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FC/OC VS Battles Wiki
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Cora yates
In these games there are no friends, only allies you can collect and discard when they've exhausted their usage. You may think i'm cruel for my way of thinking, but i know you think just the same behind those air of golden retriever you give yourself.
~ Cora to Lucas Hope


Cora Yates is the protagonist of Monstrosity: Kid Friendly Games. A senior in college with a dream of making it big in Hurdling, her plans all came crashing down on her when she found herself trapped inside of a death against her will after being kidnapped by the Game Master, a twisted individual who wishes for nothing more than see other perish in their twisted games. Cora, through sheer determination and cleverness would succeed in making it to the finals, only to be struck down by Lucas Hope after sparing his life.

Personal Statistics[]

Alignment: Chaotic Neutral (Cora isa young woman who will do anything in order to win the death games and thus escape with her life. She has manipulated numerous players into either killing others for her gain or manipulated them in order to better get rid of them. Cora has shown willing to risk her life in order to save others, such as when she shot Seeker in the head to attract his attention away from other players, but she was undoubtedly clear that she only did so because she believed that they could be useful to her in the long run.)

Name: Cora yates

Origin: Monstrosity

Gender: Female

Age: 23 years old

Classification: Human, College Student, Prisoner

Weight: 60 Kilograms

Height: 1,70 meters

Eye Color: Hazel

Hair Color: Dark Blonde

Status: Deceased

Powers and Stats[]

Tier: 10-A, 9-C with weapons, 9-B with First Aid Kit

Powers and Abilities:

Subjective Reality and Power Bestowal (The collective beliefs of humanity have the power to reshape reality as they see fit, whether that be by unintentionally creating monsters such as Cursed Gaming through their perceptions of Internet celebrities being corrupted by the crime of doxxing or even bestowing powers to others as seen with the likes of Mademoiselle Papillon who gained her ability throught the myths and symbolism surrounding butterflies), Non-Physical Interaction and Extrasensory Perception (Any living being within Monstrosity is capable of seeing and interacting with ghost), Acrobatics (Was one of the few people to get throught the final level of Hopscotch without having to rely on others failing, which required jumping a distance of 7.50 meter to reach the end), Social Influencing (Deception: Is capable of manipulating other players to do her bidding. Such as when she lied to Maria in order to make her target her own teammates in the dodgeball event. Cora would later on, trick Evan into using her already used first aid kit by lying to him that she was giving up, resulting in his death.), Weapon Mastery (Despite never having used a weapon beforehand, Cora has shown great skill at wielding a Colt Detective Special, being able to shoot Seeker in the head from meters away in order to stun him and gain his attention. has shown to be skillfully knife fighter during her one on one duel with Lucas Hope being able to handily clash blade with him), Stealth Mastery (Could skillfully sneak around Seeker during the Hide and Seek event, and was only ever saw by him when she needed to gain his attention), Skilled in H2H combat (While not formely train in combat, Cora has shown decently skilled in close quater combat, being able to match Lucas Hope, a former highly praised college boxer who specializes in getting into his opponent's space), Supernatural Willpower (Has a tremendous amount of will to live, as such, she has been shown shaking off immense amount of pain, such as having her arm broken due to a baseball bat strike in the Capture the Flag event and yet was still able to fight off a man larger than her in order to protect Lucas while he ran off with the flag. She was also able to keep fighting after being stabbed numerous times by Lucas and was only taken down after her throat had been slit open.), Pain Tolerance (Capable of fighting through numerous injuries that would normally incapacitate or even hospitalize humans)

Curse Manipulation and Death Manipulation (As the Tagger, Cora can transfer the Tagger Curse onto someone else with a mere touch. By the end of the round, whomever is currently in possession of the curse will cough out blood and struggle to breathe until they finally drop dead), Statistics Amplification (Can utilize an Adrenaline Pill in order to momentarily increase her speed.)

Sound Manipulation (By utilinzing the scream card, Cora can force one's voice to increase in volume in order to get Marco's attention away from him. By utilizing the Mute Card, Cora can silence one of his opponent, preventing them from anwsering Marco's roar.), Limited Power Nullification (By utilzing his Whisper Card, Cora can nullify the usage of an opponent's Scream Card on her. By utilzing his Mute Card, Cora may nullify the punishment from not anwsering Marco's roar)

Limited Extrasensory Perception and Light Manipulation (The Seeker Medallion will glow brighter and brighter the closer Seeker is to the wearer), Resistance to Fear Manipulation and Illusion Manipulation (By tearing off the Seeker Medallion, Cora becomes immune to Seeker's presence for a full minute. Seeker's mere presence puts deep irational panic and fear into people alongside causing them to see images of the possible ways Seeker could maim them.)

Death Manipulation (By hitting someone with a dodgeball, Cora will cause said person to drop dead) Life Force Absorption and Resurrection (By catching a ball, Cora can absorb the thrower's life force which she can then use to ressurect one of her fallen teammate)

Healing (Has access to a first aid kit, unlike a regular one however, using it will magically heal any damage she has taken inculding wounds that would otherwise be fatal.), Explosion Manipulation (If he was to use the first aid kit a second time, it would explose instead of healing his wounds.)

Attack Potency: Athlete level (Is an active young woman who reguarly partake in exercise in order to maintain her body at it's peak due to her dream of becoming an olympic hurdler. Cora could evenly take on and at times even overpower players physically larger and older than her in numerous events and during the final event, Cora could evenly match Lucas Hope a former highly praised college boxer and would have even taken his life had she not been persuaded by him.), Street level with weapons (Can wield a knife, a rusted pipe and a Colt Detective Special), Wall level with First Aid Kit (If Cora was to use her first aid kit a second time, it would instead cause an explosion this powerful)

Durability: Athlete level

Striking Strength: Athlete Class

Lifting Strength: Above Average (capable to wrestle and even outmatch players who are physically taller and older than her)

Travel Speed: Athletic Human (Is a highly trained hurdler who easily broke numerous previously established records at her school)

Combat Speed: Athletic Human

Reaction Speed: Athletic Human

Stamina: Peak Human (As someone who deeply values exercising, Cora regularly trained herself in order to increase both her speed and endurance. She is also capable of shrugging off immense levels of pain, such as when despite having her arm broken during the Capture the Flag event, she still was able to fight off a man larger than herself and during her face off against Lucas Hope, she was able to keep fighting despite numerous stab wounds.)

Range: Standard Melee, Extended Melee with her rusted pipe, tens of Meters with her Dodgeballs Hundreds of Meters with her Colt Detective Special

Intelligence: Above Average (Cora is shown as a strategic player who always plans for future events by attempting to befriend players she sees that have the potential of benefiting her in the long run. Cora is also shown as manipulative, having no trouble lying to others in order to create in group conflicts if she sees it would be beneficial for her to do so, such as when she lied to Maria, a player that she would be facing in the Dodgeball event alongside her team, that her teammates were going to backstab her the moment the event would be over, this resulted in Maria instead throwing balls at her own teammates. Cora would also later on trick Evan by lying to him that she was giving up and giving him her first aid kit, resulting in his death as he exploded when trying to use it.)

Standard Equipment[]

Pocket Knife: A small yet incredible sharp pocket knife given to her by her step father. Cora is seen wielding it during the Caputre the Flag event. She would later on also use it in her duel with Lucas Hope.

Adrenaline Pill: A small green pill that Cora can ingest in order to increase her running speed for a full minute, it will however leave her unable to move for 30 seconds after the effect has ended.

Scream Card: A white card simply branded with the word scream. Cora can use said card to increase the voice of one of her opponent during the Marco Polo event to lead Marco towards them.

Whisper card: A white card simply branded with the word whisper. Cora can use said card to allow herself to whisper. The card may also be used in order to counter a scream card.

Mute card: A white card simply branded with the word mute. It is a bonus card that Cora obtainted by scream of her own will near Marco. Cora can use said card in order to mute one of her opponent, thus preventing them from anwsering to Marco's roar and thus making the Game Master put a punishment on the player. The card may also used in order to nullify the Game Master's punishment.

Seeker Medallion: A metallic Medallion in the form of an eye, it will shine redder and redder whenever Seeker is near. Cora can rip it off which will make it lose it's ability to track Seeker but will now grant her a temporary immunity to Seeker's presence.

Colt Detective Special: A Colt Detective Special that Cora found hidden inside a hollowed tree. It has the regular amount of bullet within but is practically useless against Seeker as even a shot to the head merely momentarily stuns him.

Dodgeballs: Dodgeballs which have been imbedded with a death inducing effect by the Game Master. Cora can throw them at opponents and if they were to be touch and be unable to stop the ball from hitting the ground, the victim would fall over dead.

Rusty Pipe: A metal pipe that has long rusted over. Cora is seen wielding it as a bat during the Capture the Flag event.

Frist Aid Kit: A First Aid Kit that Cora can use at any point during the event. It will heal any damage she has sustained inculding ones that would otherwise be fatal. She can however only use it once, as using it again will instead cause it to explode instantly killing her.


Standard Tactics: Cora will attempt to read her opponent, if she sees they are weak willed, She will attempt to manipulate them into instead becoming her ally. If she is unable to manipulate them, Cora will physically take on her opponent, preferably armed, altought she has no promble getting her own hands dirty. If Cora is within a game, she will attempt to use the powers granted to her to better her odds of a victory.

Weaknesses: At the end of the day, Cora is still a human and thus has all the common weakness of an average human. Cora herself can be manipulated such as when Lucas Hope talked her down of killing him by talking about what her ill mother would possibly think of her.

Battle Records[]

Notable Victories:

The Party Goer (Nobody's Home) The Party Goer's profile (Cora had no game power and speed was equalized. Both started 5 meters apart and the fight took place in an abandoned house)

Notable Losses:

Inconclusive Matches:
