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FC/OC VS Battles Wiki

Sociopaths are those that suffer from antisocial personality disorder. These characters lack a moral sense of right or wrong. They feel no guilt over their actions and are often wrongly confused with psychopaths: Most sociopaths are misanthropic and see other people as tools by which to achieve their objectives or simply see them as playthings to be manipulated and molded as they see fit. Sociopaths do not necessarily seek pleasure from inflicting pain and suffering upon others, but they do not feel remorse either because for them, the ends justify the crude, impersonal means.

Sociopaths possess the following qualities/personality traits-they're impulsive, cold, calculating, intelligent, ruthless, narcisstic, apathetic, lacks empathy/compassion, paranoid and highly manipulative.

Sociopaths are different from Psychopaths. Psychopaths are born that way while sociopaths are molded by their environment - though it is possible to be both a psychopath and a sociopath.

A very specific and rare brand of anti-hero is the Heroic Sociopath. Some heroes have no conscience or any form of moral center but still function as the protagonists of their story, usually by merit of having enemies who are hardened evil. Sociopathy is a persistent condition from birth but sociopaths may still help others, although for completely practical reasons, not moral ones. This category also pertains to any hero who lacks a moral sense of right or wrong.

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