Characters who can interact with intangible beings such as spirits.
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All items (596)
- A Harmony Between Legends (Allusions)
- Abaddon (God Genesis)
- Abaddon (Warriors of Eden)
- Adam Newman
- Adam Taurus (Dragon Ball RWBY)
- Aika Chiharu
- Aimee Whitfield
- Akuma Kaen
- Alastoir (Exist2035)
- Alch
- Aldera
- Aldrich Bludwatcher
- Alela Stardust (Tempest Arrow)
- Alex Shincho
- Alexander Stratos (EWTRTW 5)
- All Might (DEATH BATTLE!)
- Almace Alcatraz
- Alpha (Destroy the Godmodder)
- Altaire Rivera
- Alucar
- Alyson
- Amalatro
- Amandiel (Tales of nephilim)
- Amara Hawking
- Amaterasu (God Genesis)
- Aminus (The Archaic)
- An Dae
- Andrew Rivera
- Annie (Tales of nephilim)
- Anoria Saurchur
- Aphrodite (God Genesis)
- Apollo (LOT/Tales of Nephilim)
- Apophis (BtSD)
- User:Apotheosis69
- Archangel Michael (Tales of nephilim)
- Archer (Roland Deschain)
- Archimedes (Azure Core)
- Ardaux
- Areta Tenki
- Argus (God Genesis)
- Ariela Robinson
- Arrow Tubby
- Artashtaransalar, the Chief of Chiefs
- Artaxerxes "Assyria Semiramis" Dolos
- Artemis Wren (BtSD)
- Arthur Rivera
- Ashkalaar, Archon of Havoc
- Ashley Lee
- Asim Hope
- Astryloth
- Atropos (Tales of nephilim)
- Augustus (Tales of Nephilim/JOD`S)
- Aurum Shincho
- Aya Ryuusuke
- Azalea Aculeus
- Azariah
- Azazel (God Genesis)
- Azazel (Tales of nephilim)
- Azrael (Tales of nephilim)
- Azure Luna
- Baillou (GoAnimate)
- Baron Nurzaghur
- Basvara vyna Sratek
- Batman (Knight of Justice)
- Bayhard
- Bear
- Belial Dracohorn
- Belishtar, Riven from Vestiges
- Bell Cranel
- Berserker (Khârn)
- Blackjack (Cyborg)
- Blackjack (Pre Cyborg)
- Blackjack (Speak)
- Blackjack (War Arc)
- Blake Belladonna (Dragon Ball RWBY)
- Blaze Cromwell
- Blood Star
- Brick (Hallowed Haunts)
- Bridget Summers
- Brigand
- Brolaire
- Brullen Donner
- Buryman
- Butler (Tales of nephilim)
- Camellia Middlemist
- Cammy Field
- Canan Rivera
- Captain America (Avengers Alliance)
- Carter Hope
- Cerberus (Sogontosverse)
- Chardwick Hellruhm
- Charles Byrne
- Chelik, Bane of the Arasah
- Chihiro Fujisaki (NicoB's Bizarre Adventure)
- Chronos (BtSD)
- Cien
- Cinner
- Clotho (Tales of nephilim)
- Coal (Mark's Horror Shop)
- Cognitum
- Cookie Chick
- Copper
- Cora Yates
- Cosmos
- Cthulhu (Collapse)
- Curse Conducting Blade
- Cursed Gaming
- Dagon Kagami
- Daicas, Penchant of the Drench
- Dan Phantom (Grim Tales from Down Below)
- Daniel Summer (Exist2035)
- Danny Sexbang
- Deadpool (Avengers Alliance)
- Demon (Tales of nephilim)
- Demon Assistant (LOT/Tales of nephilim)
- Dervill
- Devil Mario
- Dinah Valdez
- Diodora's Warlords (God Genesis/GxC)
- Doctor Strange (Avengers Alliance)
- Dogannoy
- Dr. Hecate
- Drachyor
- Dragon Girl
- Dream (Dream SMP)
- User blog:Dripveneno/Perfect Cell (D.AU)
- Drista (Dream SMP)
- Drudge
- Dumah Satava
- Edgardo
- Ekaterina Kozlov
- Eldur (Save the World)
- Elena Ulysses
- Eljin Ulysses
- Elkrith Kleflar
- Emben the Ember
- Ember
- Emilia (Tales of nephilim)
- Emissary
- Erlithe Ashido
- Erza Scarlet (God Genesis/GxC)
- Ester Taroth
- Evil Goku (Goku Versus)
- Evyren, the Riven Matron
- Exetior
- Exetior (NU Rewrite)
- Ezekiel Rivera
- Eönwë Ivellta
- Faceless Woman
- Faith
- User blog:Faruel1998/Chardwick Hellruhm
- User blog:Faruel1998/Ember
- User blog:Faruel1998/Maxwell Vane
- Fatalis (EWTRTW3)
- Fear Smith (Last Chronicle)
- Felix (Friday Night Funkin)
- Ferris Shincho
- Fetter
- Filiph (Tales of nephilim)
- Fiona (LOT/Tales of Nephilim)
- Firegiver
- Fit (2b2t)
- Flowey (Inverted Fate)
- Flurry of Kaos
- Folex (The Keyword Is Try)
- FoolishG (Dream SMP)
- Froze
- Frīja (Azure Core)
- User blog:Furudo Erika in a Pirate Hat/Death
- User blog:Furudo Erika in a Pirate Hat/Exermis
- User blog:Furudo Erika in a Pirate Hat/Sela
- User blog:Furudo Erika in a Pirate Hat/Xena/Mio
- User blog:Furudo Erika in a Pirate Hat/Yulie