FC/OC VS Battles Wiki

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FC/OC VS Battles Wiki
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Life... death... it's all an inherent part of nature. Needless to say, I much prefer one over the other. (...) Some things die so that others may live. Maybe she was trying to remind me of that.
~ Fauna after confronting Anauf


Ceres Fauna is the Keeper of Nature alongside the rest of the members of Council. After being replaced by mirroring, cursed counterparts of themselves, Fauna seeks to help her other Council members in restoring order to the world and thwarting the plans of their evil selves.

Powers and Stats[]

Tier: 4-B

Name: Ceres Fauna

Origin: CouncilRyS RPG

Gender: Female

Age: 4 billion years old

Classification: Kirin, Idol, Keeper of Nature, Member of Council

Powers and Abilities: Superhuman Physical Characteristics, Immortality (Type 1), Accelerated Development (When gaining experience while fighting, she can increase her stats and learn new abilities), Magic (Can use magic attacks), Healing and Purification (Type 3 - With Feel Better Beam and Feel Better Beam II, which removes all status ailments), Summoning and Plant Manipulation (Can use Leaf Storm to summon forth leaves to attack her enemy. With Return to Nature, she can use vines to bind her enemies. With Reforestation, she can unleash the full will of the forest), Forcefield Creation, Statistics Amplification and Regeneration (Low - With Nature's Protection), Air Manipulation (With Whirlwind, which fires tornados at enemies), Statistics Reduction (Return to Nature lowers the enemy's defense)

Attack Potency: Solar System Level (Can damage enemies who can take hits from Sana who can unleash barrages of stars, cause a supernova, and illuminate the sky)

Speed: Massively FTL+ (Comparable to Sana who can bring stars down to Earth at these speeds)

Lifting Strength: Multi-Stellar (Comparable to Sana who can move stars)

Striking Strength: Solar System Level

Durability: Solar System Level (Can take hits from those comparable to Sana)

Stamina: Superhuman

Range: Standard Melee Range, Extended Melee Range with weapons, Tens of Meters with abilities

Standard Equipment: Golden Apple

Intelligence: Gifted (Fauna is the Keeper of Nature, and is responsible for it's growth and prosperity. Without her guidance, nature would stand still and the world would be thrown into disarray. She is shown to be able in combat as well, taking down legions of her followers, and cursed versions of Council who have billions of years of experience on them)

Weaknesses: None notable.


Notable Victories:

Notable Losses:

Inconclusive Matches:
