Characters with the ability to use Telepathy.
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- Abaddon (Warriors of Eden)
- Adam Newman
- Adrian Mariner
- Agent Venom (Avengers Alliance)
- Ahriman
- Aikkon
- Alatreon (Everybody Wants to Rule the World)
- Alela Stardust (Tempest Arrow)
- All-Father (NU Rewrite)
- Alyson
- Amandiel (Tales of nephilim)
- Anita McGrath (InFAMOUS Multiverse: "Prime")
- Annie (Tales of nephilim)
- Antoshi
- Aoumi
- Apocalypse (DEATH BATTLE!)
- User:Apotheosis69
- Arachi
- Arceus
- Archangel Michael (Tales of nephilim)
- Arciene
- Arfoire
- Arkantos
- Armor
- Assassin (Guy Fawkes)
- Astral (Neon Cavaliers)
- Athena (Throne of Heaven)
- Avenger (Sweeny Todd)
- Azazel (Tales of nephilim)
- Azrael (Tales of nephilim)
- Caster (Charles Darwin)
- Chance Cube
- Chance Icosahedron
- Chaos (Warriors of Eden)
- Cheev
- Cien
- Clyde (GoAnimate)
- Cole MacGrath (InFAMOUS Extended Universe)
- Cole McGrath (InFAMOUS Multiverse: "Prime")
- Cole Thompson (InFAMOUS Multiverse: "Prime")
- Comiphor
- Commander Jet
- Crabwhale
- Cthulhu (Phobians)
- Edward (Reincarnation Wars)
- Elias Smith
- Emilia (Tales of nephilim)
- Emperor Xuanye (10th Emperor - Monogattari no Jūnen (物語の十年))
- Endless Darkness
- Entropic God, Noxus
- Evil Cole MacGrath (InFAMOUS Extended Universe)
- Evil Goku (Goku Versus)
- Falcon (Avengers Alliance)
- Fear Smith (Last Chronicle)
- Fiona (LOT/Tales of Nephilim)
- Flea-Bitten Girl
- Fredrick Carter
- Frost
- Fujiwara
- User blog:Furudo Erika in a Pirate Hat/Death
- User blog:Furudo Erika in a Pirate Hat/Exermis
- User blog:Furudo Erika in a Pirate Hat/Sela
- Gabriel (Tales of nephilim)
- Gabriel (Throne of Heaven)
- Gabriel (Warriors of Eden)
- Gast Carcolh
- George Helios (King of Hesperia - Monogattari no Jūnen (物語の十年))
- George Leneuf
- God (Throne of Heaven)
- Godzilla (Warlock)
- Goku Black (Hyourinjutsu)
- Griffin Von Frankenstein
- Grunt
- Lady Magicinary
- Laila
- Latoshi
- Leaf
- LeBron (Everyone Wants to Rule the World)
- Legera
- Legion
- Levanah Vasilissa (Everybody Wants to Rule the World)
- Lilim (Tales of nephilim)
- Lilith Arlay
- Lizzy
- Louie Mao
- Lucifer (Throne of Heaven)
- Lucifer the demiurge
- Luna (Tales of nephilim)
- Maelzuri
- Mage (Hearthstone: Heroes of Warcraft)
- Majin Piccolo (Hyourinjutsu)
- Maker
- Mako Stride
- Mara's Demon
- Marcus Erskine (Agent A)
- Marius
- Marshadow
- Marth (tales of nephilim)
- Matpat
- Mercure Kaharak
- Mewtwo (DEATH BATTLE!)
- Mia (Everybody Wants to Rule the World)
- Michael (Throne of Heaven)
- Mikage
- Miko Illumina
- Miles "Tails" Prower (NU Rewrite)
- Miracle Sol