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FC/OC VS Battles Wiki
FC/OC VS Battles Wiki
Death Coyote placeholder


It's Death Coyote season! And these guys are looking very HUNGRY!
~ Colton about The Death Coyotes


Deathus Canis latrans or Death Coyotes is one of the most dangerous species in Stick Shenanigans, being a coyote but with more dangerous attributes.

First discovered in 1780 in the Sandy Deserts they were soon reported not to be encountered nor mess with unless you brought some kind of weapon, soon years later Three heroes got sent there via an explosion which they wiped out 5 without them putting up a fight, soon more others didn't get scared of them driving them to the endangered point.

Powers and Stats[]

Tier: Varies between 9-C to 9-B, at most Low 7-C

Name: Deathus Canis latrans, Death Coyote

Origin: Stick Shenanigans

Gender: Varies

Age: Varies

Classification: Deathus Canis latrans

Powers and Abilities:

Attack Potency: Varies from Street Level (Can stomp normal Stickmen who can break off normal locks, which would require this amount of energy, and tank attacks from each other), to Wall Level (Can harm other Death Coyotes), at most Small Town level+ (Can harm Epic Gang members with their claws)

Speed: Relativistic+ (Can keep up with Epic gang members)

Lifting Strength: Class 1 (Can rip limbs off)

Striking Strength: Varies from Street Level to Wall Level, at most Small Town level+

Durability: Varies from Street Level (Can no-sell attacks from normal Stickmen who can break off normal locks, which would require this amount of energy), to Wall Level (Can survive getting slammed into a wall after getting hit by a car which would take this much energy), at most Small Town level+ (Can tank attacks from Epic Gang)

Stamina: Peak Human (The longest reported energy exerted from a Death Coyote was when one stood up 2 days whilst stalking it's prey)

Range: Standard Melee Range

  • Can Create/Summon: More Death Coyotes

Intelligence: Animalistic

Standard Tactics: They will start by stalking the foe and attempt to bite them

Weaknesses: None notable


Notable Victories:

Notable Losses:

Inconclusive Matches:
