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FC/OC VS Battles Wiki
Crabbius South


Crabbius Whaler is widely considered to be the right-hand man of the military forces of the Kingdom of Wratholme, for although he lacks the authority to field the men himself (that honor falling to Lazarus), he is undoubtedly one of the kingdom's greatest warriors in terms of raw brute strength. A bladedancer of legendary talent, Crabbius wields the greatsword Tarasios' Justice, a relic of the kingdom of Inhibo stolen away from a battlefield between them and the Knights of Ulrik early into Wratholme's existence. Down the years of his contributions to the colony, Crabbius has fought much of his lord's battles, frequently serving as a frontline warrior in the defense of Castle Aegis as well as one of the first warriors sent in any offensive mission.

Powers and Stats[]

Tier: At least 8-C, likely High 8-C, higher via Phase Strike

Name: Crabbius Whaler, The Steel Tower

Origin: Be My Rimworld Pawns

Gender: Male

Age: 33

Classification: Warspawn

Powers and Abilities: Superhuman Physical Characteristics, Weapon Mastery, Martial Arts (Crabbius is one of Wratholme's greatest warriors, and certainly one of the best martial fighters in the solar system; his skill is considered to be legendary on his home planet), Damage Reduction (Thanks both to his natural physiology and the soul alchemy that made him into a Warspawn, Crabbius significantly reduces incoming damage), Forcefield Creation (Early into Wratholme's development, Crabbius received a high-tech shield belt from the Imperium as a gift for assisting with a band of brigands; although he cannot change the settings of the belt, it deflects projectiles entirely), Statistics Amplification (Crabbius knows many techniques that increase his baseline statistics, such as Heavy Blow, which allows him to strike harder with more force, or Thick Skin, to even further reduce damage to a fraction of what he might take when hit, or Fighter's Focus, which inures him to pain and stress; furthermore, he wears a Ring of Haste that boosts his walking speed), Regeneration (Low-Mid, he can actively focus his body to fight off disease and heal back from even deep, organ-damaging wounds at a pace far exceeding a normal human; this is assisted by his Warspawn modifications, which in tandem allow him to regenerate from light wounds even as they occur, while more severe attacks can be healed from in minutes or hours), Accelerated Development (Warspawns develop and adapt to all forms of combat at a vastly heightened rate compared to humans, capable of learning new combat styles nearly as quickly as they can see it), Teleportation, Damage Boost (Crabbius is a master of the technique called Phase Strike, which allows him to perform a long-range teleport mixed with a critical strike at a target where he teleports to), Earth Manipulation (Crabbius can strike the earth to create a seismic shockwave directed in a straight line out from him, harming enemies greatly), Construction (Crabbius can magically repair his own gear at a rapid rate), Aura, Fire Manipulation (Crabbius can surround himself with a flaming aura that burns all enemies nearby rapidly; the tradeoff is that it also deals light burns to Crab, but also treats all of his wounds as they occur), Longevity (Warspawns possess a substantially longer lifespan compared to humans, with the average Warspawn living over 150 years), Light Manipulation, Afterimage Creation (Crabbius wields a Displacer Beast Shield, which bends light to create illusory afterimages of him, making it that much harder to hit him accurately)

Attack Potency: At least Building level, likely Large Building level (Crabbius is more than capable of battling high-end threats with relative ease, including one-shotting creatures like the Feralisk Clutch Mother; he can contend with the greatest threats of the cosmos, such as the Cthonian and Cthulhi, although doing so is pushing the upper limits of his capabilities alone), Large Building level via Phase Strike (His Phase Strike can and has reliably killed Cthonians in a single hit; Cthulhi are more resistant to his damage, however)

Speed: Peak Human (Crabbius moves with immense speed even whilst walking, achieving a casual pace of about 11.79 m/s), Subsonic+ reaction speed (He can contend with Sanguophages on-par with Mad Dog)

Lifting Strength: Class 25 (Every colonist can easily pick up and haul a Paraceratherium, which weighs over 15 metric tons)

Striking Strength: At least Building level, likely Large Building level, Large Building level via Phase Strike

Durability: At least Building level, likely Large Building level (Has endured direct punches from Cthulhi, and tanked magical blasts from high-end mages such as Balxidor)

Stamina: Superhuman, mixed with his nature as a Warspawn, Crabbius is capable of enduring the most immense pains imaginable and, while still feeling them, will never slow down as a result of them; he regains his stamina practically as fast as he can use it, allowing a near constant stream of his abilities to be unleashed with the sole caveat being a still requisite period of sleep

Range: Extended Melee Range, up to Tens of Meters via flintlock pistol and Bladedancer techniques

Standard Equipment: Terasios' Justice, flintlock pistol, shield belt,

Intelligence: Above Average, although he is regarded as a savant of battle and would be considered beyond human capabilities in terms of his knowledge of warfare

Weaknesses: Warspawn require significantly more food to subsist, as their biology is very inefficient; this results in the need to consume about 4000 to 5000 calories a day to remain healthy


Notable Victories:

Notable Losses:

Inconclusive Matches:
