Taken directly from VS Battles Wikia. Credit should be given to them of the power here and it's content.
Chain Manipulation - the different skills and abilities that let you control chains and chain-like objects. Mostly used the possibility of linking with chains and chain as a weapon, but there may be more exotic forms of application.
- Creating and destroying the chains
- Hiding chains
- Motion control circuits
- Physical effects on objects (compression, hit)
- Formation constructions from chains
- Changing the shape and structure of the chain (for example, the transformation of a steel chain to the diamond chain, if you need to capture the enemy, who easily tearing steel)
- The binding and blocking the movement of objects (including partial, when the character, for example, riveted to the circuit only for the leg)
- May be unable to create chains, being limited to manipulating only from already existing sources.
- Distance, mass, precision, etc. depend upon of the knowledge, skill, and strength of the user.
- Chains are affected by everything that normal chains of that matter/energy would be.
- Charlie Jacobs (SIEGE)
- Lady Nocturna (WoW)