FC/OC VS Battles Wiki

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FC/OC VS Battles Wiki


Coco de Lolo is the protagonist of Cutespud's "A Girl in All Boy School" Gacha verse series. She accidentally walked into a boy-only school out of sleep deprivation.[1] Although she wanted to get out originally, she took the principal's offer to stay in the school secretly as a boy to help her and her dad get out of being poor.[2]

Powers and Stats[]

Tier: 10-A, at most 9-C via rage power

Name: Coco de Lolo, Coco[3]

Origin: A Girl in All Boy School | Gacha verse[1]

Gender: Female[1]

Age: Vaguely in her teens

Classification: Female high school student, Anthropormorphic Canid

Powers and Abilities: Bodily Weaponry (Claws; comparable to other boys in the school, who use their claws to harm others[3]), Rage Power up to Peak Human Physical Characteristics (Has only been able to take down Marsh in seemingly one hit because Marsh beaten Elliot[4])

Attack Potency: Athlete level normally (Kicked Matt to the ground and staggered him,[1] who fought with Elliot and Phillp at the same time.[4] Albeit she's generally considered to be weaker than most of the boys in the school), at most Street level via rage power (Took down the original "School Gang Leader" out of anger despite her size[4][Note 1][Note 2])

Speed: Average Human combat speed (Kicked an off-guard Matt to the ground from behind him before he could kick Steve.[1] Blocked Reon's attack before he could harm Matt from behind the latter[4]); Athletic Human travel speed, higher with rage power (Briefly outpaced Elliot in the running tournament.[5] Due to her anger of one of her friends being taken down, she ran up to Marsh with remarkable speed[4])

Lifting Strength: Average Human (Stated to be light and skinny by Matt,[5] was easily held up by Saxon with one arm.[3] Can do push-ups.[6] Managed to move Matt out of the way before he could get attacked by Reon[4])

Striking Strength: Athlete level normally, at most Street level via Rage Power

Durability: Athlete level normally (Got up and was fine after a mid-air kick from Matt[1]), at most Street level via rage power

Stamina: Athletic (Was about to win the running tournament even against Elliot before her ankles sprained.[5] Has survived getting her face cut from and attacked by Reon[4])

Range: Standard Melee Range

Standard Equipment: Nothing aside from her claws

Intelligence: Average

Weaknesses: Has little control over her periods,[7] and relies on her physically stronger friends for help.[4] Is frequently portrayed to be shorter than her friends.[5] Standard human weaknesses for the most part (most of the characters in the series are portrayed to be human-like)

Note: All links are usually archived in either of these sites.

  1. Coco has been shown been overpowered by boys stronger than her but weaker than Marsh. And she's frequently portrayed to be smaller than all the other boys in the school. As such, it would be inconsistent to put her on the same normal tier as Marsh when she's been overpowered by comparable boys like Saxon.
  2. She's scales to 835.25 J at most due to scaling to Marsh.




Notable Victories:

Tabi McGreller (Stick Gang) Tabi's Profile (Stickman Form Tabi was used and both characters were bloodlusted.)

Arabelle and Vincent (That One Mute Girl) Arabelle & Vincent's Profiles (Speed was equalized and Coco was teamed up with Elliot)

Notable Losses:

Jesse Pinkman (Breaking Bad) Jesse's Profile (Battle takes place in walter's chemistry classroom. Both are bloodlusted)

Ashley Lee (Monstrosity) Ashley's Profile (Speed was equal and the battle took place in a high school)

Domestic Sheep (The Real World) Domestic Sheep's Profile (Both were 10-B and Speed was equalized)

Walter White (Breaking Bad) Walter's Profile (Battle takes place in walter's chemistry classroom. Speed is equalized. Walter is bloodlusted)

Sonic the Hedgehog (Insane SonAmy: Anything) Sonic’s Profile (Coco started enraged and both were bloodlusted. Fight took place at a highschool on top of a cliff and speed was equalized)

Inconclusive Matches:



Discussion threads involving Coco de Lolo