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FC/OC VS Battles Wiki
Chaotic evil


Controlled Chaos was one of the capes recruited by Coldsteel. Not much is known about her, but she has a unique yet disorderly power, causing space around her to break down. She will eventually meet her demise by being crushed via a giant anvil created by Repose.

Powers and Stats[]

Tier: 10-B Physically. Varies, up to High 8-C with Power Effects | Unknown

Key: By Herself | Fractal Colossus

Name: Controlled Chaos, Real Name Unknown

Origin: Can't Have Shit In Detroit

Gender: Female

Age: Unknown

Classification: Parahuman, Cape

Powers and Abilities:

Enhanced Senses (has +3 Wits and 5 Awareness, allowing her to delay onset blindness/deafness), Reality Warping (Controlled Chaos is in the line between having a normal power and being a Broken Trigger, causing the Shard Network in the surrounding space of her to breakdown, bending the lines between physical reality and mental spaces), Spatial Manipulation and Intangibility (Spatial - Is capable of utilizing her power to phase through space, and can use this power defensively)

Energy Projection (Afterburner, Nova, Dragonstail, Pulse Pistol, Flicker Staff, Crescent Claw, Burner Pistol), Information Analysis (Wolfsbane, Scan Trinket), Hacking (Data Trinket), Explosion Manipulation (Burst Grenade, Rocket Rack), Temperature Manipulation (Beam Cannon, Dragonstail), Light Manipulation (Beacon Staff, Flicker Staff), Air Manipulation (Propulsor Cannon), Electricity Manipulation (Thunderbolt), Smoke Manipulation (Chaff, Smoke), Spatial Manipulation (Shift), Biological Manipulation (Blastaway), Oil Manipulation (Oil Slick), Forcefield Creation (Flicker Guard), Statistics Amplification (Storm)

Superhuman Physical Characteristics, Large Size (Type 0, possibly Type 1 - Towered over everyone in the battlefield), Space-Time Manipulation (Armored in hernias of space-time, its attacks completely rip through space-time and negate durability as shown with cutting one of Repose' constructs in half), Inorganic Physiology (Type 2) and Self-Sustenance (Type I, II, and III - Is a fractal space-time beast of which likely dosent have any need of biological function. Repose' Constructs would be unable to capture it signifying it is not made of any biological substance)

Attack Potency: Human level Physically (3 Brawn should make her on par with the average human physically). Varies, up to Large Building level with Power Effects (With her offensive power effects such as the Giga Laser, she can burn through buildings and should be capable of hurting the likes of Alice Magnea and Huntmaster) | Unknown (It's attacks negate durability entirely, capable of hurting the likes of Raiden and can cut through Repose' All or Nothing constructs, negating its invulnerable effect)

Speed: Subsonic+ (Should be comparable to the likes of Snowglobe, and was able to dodge attacks from Huntmaster's Wendigo)

Lifting Strength: Unknown

Striking Strength: Human level | Unknown

Durability: Likely Street level (Hasn't been shown being under fire for an extended period of time, but 5 Guts makes her much more durable than the average person. Due to her power she phases through attacks, negating physical damage) | Unknown (A beast covered in hernias of space-time, due to its nature it likely is unable to be damaged by physical means)

Stamina: Unknown

Range: Varies, from Extended Melee Range (Her black hole is melee ranged but can bring people in from a distance), to Hundreds of Meters (60-100 meter pulses) | At least Several Meters due to sheer size, likely much higher via Space-Time Manipulation

Standard Equipment:

None Notable.

Optional Equipment: Tinker Tech that she can spawn will be shown on the list below.

  • Adaptive Deringer - Single-shot pistol, 20' range, if the shots of the deringer arent dodged, the pistol records a structural scan of the opponent, Scans are invalidated if the target makes significant changes to their defensive profile.
  • Nova - A disc-shaped panel with a glowing emitter, requires some time to charge but when it does it blasts everyone and everything within 15', self included
  • Burst Gun - Single shot rifle, with 80' range, can shoot one bolt per battery.
  • Blade Wheel - A spinning Buzzsaw 6' in Diameter, can be used as a shield and can be thrown as an offensive attack.
  • Repair Trinket - Trinket that repairs an item over-time, takes more time depending on how large the item is.
  • Wolfsbane - Semi-automatic Rifle that analyzes its first target and fires customized bullets.
  • Snag Staff - A staff that can be used as a melee and ranged weapon being able to shoot a sizable length of itself.
  • Particle Blaster - Single shot shotgun that holds 3 shots
  • Disruptor - Single shot pistol
  • Ballista - Weapon that fires long, sharp rods at targets, imparting massive force to the target upon hit.
  • Data Trinket - Can be used in multiple ways, if attached to something with a computer chip it will hack that system as an individual with 3 computers and average knowledge might. On its own, the data trinket acts as a personal phone, computer, and link back to a workshop.
  • Burst Grenade - Grenade that creates shaker effect pertaining to pattern of detonation, 15' radius.
  • Frame Shield - Buckler shield with metallic edges and veins of light at the center.
  • Flicker Gaurd - a Shimmering energy based shield
  • Needler - Small, pistol-esque firearm loaded with a cylindrical drum of needles
  • Arbalest - Giant Crossbow that fires 5' long metal spears
  • Beam Cannon - Large Cannon that warms up before firing, eventually shooting a large beam.
  • Burner Pistol - Holdout laser pistol, has 20' range.
  • Afterburner - Single-shot energy shotgun that holds 5 shots
  • Charge Trinket - Grants the user one charge, or doubles effects of any effect which requires the expenditure of a charge.
  • Dragonstail - Energy whip that can strike up to three foes in a 90 degree arc, can go without striking foes and move the weilder up to 30' by lashing the ground.
  • Pulse Rifle - Automatic rifle than can choose to fire with 3 attacks.
  • Pulse Pistol - Energy pistol that holds 12 rounds
  • Spraygun - one handed gun with an attached tank, makes a single attack in a 15' conical spray.
  • Beacon Staff - A staff which produces a flash pulse that inflicts a pattern effect on everyone within a 20'.
  • Pick Hammer - Tinkertech hammer with a bunt head to break armor and a spiked head to bypass it.
  • Ranger's Bow - This small crescent that can be placed on the wrist but will greatly expand when called upon use,
  • Flicker Staff - Two handed staff that can act as a cannon or melee weapon.
  • Ribbon Sword - Weapon that acts as a whip at ranges 10-20', acts as a swrod against adjacent foes.
  • Leash Trinket - Allows the user to command potential drones in the area in line of sight at will.
  • Propulsor Cannon - Cannon that has fuel for six charges worth of shots.
  • Rocket Rack - Bracer of micro-missiles
  • Hydra Flail - Whip is made of numerous separate strands which can be bundled for a single strike or dispered for an AOE attack.
  • Crescent Claw - Scythelike claws of energy that can be used in melee.
  • Scan Trinket - Trinkerthat is capable of scanning a unique power signature, can be used to progress towards certain research of the users choosing.

  • Storm - Doubles the range of any weapon, percieved as an ionized storm cloud that swirls around the device.
  • Malice - Deals shock wounds
  • Zipline - Item can return to hand at will
  • Swim - Attacking in partially flooded areas allows the attacker to reposition within 10' without risking opportunity attacks.
  • Spikes - Can be disguised as an object of some sort, mechanism shoots spikes and impales the individual.
  • Explosive - Object can be disguised as an object of some sort, explodes if tampered with or if the enemy is in near vicinity.
  • Ray - Item inflicts burn damage
  • Smoke - Can be disguised as an object of some sort, activates if someone is withing 10' of the trap or tampers with the object, creates a blinding cloud that expands 15' from where the trap was deployed.
  • Shift - Attacks leave an interdimensional effect behind on Armour she hits.
  • Backdraft - Weapon attacks cause burns
  • Blastaway - Rapidly thins out bones and makes body less dense, increasing ability to jump and climb.
  • Chaff - Attacks release cloud of distracting material, concealing the attack for a little while.
  • Thunderbolt - Weapon delivers shock damage
  • Oil Slick - Leaves a 30' slick of oily material at the location of the trap.

  • Intelligence: Unknown (Has 1 social, although this is likely due to her power. Seems to be a competent combatant and was capable of dodging attacks from the Wendigo who can hit the likes of Alice Magnea)

    Weaknesses: Due to the unpredictability of her power it sometimes is not very helpful, the fractal monster only exists for a short period of time and attacks everyone in near vicinity, even allies.

    Notable Attacks/Techniques:

    • Time Slow: Actions take triple time - committed actions spread across three turns, partial actions take a turn and a half, "negligent actions" act per committed actions. -2 to defenses.
    • Power Null: No using powers until Controlled Chaos' next turn :) (defensive power effects will return on cessation of effect). 60 meter pulse around her.
    • Power Boost: All Power-related rolls gain double Advantage. If a character's power has a specific bonus or criteria for greater success, or a "higher-energy state" (e.g. Burnout's T3 or Consequences ability to use Supermoves), apply that instead. 100 meter pulse around her.
    • Spatial Relocation: Teleport target one-hundred-meters in a random cardinal (roll d8 to determine, going clockwise) direction from initial point. Potential for telefrag if teleported into building/car/tree/person. Shot out as a laser.
    • Phase Change: Solids turn to liquid. Liquid turns to gas. Gas turns to plasma. Do not hit plasma with this power.
    • Space Crush: Spatial contusion created at point of contact. Critical Rend on given part. Shot out as laser, blockable but reduced to a moderate rend instead if successful.
    • Black Hole: Creates short-lived singularity at point of contact. Double Critical Rend + lose given part, if on head or torso then character dies instantly, regardless of guts or wound score unless the power enables necessary survivability. Melee ranged, but at a distance, can roll to violently pull enemies into singularity for a moderate bash.
    • Master Pulse: 50 meter pulse. Flat guts check with DC of 5. Inflicts Confused to whoever fails the check.
    • Healing Beams: Heal D3+3 on hit wounds. These beams are extremely deep-red and crackle with black lightning and the screams of the damned. They do not look at all like healing beams. Dodgeable.
    • Giga laser: Double moderate burn. Can destroy structures, burn through buildings/obstacles and still hit with full effect.
    • Time Stop: Cuck target out of actions until C2's next turn. Time Stop'd characters do not take in new information while under this effect.
    • Siberian Beam: Moderate cut, not blockable. If hit, roll d2 to upgrade to double moderate cut on a 2. D4 to upgrade to critical cut on a 4.
    • Manton Limit Removal: Exactly what it says on the tin. Characters should be able to directly feel (I.E. DM narratively tell them) that they can violate the Manton Limit until the Round is over.
    • Create Random Tinker Tech: See Tinkertech section at the bottom of the NWO document. Roll, a, like, D-something, idk how many there are.
    • Summon Shard avatar monster: Summons Shard Colossus. Fractal beast armored in hernias of space-time, the Beast is unstable and will disappear after one round, but can act both in C2's turn and then take it's own turn immediately after. Any sort of contact, blocked or otherwise, results in Critical Rend. Blindly attacks closest living target for duration of existence.


    Notable Victories:

    Notable Losses:

    Inconclusive Matches:
