Elena Ulysses is a minor antagonist in Collapse, being a patriotic soldier tricked into fighting for the wrong side. Thanks to her story, she was rewarded the name 'The Victim' by Nyarlathotep. She consistently fought against the Rebels, believing that they were terrorists attempting to kill everyone in their sight. But across their many scuffles, she would slowly begin to learn about the truth. But before she could act on it, she was killed by Nyarlathotep, leaving her only children to live without a mother.
Elena's appearance is unique amongst the rest of her peers as her hair is actually a natural red instead of being dyed. Pair this with her almost silver and gold-like eyes, she easily stands out as an odd one in the crowd. This is especially true thanks to her build, being rather stocky and even some muscle showing from underneath her clothing. Thanks to how many times she has fought, in various wars and otherwise, her skin has become quite tanned. In any case, she wears a black military jacket embroidered with gold on top of a dark gray button-up shirt, often having a red tie. Lastly wearing a pair of black khakis that run down to black dress shoes.
Elena is a rather happy and energetic individual, always wanting to try and do the right thing. She is someone who thrives off of interaction with others, though very gullible. Her personality is described as 'infectious' in the good way, with her happy persona often making others feel better. She is often the one to lighten up the mood and raise the morale when stakes are low. She can be a bit patriotic too, always putting her life on the line for the good of others in her care. There is even a bit of a weapon-nut within her, being a bit interested in the prospect of new weaponry.
Combat Statistics[]
Tier: Low 6-B
Powers and Abilities:
Superhuman Physical Characteristics, Immortality (Types 1, 2, 3, and 8: Reliant on her nonexistent self), Regeneration (Up to High-Godly: Came back from the destruction of her abstract information), Extrasensory Perception and Non-Physical Interaction (Can see and interact with Corrupted Ones), Enhanced Senses (Was able to sense Nakano despite her being invisible), Acausality (Types 2 and 4: Corrupted Ones do not exist within the confines of time and no longer abide by cause and effect, instead being entities that simply "are"), possibly Beyond-Dimensional Existence (Type 1: Corrupted Ones are entities that have no form in space or flow within time, but still being seen by the Outer Gods), Incorporeality, Nonexistent Physiology (Nature Type 1, Aspect Types 1, 2, 4, and 5: Corrupted Ones no longer have any physical body and all aspects of their existence are erased, even including their own probability. Elena still has a mind however), Master Martial Artist and Weapon Mastery (Is skilled in martial arts and wielding various weapons), Durability Negation (Attacks on all planes of existence, including the mental, spiritual, conceptual, information, and probable), Information Analysis (Was able to scan and tell Nakano's weaknesses), Sleep Manipulation and Dream Manipulation (Can forcibly put people to sleep and create nightmares), Morality Manipulation, Empathic Manipulation, Fear Manipulation, Memory Manipulation, and Mind Manipulation (Types 1, 2, and 3) (Corrupted Ones are capable of inducing fears so immense that they alter the mind and morality of their opponents), Existence Erasure and Void Manipulation (Can erase all aspects of a target up to their information)
Immunity to Biological Manipulation, Blood Manipulation, Body Control, Matter Manipulation (Molecular), Density Manipulation (Corrupted Ones do not have a physical body or matter that can be altered, nor can their density can be changed as they do not have physical density), Resistance to Fear Manipulation, Morality Manipulation, Perception Manipulation, Mind Manipulation, Pain Manipulation, and Madness Manipulation (Types 2 and 3) (Resisted alterations to her mind and even perception of the world, has an incredibly high pain tolerance and could survive witnessing the Outer Gods), Death Manipulation and Life Manipulation (Could survive and resist death being forced upon her and her life-force being stolen), Illusion Manipulation (Could break out of an illusion), Petrification (Survived and resisted being petrified), Power Nullification (As their abilities are already nonexistent, a Corrupted Ones' power cannot be nullified by conventional means), Transmutation (Resisted being transmuted)
Attack Potency: Small Country Level (Should be comparable, if not, stronger than the Shoggoth. Fought against the Rebels after they defeated it and was able to keep up with their strength in combat)
Speed: At least FTL (Could keep up with the Rebels in terms of speed)
Lifting Strength: At least Class T (Was able to grapple with Nakano)
Striking Strength: Small Country Class
Durability: Small Country Level
Stamina: Infinite. Corrupted Ones are beings of infinite stamina as such a concept was removed from their existence.
Range: Standard Melee Range, Tens of Kilometers with abilities (Her abilities are comparable to a Presence)
Standard Equipment: Twin swords
Intelligence: Above Average (Was able to consistently score at the top of her class and is smarter than the average individual)
Standard Tactics: Elena will often fight against the opponent on equal terms, using her swords and engaging in melee combat. She doesn't use the abilities and hax offered to Corrupted Ones, only really having their physiology. Besides this, she will often use her skill in an attempt to overwhelm her foe.
Weaknesses: Doesn't use the full abilities of a Corrupted One. Can become corrupted and lose her sense of self through violence and negative thoughts.
Notable Attacks/Techniques:
Quasi-Corrupted One Physiology: As a being who has not lost their entire sense of self just yet, Elena is an entity that is half human and half corrupted. Because of this, she has access to the physiology and abilities that all Corrupted Ones share and still have her mind intact.
Key: Base