Crow (Real Name: Unknown) is a person born with the sollertia gene, a gene which gives people extraordinary abilities. Crow was born with the apperance of a bird, and had large wings to come along with it. Crow was a rare case where he was born to parents who did not have the sollertia gene.
After being horrified by how their child looked, Crow was abandoned by his parents, being forced to raise himself. As an adult, he eventually got a job as a janitor at a middle school, where he was often made fun of for his appearance. He would eventually find out he had a younger brother, Bladed Wings, and taught him how to fly and fight.
Crow eventually found out about an ex-hero named Liam Sternberg, and quickly adopted his beliefs, believing that those without the sollertia gene were the reason why he was forced to grow up raising himself. He would eventually be trained by Liam and be tasked to get the attention of a pro hero team, but instead ended up attacking Adam, Sam, and Ben while they were hanging out together outside of school. The 3 students faught back, and eventually defeated Crow. Crow would then go on to assist in the final battle before getting killed by Isaiah, with his death motivating Bladed Wings to join Liam
Personal Statistics[]
Name: Unknown
Nickname: Crow
Origin: Hero's Oath
Classification: Human, Sollertia user, Manbird
Gender: Male
Age: 53
Status: Deceased
Combat Statistics[]
Tier: 8-B
Powers and Abilities: Superhuman Physical Characteristics, Accelerated Development (People with the sollertia gene are capable of gaining muscle at incredibly fast rates), Skilled Martial Artist (Was trained in hand-to-hand combat by Liam. Could fight with Adam, although he was slightly outskilled. Trained Bladed Wings), Flight, Enhanced Senses (Has the eyesight of a hawk and impeccible hearing), Natural Weaponry (Has claws on his hands. Can throw his own feathers at people as weapons)
Attack Potency: City Block level+ (Can harm Sam. Did decent damage to buildings during his rampage)
Speed: Subsonic Travel Speed (Was a struggle to keep up with for Adam) with Relativistic Reaction and Combat Speed (Scalable to Adam)
Lifting Strength: Class K (Could restraign Adam for a while, although Adam did eventually break out)
Striking Strength: City Block level
Durability: City Block level+ (Tanked attacks from a base Adam and Ben's sand attacks)
Range: Standard Melee Range, Tens of Meters with Feathers
Standard Equipment: None Notable
Intelligence: Above Average (Is a skilled fighter. Can use his feathers skillfully in battle. Outmanuvered Sam for a little while and was implied to have taught Bladed Wings how to fight)
Notable Attacks/Techniques: None Notable
Weaknesses: None Notable
Notable Victories:
Notable Losses:
Inconclusive Matches: