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FC/OC VS Battles Wiki
Coin Lesser
Kinyobi: Dusk Before Dawn
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Exiled from Judea, Coin Lesser is a wanted war criminal across the realms by demons and other creatures alike. He went to the Immaity kingdom in search for easy jobs, only to get roped into helping to find Level Breakers. He made the unwise decision to go the Demonic Colonies, where he got jailed on charges of eating babies and burning orphanages. This lead to him and his allies to spend a week in a prison, fighting for a straight week in a death arena until the person in charge of the prison nuked it and a fourth of the city.

Powers and Stats[]

Tier: 8-C

Name: Coin Lesser

Origin: Kinyobi: Dusk Before Dawn

Gender: Male

Age: 500

Classification: Jew, Adventurer

Powers and Abilities:

Old Kinyobi Physiology, Longevity (He is 500 years old), Weapon Creation, Weapon Manipulation, Preparation (Coin's primary magic is manipulation of combat equipment. Out of combat it allows him to craft magical weapons and more easily repair his equipment. Coin can also rapidly modify weapons in the middle of a fight. He also passively enhances weapons he wields), Absorption, Pocket Reality Manipulation (Coin is able to absorb equipment into a pocket dimension. He can go a step further and convert equipment inside him into MP), Fusionism (Can fuse weapons together), Martial Arts, Weapon Mastery (As a Knight and Warrior Coin is skilled in melee combat. He is also a trained boxer, with him being generally adept in martial arts. Has a higher rank than Winifred in Hand-To-Hand Combat), Statistics Amplification (Coin has multiple moves to enhance his accuracy or speed), Statistics Reduction (Can reduce enemy's defenses), Explosion Manipulation, Fire Manipulation (Can make his weapons detonate into fire), Creation (Can respawn weapons he detonated), Damage Boost (Coin can do extra damage against giant enemies), Social Influencing (Coin is skilled in intimidating and taunting enemies. He also wrote a song that annoyed the Capitán so much that it caused her to jump into an arena to fight him), Limited Mind Manipulation (If targeted by mental powers Coin's insanity causes whiplash, harming the enemy), Healing (If Coin manages to evade enemies while Escape is active, he restores HP and MP), Extreme Resistance to Holy Manipulation, Chaos Manipulation (As a Jew Coin has 50% resistance to Holy and Dark damage), Status Effect Inducement (Is immune to disarming effects), Mind Manipulation (Due to Coin's insanity he is far harder to effect with mental powers. When seeking money he gains extra resistance against mind powers that go against his goal)

Chaos Manipulation (His sword can inflict dark damage, with it being weaponized chaos), Resistance Negation (If his sword is wielded by non-Jews they suffer true damage), Damage Reduction (His various armors reduce damage), Bodily Weaponry (Has an armor covered in spikes), Sound Manipulation (His Cling-Clang armor produces powerful sounds when hit), Teleportation (Has a hammer that teleports back to his hand after it is thrown), Poison Manipulation (Has a chalice which converts its contents into poison), Resistance to Blood Manipulation (Has a ring which grants 25% resistance to bleed effects)

Attack Potency: Building level (Held his own against the Capitán in direct combat alongside the rest of the Shalom Crusaders, who destroyed an entire arena with a single blast)

Speed: At least Relativistic+ (Is able to attack more times in the same span of time as Winifred), higher via techniques (Coin can amplify his speed with various moves)

Lifting Strength: Class 25 (Though he has lower strength than Winifred, he is superior in his ability to grapple enemies)

Striking Strength: Building level

Durability: Building level

Stamina: Superhuman (Was the only one of his party that was left standing after they were nuked. Was able to endure several killing shots, defying death as he was being bombed)

Range: Standard Melee Range, Extended Melee Range via weapons, Several Meters via ranged spells and throwing weapons

Standard Equipment: Thorny Armor, Cling-Clang Armor, Socialist Slicer, Spear, Silver Cup, Ring of Clotting

Intelligence: Below Average socially (Coin is a foul mouth, insane individual who has a complete disregard for social norms, with him having no issues with eating babies), Gifted in combat (Coin is a skillful fighter, with him possessing multiple techniques for close ranged combat that make him highly deadly. He also shown good strategical sense, being vital in many fights he was a part of)

Weaknesses: None notable

Notable Attacks/Techniques:

  • Knight Offense: Coin gains +3 to melee attacks and +2 to technique save DCs and physical maneuvers
  • Knight Defense: Coin gains Gain +1 against melee attacks and physical maneuvers, and +1 to STR Saving Throws
  • Swift Strikes: Instead of a singular strike, Coin is able to divide any his melee attacks into two hits which each deal 60% damage.
  • Cleave: When attacking an enemy, Coin can inflict 50% of his base damage to targets that are 2 squares adjacent to the original person. In case he attacks an enemy that occupies more than 1 square he can instead deal 25% more damage to them.

  • Shekel Shuffle: This technique allows Coin to increase his movement speed by +100%, and it makes his next quick attack cost half its turn action, with it also getting +2 to hit.
  • Jeruslam Jousting: Coin can lunge at enemies with such speed that they are unable to take any reactions against it, with it costing half the attack's damage.
  • Break The Bank: A powerful blow which can reduce the armor value of enemies by 10 to 20% on hit, making Coin's next attack hit harder.
  • Goyim Gouger: A deadly attack which when it hits, makes enemies recoil in pain, and grant Coin +2 to hit them, or an advantage if the attack was extremely successful.

  • PP: With this spell Coin is able to convert one of his weapons into a bomb, throwing it up to 5 squares, with the explosion's radius being 1 square. After the weapon gets destroyed, Coin can choose to respawn it either right away or at a fight's end if he has enough MP for it.
  • Capital Offender: A simple buff spell, Coin spends 10 MP in order to enhance his next attack's accuracy.
  • Marrano Makeshift: Developed under the harsh conditions of the Ciudad del Frío Eterno prison, this spell allows Coin to modify his weapons in the middle of battle to grant them extra properties, with those being:
    • Deadly: This increases the critical range of a weapon by 3, however critical hits besides a natural 20 only deal extra 50% damage.
    • Heavy: Makes so a melee weapon must be used with both hands, and if said weapon hits a foe Coin can attempt a push maneuver.
    • Light: Makes any two handed weapons be usable with one, and it allows Coin to use his reaction to gain an extra attack with the weapon.
    • Long: Extends the range of a melee weapon by 1 square.

  • Oy Vey
    • Passive:
      • Coin may absorb any weapon or equipment he comes across. When out of combat and over the span of one minute, Coin can absorb any piece of equipment into his Bank, where it remains impossible to reach and locked away.
      • Is immune to any effects that would disarm or steal his equipment, and all of his equipment has doubled durability.
      • When fixated on a goal involving monetary gain, all Social Maneuvers targeting Coin not involving greater monetary gain have double Disadvantage.
      • Can make a Quick Attack for half a weapon’s Turn Action (round up) for half the damage.
    • Active:
      • As a Bonus Action once per turn, Coin may swap out any weapon or equipment he is holding with another within his Bank.
      • For 4 Turn Action and 10 MP, Coin may combine two pieces of equipment of the same type (weapon, armor, or accessory) into a single item with the benefits of both. The resulting equipment can’t be combined, and can be split back apart for 1 Turn Action. (Armor uses the combined resistances of both pieces, while weapons use the highest attack value of either weapon in any relevant damage type)
      • While an enemy is grappled, Coin can use 5 Turn Action and 10 MP to roll Strength vs. Strength. On a success, he absorbs one of their items into his Bank and releases the grapple. Against unconscious enemies, this may be done for 1 Turn Action and 10 MP instead without any roll required. (When relatively unremarkable, plain equipment (such as regular swords or armor pieces) are absorbed, Coin can instantly restore MP equal to 10% of his maximum. This can go over his maximum HP as overflow and can be maintained between fights)
      • Once per turn, Coin may use 15% of his maximum MP to gain an additional 1 Turn Action for that turn only.
    • Hava Nagila
      • Bonus Action, 80 MP, Cooldown: 1/short rest
      • For 2 Rounds, Coin can attack for one-fourth a weapon’s Turn Action (round up) for half the damage, as well as being able to Quick Attack with attacking techniques (effectively doubling his attacks per turn and reducing most weapons to 1 Turn Action per attack).
      • While active Coin can freely swap between his weapons and equipment for how many times he wants.

  • Weapons
    • Boomerang Hammer: A hammer which can be thrown at enemies up to 5 squares, and afterward whether it hit or missed, it will teleport back to Coin's hand.
    • Socialist Slicer: A white sword with golden edges and handle, it is the first weapon Coin ever crafted. Alongside regular physical damage it is able to inflict dark damage. When used alongside the Cleave technique it delivers extra 10% damage. Lastly, if wielded by a non-Jew, the wielder will suffer 10% true damage of their max HP.
  • Armors
    • Cling-Clang: Appearing like a warped gong, this armor is extremely loud. This makes stealth harder for Coin, and if anyone hits him while wearing it they get assaulted by powerful sounds. This armor's damage reductions are 10% Slash/Thrust/Blunt. It was destroyed when Coin elongated it in order to act as a shield against a nuke.
    • Thorny: An armor laced with spikes and sharp edges, it makes so grapples from Coin deliver 20 pierce damage on each turn's start, and it allows his unarmed strikes to inflict slash damage. This armor's damage reductions are 10% Slash/Thrust/Blunt, 5% Fire/Lightning.
  • Accessories
    • Ring of Blotting: A magical ring found within the rooms of the arena. While wearing it Coin gets 25% resistance to bleed effects.
    • Silver Cup: Also known as Elijah's Gift, it is a silver cup which turns whatever poured into it into poison. Coin himself can drink its contents perfectly fine however.

  • Hand-To-Hand Combat: A representation of Coin's martial prowess, it grants him +4 to and vs. all Push and Pull and Grapple Combat Maneuver checks, and +4 to and vs. all Intimidate, and Taunt Combat Maneuver checks
  • Insanity: As an insane person Coin gets +4 vs. all Social Combat Maneuvers. Additionally, they recover MP equal to 8% of the base Psychic damage they receive, and deals any character that attempts a Social Combat Maneuver against them 45 Psychic damage if they fail, or half of that to both the target and themselves if they succeed.
  • Escape: Being adept in running away, Coin gets:
    • Passive: +2 to AC vs. Opportunity Attacks, and +1 vs. Grapple, Trip, and Taunt Combat Maneuvers.
    • Active: As a bonus action at the start of his turn he gains +25% SPD while moving away from enemy units for 2 Rounds. When the buff expires, if he did not use or get successfully targeted by any hostile actions for the full duration, he recovers 100 HP and 40 MP.


Notable Victories:

Notable Losses:

Inconclusive Matches:


Discussion threads involving Coin Lesser (Kinyobi)