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FC/OC VS Battles Wiki

New Courage
The things I do for love.
~ Courage
I'm... Courage...
~ Courage as he introduces himself to Brunette.


Courage Bagge is one of the three titular main protagonists (alongside Brunette and Sarah) of Courage the Cowardly Dog: The Old Stories of Brunette.

Combat Statistics[]

Tier: High 4-C

Key: Base | Final

Name: Courage Bagge, Courage, Courage the Cowardly Dog

Origin: Courage the Cowardly Dog: The Old Stories of Brunette

Gender: Male

Age: 6 years old

Classification: Dog

Powers and Abilities:

Same abilities, his original continuity version has, Superhuman Physical Characteristics, Enhanced Genius Intelligence, Body Control (Can take off any of his body parts and his body parts would still be able to move even without him controlling it), Regeneration (Mid-High; should be comparable to his original canon incarnation whom can regenerate after being reduced to ashes), Immortality (Type 1, 2, and 3), Toon Force and Elasticity (Can repeatedly survive and recover from being flattened or either crushed flat easily, can also use his toon force to get something he wants), BFR (His original canon incarnation is able to send an entire crowd of frogs to a far distance), Preparation (Can make plans in a short amount of time, outwit his enemies regularly and is an expert of disguising himself), Enhanced Sound Manipulation and Regeneration Negation (Varies from Mid-High to High-Godly; like his original supersonic scream, he is able to scream hard enough to the point where he can destroy Bessy's Plot Control device which said device is able to negate the regeneration of characters like Sarah, is able to cause ear damaging sound effects by using a giant drum and hit it which then caused the entire globe to get their ears damaged), Hammerspace (Brings out a giant drum, he is also capable of bringing out multiple things at once in his pocket without getting his storage full as shown in the official Courage the Cowardly Dog series), Shapeshifting, Power and Weapon Mimicry (Should be similar to Brunette whom is able to shapeshift into Katz and even copy his blaster whom such blaster has the ability to reduce people into ashes as shown with Brunette, Courage himself is also able to do the same with Le Quack as he is able to copy his mallet), Limited Plot Manipulation via Plot Control (Should be able to control the plot with Bessy's Plot Control device, though this is temporarily as he only has access to this in one episode), Information Analysis with the Computer, Teleportation (Via his teleporter), Empathic Manipulation (Via Happy Plums; is able to turn people happy when they're seen in the opposite mood of happiness)

Previous abilities but greatly enhanced, should have the same abilities as Brunette and Sarah but greatly enhanced, enhanced Sound Manipulation (Is able to shatter the entire universe with the supersonic scream), Void and Darkness Manipulation (Is able to summon the Void of Darkness), Existence Erasure (Is able to erase Katz's skin with Brunette's Flower Laser and the Void of Darkness combined together)

Should have the same resistances, his original canon version has, Memory Manipulation (Is able to remember the events of The Return despite it being erased and is aware that he countered the spiders despite being such erased in all timelines), Plot Manipulation (Is unaffected by the plot as he has the ability to move without being controlled by the animator), Space-Time Manipulation (Is unaffected by the changes of time), Power Absorption (Instantly gets his powers back in a very short amount of time), Regeneration and Immortality Negation (Types 2-3, Varies from Mid-High to High-Godly; Is able to survive against Jaycie's numerous attacks on stabbing Courage with a broken plank, said planks was also used to kill Eustace which then negated his Mid-High Regeneration, Jaycie is also capable of killing ones who has High-Godly Regeneration Negation and even decapitated Bessy despite being capable of regenerating or can still move after losing her body parts, meaning Courage is unaffected by this), Intelligence Nullification (Despite Jaycie removing his brain out of his body and even destroying it, Courage still retains his original intelligence and doesn't decrease its IQ)

Attack Potency: Varies from Large Star Level (Should be similar to his original canon incarnation) to Galaxy Level (Destroyed an entire galaxy with a scream) | High Universe Level (Is able to destroy an entire universe which then said universe was stated to be infinite by Brunette)

Speed: Immeasurable (Is able to dig so fast, he can go through 1000 years to the future, is comparable to Sarah)

Lifting Strength: Stellar (Should be similar to his original canon incarnation), likely Immeasurable via the Flowery Scream of Darkness.

Striking StrengthLarge Star Level, can go higher via the Flowery Scream of Darkness.

Durability: Varies from Large Star Level to Galaxy Level (Regularly take hits from enemies comparable to him), Toon Force and Regeneration is harder for him to be killed. | High Universe Level (Survived his own scream)

StaminaSuperhuman (Should be similar to his original canon incarnation, is able to deliver billions of presents all across the entire earth for a day without getting tired and is also able to build an entire base in 5 seconds without a sweat)

RangeStandard Melee Range, hundreds of meters with weapons, thousands of kilometers with preparation (made an invention that sucked the Statue of Liberty), Stellar with screams. | Universal

Standard Equipment: Yoyo, Computer, Toolbox, anything virtually imaginable he wants via Toon Force

  • Optional Equipment:
    • Happy Plums - Said plums is able to manipulate the emotions of others by turning them happy.
    • Instant Quick Sand
    • Plot Control Device - Is able to do literally anything with the Plot Control device as not only it has the ability to control the plot but also do whatever it wants.
    • Teleporter - Something he used to teleport to Katz's base when he was unable to find him.

Intelligence: Genius (Is able to outsmart Katz and Le Quack whom are both geniuses that invented a device that can destroy all of reality, if not, all of time and space, can create strategies for himself and should be more intelligent than his original version whom can solve most of his problems in a short amount of time, outsmart villains who are capable of inventing gadgets, mastered magic in a short amount of time, is a highly skilled cook, puzzle solver, adventurer, and licensed therapist, he is also capable of inventing a teleporter using random items in less than 5 seconds, while even doing the same to building an entire base while only relying on his toolbox for about 5 seconds)

Standard Tactics: Just like his canon version, he is easily very frightened but is however willing to protect himself in a battle. He uses his power and hax to end battles as quickly and strategically as possible. He will also use all of his equipment especially his Optional Equipment whenever he needs to. With preparation, he is capable of building many things in a short amount of time such as building a teleporter which is said by the narrative that is done in less than 5 seconds, he gains knowledge from the Computer when necessary.

Even without preparation, Courage is a master of scheming due to being said, building a teleporter just to find Katz and even coming up with the plan to stop Le Quack by using a giant money bag to fall on him before he got the chance to attack Brunette. He is also capable of thinking of ways that would make him escape dangerous situations, it's also worth noting that he doesn't trust almost anyone he sees unless if he gets to know about them more, meaning it's likely hard to trick him.

Weaknesses: He is often a coward who is scared of his own shadow, however like his original, he is capable of overcoming it for the ones he love.

NOTE: The Old Stories of Brunette and Courage the Cowardly Dog are in the same continuity, thus Courage's powers and abilities remains the same as his original but has more to it.


Notable Victories:

Notable Losses:

Inconclusive Matches:
