likely Athletic Human Travel Speed (Is an athletic person, despite being hit in the head he got out of sight from others. Possibly outpaced small animals with some reaching speeds in this level). Transonic to Supersonic Attack Speed via Gun (.357 S&W Magnum can reach 370 to 440 m/s.), Superhuman to Subsonic Travel Speed via Car (Speeds on roads usually have 40 mph limit as the min and can go up to 100+ mph)

Lifting Strength: Athletic Human+, possibly Peak Human (Can support his own weight {60.32 kg}, with ease {90.49 kg}. Can fight with Alex who crushed a mans skull {Min 500 kgf} in 4 hits {Min 125 kgf}. Overpowered people struggling with some and others not {112.125 to 199 kg}), At Least Class 5+ via Car (Cars weigh a min 2000 kg in america and can easily hold its own weight {Min 3000 kg}.)

Striking Strength: Street Level (Punched a man hard enough to knock him down), Higher via Gun, Far Higher via KE, Wall Level via Car (Based on size alone. Can generate a min 319,751.619 to 1,998,447.62 Joules at 2000 kilos.)

Durability: Street Level (Survived being hit by Alex who overpowered him. People have fought back as he killed them {85.11 to 307.2 J}. Ran into a Wall chasing someone {1788.2 to 3034.123 J} and broke his nose {241 J} equaling to 2029.2 to 3275.123 J.), Wall Level via Car (Based on size alone, a car can survive crashing into another car.)

Stamina: Peak Human (Survived an attack from Alex to the point he considered Elliot dead, this healed over 2 years with only slight damage left. Comparable to other Characters. Under control he can take hits that would keep others down or slow them and keep fighting as well as leaving the scene.), Superhuman via Car (A car can go 5 to 10 miles per gallon and have 15 to 18.5 gallons, assuming you drive 40 mph then it will last 1.88 - 4.63 hours of non-stop movement and the car can always be refilled.)

Range: Standard Melee Range, Extended Melee Range via Car, Tens of Meters via Gun

Standard Equipment: Standard Human Weapons, Smith & Wesson Model 19

  • Optional Equipment: Uses His Environment, Camera, Car

Intelligence: Average to Above Average in General (Finished High school and could have gone to college but didn't. Knows how to bartend and make different types of alcoholic drinks.), Above Average in Planning (Decided to record himself leading to his Alternate Persona discovery. Armed him self with a gun to kill Alex, albeit failed.)

Weaknesses: Regular Human Weakness. Doesn't remember anything from his time as The Figure.


  1. This is a fan made character that was made and own by Gothic Autumn.
  2. This character exist in The Marble Hornets universe which contains; Marble Hornets Webseries, Marble Hornets Comics, Clear Lakes 44, ECKVA, and the Always Watching; A Marble Hornets Film. While its Unconfirmed it is possible for Slender: The Arrival to be canon as they have the same creator.
    1. In an interview (2013) they did state that Slender: The Arrival was not canon It's possible this was changed. They stated they wanted to stay in their Bubble with the Webseries but later connected a movie, comics, and side stories.
    2. It's possible the MH is apart of the Slenderverse with The Operator and Slenderman being two different entities.


Notable Victories:

Put some notable/good matches that result in the character's victory.

Notable Losses:

Put some notable/good matches that result in the character's loss.

Inconclusive Matches:

Put some notable/good matches with the results still unclear.
