FC/OC VS Battles Wiki

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FC/OC VS Battles Wiki
FC/OC VS Battles Wiki
Will McDaniel - DoomsClay -zPqHg3TpeM - 942x530 - 0m11s -removebg-preview


The Clay Bomb is a ''new kind of weapon'', which transmuts people.

Powers and Stats[]

Tier: At least 7-C, possibly High 6-A with multiple bombs

Name: Clay bombs

Origin: Will Mcdaniel

Age: Unknown

Classification: Bomb

Wielders: Unknown

Powers and Abilities: Transmutation and Biological Manipulation (Can make people into monsters made out of clay, and even give life to objects), Power Bestowal

Attack Potency: At least Town level (Should be comparable to Real Life nukes), possibly Multi-Continental (Able to change entire planets)

Speed: Unknown

Durability: Unknown

Range: Planetary

Weaknesses: None notable
