Duplication is the ability to multiply an object or person.
Users can instantly and exactly replicate targets. Some may be able to make themselves replicate hundreds of times, others may pick up an object and duplicate that instead. Most users have both of these abilities as their clothes are often copied with their bodies. Some also have the ability to remove their copies as quickly as they were made. Biological properties are exactly the same, however each copy will have different experiences and therefore may gain independent personalities over time. Copies always cooperate, always having the same mind, and goals.
- Copies may require close proximity to the user
- Energy is used in creating copies, so a limit may be set on the number or size of the copies
- Infection or damage to a copy may return to the user upon assimilation
- Concentration may be required to maintain copies
- Pain or struggle could cause copies to become distressed as well
- If there are problems with the copying process duplicates may have physical or mental setbacks
- Copies may be weaker than the original
- Instant Army: Have an instant endless and powerful army at users disposal
- Misdirection: Have a copy run in opposite direction to fool a follower.
- Flood: Copy an item and have it overrun an area (like water)
- Temporal Copy: To create a copy from the past.
- Scurra (Sword Art Online: The Tabletop RPG)
- Celys (Siro Intruders)
- Tracy Barrett (Abnormalverse)
- Drake Biggs (Kitty Pride)