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FC/OC VS Battles Wiki
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A traveling Bard, Dick. G. Maxiem. was part of the group that slew the Scale Queen. He is now currently a member of the Dragonskull Pirates, being one of its leading council and one of the strongest people on its board.

Powers and Stats[]

Tier: 9-A | 8-C

Key: Stormwreck Isle | Beneath Stormwreck isle

Name: Dick. G. Maxiem.

Origin: D&D Homebrew

Gender: Male

Age: 89 | 80

Classification: Half-Elf Lore Bard, Dragonskull Pirate

Powers and Abilities:

Magic (As a Bard Dick can cast various spells), Non-Physical Interaction (His magic can affect incorporeal and intangible beings), Weapon Mastery (As a Bard Dick is adept in using all simple weapons, hand crossbows, longswords, rapiers, shortswords, and light armor[2]), Statistics Amplification (Via Bardic Inspiration[3]), Healing (Via Song of Rest[4]), Mind Manipulation (Via Cutting[4] Words[5]), Acrobatics (As a Bard Dick has partial knowledge in all fields, which coupled with his natural nimbleness makes him a decent acrobat), Social Influencing (Dick is trained in lying, intimidation, and persuasion. In the latter he has expertise, which combined with 20 charisma makes even his worst attempts better than a regular person. His charisma score being 20 also makes his general social skills superior to anything a regular person can achieve)

Healing (Has various healing items on him), Stealth Mastery (Via Boots of Elven Kind[14])

Attack Potency: Small Building level (Harmed the Fire Snake) | Building level (Stronger than before, superior to the likes of Zinrun, who could destroy a tower's floor)

Speed: Subsonic (Comparable to Mildrow who dodged close range electricity) | Subsonic, Subsonic+ via Haste (Can double his speed with Haste)

Lifting Strength: Athletic Human (Due to having a strength score of 15 he can at max push 190.509 kg) | Athletic Human

Striking Strength: Small Building level | Building level

Durability: Small Building level | Building level

Stamina: Superhuman (Comparable to other adventurers who can keep fighting after losing limbs) | Superhuman

Range: Extended Melee Range via rapier, Varies from Several Meters to Tens of Meters via magic | Extended Melee Range via melee weapons, Varies from Several Meters to Tens of Meters via magic. Tens of Meters via Wrath of Grafaur

Standard Equipment: A rapier, leather armor, various healing items, and a disguise kit | Same as before plus a magical gun, crossbow, Dragontooth Dagger, Heward’s Handy Spice Pouch, and Wind Fan
Optional Equipment: None notable | Scroll of Detect Magic

Intelligence: Above Average (While he possesses only 8 intelligence, Dick's Bard training makes it so he doesn't fall short of regular people in academic fields. Alongside that he is also skilled at handling animals, survival, sleight of hand, and his Bardic training gives him partial knowledge in practically any field), Gifted in combat (Dick is skilled in using various weapons alongside being adept in stealth), Genius socially (Has 20 charisma, making him above the peak of what a regular human can achieve. He also has expertise in persuasion, making even his worst attempts better than what a regular person can do) | Gifted (Now he has 10 intelligence, making so his various expertise and bard training elevate him far above a normal person), Genius socially

Weaknesses: Can not have Bane, Invisibility, and Suggestion active at the same time | Same as before alongside not being able to have Detect Magic, Fear, Gust of Wind, Haste, and Polymorph active at the same time as the previously mentioned spells

Notable Attacks/Techniques:

  • Generic Features
    • Bardic Inspiration: As a Bard Dick can perform a quick music piece that amplifies a person's performance.
    • Song of Rest: While he and his allies rest, Dick can play a melody that increases everyone's recovery abilities.
  • Collage of Lore
    • Cutting Words: As a Lore Bard Dick can use his words to befuddle enemies to such a degree that they become worse at whatever action they try to do.

  • Mending: By spending one minute with an object Dick can fix up one break or tear in an object so long as it's not one foot large. He can use this spell to fully heal constructs over a day, with one use per day working like a Cure Wounds.
  • Message: Dick can point towards one creature within 120 feet and whisper a message only they can hear. The spell can be blocked by one foot of stone, one inch of common metal, a thin sheet of lead, or three feet of wood blocks.
  • Viscous Mockery: Dick can fling insults laced with magic at enemies, which causes his target to suffer mental damage while making their next attack less accurate.

  • Bane: This spell lets Dick target three creatures to debuff all their actions, with upcasting the spell through higher level slots letting him target more creatures. The range of this spell is 30 feet.
  • Earth Tremor: With this spell Dick generates a tremor of a 10-foot radius around himself, knocking enemies nearby prone while harming them.
  • Healing Word: A spell that allows Dick to heal a single target he sees within 60 feet of himself.
  • Ray of Sickness: With this spell, Dick spawns three green rays which poison those that get hit by it. By upcasting this spell Dick can spawn another beam for each spell level above 1st. The range of this spell is 60 feet.

  • Invisibility: The spell makes one creature Dick touches and anything they carry invisible for 1 hour, however, if they attack someone or use a spell the invisibility wears off. By upcasting this spell Dick can effect one other creature for each spell slot above 2nd.
  • Suggestion: By talking to a target Dick can implant a course of action into their mind, with the effect lasting for either 8 hours or until the action is completed. Dick can not command someone to do obviously harmful stuff to them such as self-harm or going into a trap.

  • Boots of Elvenkind: These boots do not produce any sound and alongside that, they increase Dick's general ability to move around silently.

Alongside the spells from before besides Earth Tremor, he has:

  • First Level
    • Dissonant Whispers: Dick can whisper a discordant melody, delivering incredible psychic damage and pain to a single target. The target is in such pain it forces them to run away as far as they can from Dick as an immediate response to this spell. The range of this spell is 60 feet.
  • Second Level
    • Blindness/Deafness: Dick can target one creature within 30 feet that he can see and make them either blind or deaf for 1 minute. Upcasting this spell allows him to target additional creatures.
    • Enthrall: Dick can utter strings of words which magically distract other entities, making so they have a hard time perceiving any creature besides Dick. If Dick or his allies are fighting said creatures have an easier time resisting this spell. The range of this spell is 60 feet and it lasts up to a minute.
  • Third Level
    • Dispel Magic: This spell allows Dick to cancel magical effects of his choosing within a 120 feet range.
    • Fear: For one minute Dick spawns an illusion of what each creature in a 30 feet cone finds the most horrifying. While around and in view of the victim, they will try to run as far away as they can or until they have no line of sight with the illusion.
    • Mass Healing Word:[28] A more powerful version of Healing Word, with this spell Dick can target six creatures at once.
    • Haste: Dick can choose one willing target he sees within 30 feet to double their speed. Once this spell is finished for the next 6 seconds the target of the spell can act at all.
    • Slow: In a 120 feet radius Dick can choose up to 6 creatures within a 40-foot radius of one another and slow time around them, making them slower.
  • Fourth Level
    • Polymorph: Dick can transform one creature into an animal of his choosing that is on the same level or lower than the target. The range of this spell is 60 feet.

  • Countercharm: Dick can play music that interferes with magic that targets one's mind. While playing, Dick and allies within 30 feet of himself are more resistant to magic which tries to either charm or frighten them.
  • Collar of Underwater Breathing: While this collar is on Dick, whenever he goes underwater it generates an air bubble around his head which allows him to breathe.
  • Dragontooth Dagger: Made from the tooth of an unknown predator, this magical weapon also delivers extra acid damage on whoever it hits.
  • Scroll of Detect Magic: This scroll allows Dick to cast Detect Magic once, destroying the scroll in the process. When used it allows Dick for 10 minutes to sense the presence of magic in a 30 feet radius. The spell is blocked by 1 inch of metal, 1 foot of stone, a thin sheet of lead, and 3 feet of dirt or wood.
  • Wrath of Grafaur: A magical gun which has 4 charges in it. Each use of it shoots an energy beam which homes onto a target Dick can see within a 120 feet range. This weapon regains all of its charges in 8 hours.
  • Wind Fan: Dick can wave this fan to cast Gust of Wind,[29] allowing him to blast enemies with a powerful wave of air. This leaves behind a line of strong wind which is 60 feet long and ten feet wide, with Dick choosing what direction it goes. This wind is strong enough to push enemies and disperse vapor. This spell lasts for one minute.


Notable Victories:

Notable Losses:

Inconclusive Matches:


  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 Player's Handbook 5e Page 39
  2. Player's Handbook 5e Page 52
  3. Player's Handbook 5e Page 53
  4. 4.0 4.1 4.2 Player's Handbook 5e Page 54
  5. Player's Handbook 5e Page 55
  6. 6.0 6.1 Player's Handbook 5e Page 259
  7. Player's Handbook 5e Page 285
  8. Player's Handbook 5e Page 216
  9. Elemental Evil's Player Companion Page 17
  10. Player's Handbook 5e Page 250
  11. Player's Handbook 5e Page 271
  12. Player's Handbook 5e Page 254
  13. Player's Handbook 5e Page 279
  14. Dungeon Master's Guide 155
  15. Player's Handbook 5e Page 219
  16. Player's Handbook 5e Page 231
  17. Player's Handbook 5e Page 277
  18. Player's Handbook 5e Page 234
  19. Player's Handbook 5e Page 238
  20. Player's Handbook 5e Page 239
  21. Player's Handbook 5e Page 250
  22. Player's Handbook 5e Page 266
  23. Player's Handbook 5e Page 257
  24. Player's Handbook 5e Page 224
  25. Xanathar's Guide to Everything Page 137
  26. Dungeon Master's Guide 5e Page 213
  27. Tyranny of Dragons [Anniversary Edition] Page 178
  28. Player's Handbook 5e Page 258
  29. Player's Handbook 5e Page 224


Discussion threads involving Dick. G. Maxiem