Characters who are Good to various degrees, both in actions and personality.
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- Abel (Olethros)
- Abigail Walker (InFAMOUS Extended Universe)
- Adam Newman
- Adam Williams
- Aggressive Kirby
- Aika Chiharu
- Aikkon
- Aishi
- Aizawa
- Aka
- Akama Tatsuko
- Akane Rivera
- Akari
- Akayo Kamigama
- Akira Banter
- Akumo
- Alela Stardust (Tempest Arrow)
- Alex Shincho
- Alexander Loyàl
- All Might (DEATH BATTLE!)
- Alva (The Deathmachine)
- Alyssa Morita
- Amara Hawking
- Ambrose Lysander
- Ame
- Amily "Amy" Thorn (NU Rewrite)
- Andrew Rivera
- Angasu
- Antoshi
- Aoumi
- April (Fall inlove with the gangsters)
- Arabelle
- Arachi
- Archer (Big Kahuna)
- Archie Silver (DEATH BATTLE!)
- Archimedes (Azure Core)
- Arfrol Amadar
- Ariela Robinson
- Arkantos
- Artemis Bennet
- Arthur (Last Chronicle)
- Asgore (Inverted Fate)
- Ashley Cartoon
- Asim Hope
- Aster Dikabatler
- Astryloth
- Asuna Kamakura
- Ava Tippit
- Aveal Maroona Turniga
- Aya Ryuusuke
- Azazel (Tales of nephilim)
- Azta Kehl
- Azure (TLKW)
- Azusa Aizawa (Adrift)
- Baci (Sonic and the Powerpuff Girls)
- Baci (The Legend of Team Brunette)
- Baillou (GoAnimate)
- Bakura Fragola
- Basvara vyna Sratek
- Bayhard
- Bell Cranel
- Bendy (DBX)
- Billy
- Bird Jesus
- Bishamonten (Total Armageddon)
- Bizarre (The Legend of Team Brunette)
- Black Panther (DEATH BATTLE!)
- Bladed Hand (Hero's Oath)
- Blake Belladonna (Dragon Ball RWBY)
- Blobby
- Blossom (Sonic and the Powerpuff Girls)
- Bobo
- Boom (Optimum Fang)
- Boots
- Borealis Coccolo
- Braylon (The Legend of Team Brunette)
- Brolaire
- Brunette (Sonic and the Powerpuff Girls)
- Brunette (The Legend of Team Brunette)
- Bubbles (Sonic and the Powerpuff Girls)
- Bucky O'Hare (DEATH BATTLE!)
- Buttercup (Sonic and the Powerpuff Girls)
- Caillou (BrentAnimate)
- Caillou (GoAnimate)
- Caillou (The Andersons)
- Caillou (Trouble Life for Caillou)
- Camo Dudes (SuperNatural)
- Canan Rivera
- Carter Hope
- Catto Boi (Old Games)
- Celestine Stellaria
- Ceres Fauna (CouncilRyS RPG)
- Chase (That One Mute Girl)
- Chester (Bobo the chimp)
- Chris (Another Return to Freddy's 3)
- Christian Ze Frank
- Christopher Valco
- Cinnamon Cookie
- Cinner
- Claire (Adrift)
- Claire (SAO:RT)
- Claire (Tales of Aincrad)
- Claire Rue (Life Cards)
- Clone Sonic (RockClones)
- Cobalt (Veneficaverse)
- Cody Adams
- Cole MacGrath (InFAMOUS Extended Universe)
- Cole MacGrath (InFAMOUS Multiverse: "Cole")
- Cole MacGrath (InFAMOUS Multiverse: "Dishonored")
- Cole Thompson (InFAMOUS Multiverse: "Prime")
- Commander Jet
- Courage the Cowardly Dog (Sonic and the Powerpuff Girls)
- Crash Bandicoot (DEATH BATTLE!)
- Cream the Rabbit (NU Rewrite)
- Cristina Summers
- Cronus
- Crossover Naruto
- Cthulhu (Collapse)
- Cynthia Hall
- Daidōji (Kagura X Kagura)
- Daiki (The Proud Demon)
- Daillou (Trouble Life for Caillou Remake)
- Daisy (BrentAnimate)
- Daisy and Cody (GoAnimate)
- Dash Rhodes
- Dave (Hikari's Light Festival)
- Delia Rousseau
- Dick. G. Maxiem
- Diego de la Vega (A Fox in Japan)
- Doctor Fate (Artoria Pendragon)
- Dr. Hecate
- Drake Biggs
- Dylan (Dootverse)
- Ealoseum
- Edward (Reincarnation Wars)
- Eggman (Sonic.EXE: The Disaster)
- Einstein Holmes
- Elaba Momo
- Elena Ulysses
- Elias Smith
- Elkrith Kleflar
- Emilia (Tales of nephilim)
- Emissary
- Endymion Aheri (LOT) (Tales of nephilim)
- Entoma Vasilisa Zeta
- Erik Cubellios
- Erika
- Esgore
- Eugene Sims (InFAMOUS Extended Universe)
- Eve Williams
- Executor Vermillion (Original Series)
- Ezekiel Rivera
- Faith
- Falandar
- Felicia (DEATH BATTLE!)
- Felicity
- Felix Chilling
- Firefly (Sonic and the Powerpuff Girls)
- Firegiver
- Fox McCloud (DEATH BATTLE!)
- Fox McCloud (TerminalMontage)
- Frankenstein's Monster
- Fready Sedy (feverdreamteam)
- Freddy Fazbear (Xman 723)
- Frenzy Planter (Yarrow)
- Frisk (Glitchtale)
- Frisk (Underpants)
- FU android soldier
- FU Plus-droid
- Fumiko Zakura
- User blog:Furudo Erika in a Pirate Hat/Exermis
- User blog:Furudo Erika in a Pirate Hat/Sela
- Futuratani ZenShin
- Future Gohan (Hyourinjutsu)
- Future Large Clockman