Characters who can affect a person's mind and manipulate it in some way.
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- Abaddon (God Genesis)
- Abigail Walker (InFAMOUS Extended Universe)
- Ach'taskri the Millennium
- Ahriman
- Aida Marsh
- Aika Chiharu
- Akira Banter
- Ako (Cosmic Knight)
- Akumo
- Alastoir (Exist2035)
- Alatreon (Everybody Wants to Rule the World)
- Alden Forent
- Alela Stardust (Tempest Arrow)
- Alexander Stratos (EWTRTW 5)
- Alicorns (Fallout Equestria)
- Alle Cheats
- Almace Alcatraz
- Alpha (Destroy the Godmodder)
- Alyson
- Amaterasu (God Genesis)
- Amy Valentine
- An Dae
- Angel (RWBY: 30 Days)
- Animalisk
- Anita McGrath (InFAMOUS Multiverse: "Prime")
- Anjin
- Anoria Saurchur
- Aphotic Aberration
- Aphrodite (God Genesis)
- Apocalypse (DEATH BATTLE!)
- Apocalypse Bird
- Apollo (LOT/Tales of Nephilim)
- Arceus
- Archimedes (Azure Core)
- Argus (God Genesis)
- Armor
- Artaxerxes "Assyria Semiramis" Dolos
- Arthur Rivera
- Ashe Justine-Morningstar
- Ashi Oto
- Ashkalaar, Archon of Havoc
- Asim Hope
- Assassin (Guy Fawkes)
- Assassin (Saya)
- Athena (Skyrim)
- Augustus (Tales of Nephilim/JOD`S)
- Aveal Maroona Turniga
- Avenger (Lord Vile)
- Avenger (Sweeny Todd)
- Azalea Aculeus
- Azariah
- Azazel (God Genesis)
- Azazel (Heaven's Sky)
- Azura
- Azure (TLKW)
- Azusa Aizawa (Adrift)
- Bambu
- Banana Eater - ( Draw My Life )
- Basvara vyna Sratek
- Batman (Knight of Justice)
- Bazslag
- Behemoth (Modded Minecraft, Magicraft Spictra)
- Belial Dracohorn
- Belishtar, Riven from Vestiges
- Bellator (Be My Rimworld Pawns)
- Bellion, the Ancient Dragon
- Berserker (Uncle Sam)
- Betty (Glitchtale)
- Bismarck (RW)
- Black Jack
- Blackjack (Cyborg)
- Blackjack (Speak)
- Blackjack (War Arc)
- Blaze Cromwell
- Brigand
- Brooke Layton
- Buryman
- Butler (Tales of nephilim)
- Caillou (BrentAnimate)
- Cammy Field
- Caster (Bill Cipher)
- Caster (Carol Machiel)
- Caster (Spooky)
- Cerberus (Sogontosverse)
- Chara (Glitchtale)
- Chelik, Bane of the Arasah
- Cien
- Clover (Undertale Yellow)
- Cole MacGrath (InFAMOUS Extended Universe)
- Cole McGrath (InFAMOUS Multiverse: "Prime")
- Comiphor
- Commander Jet
- Connor R. Hellklier
- Cookie Chick
- Crabwhale
- Crazy is Crazy (Spy's Sexelent Adventure)
- Crystalmind
- Cthulhu (Phobians)
- Dalemens (JOD`S) (Tales of nephilim)
- Damien Macintosh (Unchosen)
- Darth Nox (A Look to the Past)
- Death (Ovenverse)
- Devil Mario
- Dhamo Khasin
- Diego "DIO" Brando (Yggdrasil)
- Diodora's Warlords (God Genesis/GxC)
- Doc Scratch (Destroy the Godmodder)
- Doctor Fate (Artoria Pendragon)
- Dogannoy
- Dr. Eggman (NU Rewrite)
- Dr. Hecate
- Dr. Hecate Battle Drones
- Dracula (World of Projections)
- Draugr Warriors (Avengers Alliance)
- Drista (Dream SMP)
- Drite
- Drudge
- Duralle Absalom
- Dusk
- Dyeus-Zatar
- Ecq, the Prime Horror
- Edward (Reincarnation Wars)
- Ekaterina Kozlov
- Elena Ulysses
- Eljin Ulysses
- Emperor Xuanye (10th Emperor - Monogattari no Jūnen (物語の十年))
- Endless Darkness
- Epicurius
- Erza Scarlet (God Genesis/GxC)
- Evil Cole MacGrath (InFAMOUS Extended Universe)
- Evyren, the Riven Matron
- Exeller
- Eönwë Ivellta
- Galen Darstellerisch
- Garfield (Dorkly Comics)
- Gen (Unused and Majin)
- Genesis Valentine
- Ghost Rider (Avengers Alliance)
- Gladis the lunch lady
- God (Throne of Heaven)
- Godzilla (Warlock)
- Golden Freddy (Xman 723)
- Gor-Talith, Voidforger of the Covert
- Greithoth, Breaker of Wills (Avengers Alliance)
- Greninja (Royal Rumble)
- Grey Devil (SuperNatural)
- Griffin Von Frankenstein
- Grunt