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FC/OC VS Battles Wiki
Prince Conn


Prince Conan II, or Conn for short, is the son of King Conan and Queen Zenobia. One day he decided that instead of just inheriting the crown, he would earn it as his father has. He sneaks out of the palace during the night and finds a port in the city of Argos where he takes a ship to a newly discovered continent of Atlatan, where he becomes a participant in the Grancrest War. 


Due to his still young age, he sometimes displays a cocky personality though he is also mature for his age. He is very set on his beliefs and isn't willing to change them even if most people don't agree with him. He is also a womanizer, similar to his father, as he is shown flirting with several women, and always speaks his mind about them. He is also shown to be pretty shameless when he ended up completely naked when he confronted the woman Aishela but unlike her, showed no embarrassment. 

Abilities and Stats[]

Tier: 9-B

Name: Conan II, Conn

Origin: The Prince's War 

Gender: Male

Age: Late teens

Classification: Prince, Lord

Powers and Abilities:  Superhuman Physical Characteristics, Weapon MasteryEnhanced Senses, Martial Arts, Stealth Mastery

Attack Potency: Wall level (Was able to pierce through a metal helmet, killed a man with a single punch)

Speed: At least Subsonic (Moved faster than the eye can see)

Lifting Strength: Class 5 (Toppled a statue, snapped a demon wolf's neck)

Striking Strength: Wall Class

Durability: Wall level

Stamina: Peak human, possibly Superhuman

Range: Standard melee ranger, extended with weapons

Standard Equipment: A longsword

Intelligence: Gifted. Has shown great knowledge in leading a country and fighting in a war, is also a great fighter.

Weaknesses: None notable


Notable Victories:

Notable Losses:

Inconclusive Matches:
