Characters with extraordinary intellect.
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- Abe no Kiyohime
- User blog:Abu2411/Donatello
- Adam Williams
- Agent F
- Ahriman
- Aimee Whitfield
- Ainz Whitley
- Akane Rivera
- Akira Banter
- Al (Scratch ARG)
- Alex Shincho
- Alpha (Destroy the Godmodder)
- Alva (The Deathmachine)
- Amalatro
- Amik
- Anoria Saurchur
- Antony
- Archer (William Tecumseh Sherman)
- Archimedes (Azure Core)
- Areta Tenki
- Artaxerxes "Assyria Semiramis" Dolos
- Ashi Oto
- Ashkalaar, Archon of Havoc
- Assassin (Saya)
- Athena (Throne of Heaven)
- Augustus (Tales of Nephilim/JOD`S)
- Baby Vegito Black (Hyourinjutsu)
- Baldi (BrentAnimate)
- Bambu
- Basvara vyna Sratek
- Batman (Knight of Justice)
- Berserker (SCP-682)
- Bessy (The Legend of Team Brunette)
- Blaze Cromwell
- Blossom (Sonic and the Powerpuff Girls)
- Braylon (Sonic and the Powerpuff Girls)
- Brunette (Sonic and the Powerpuff Girls)
- Brunette (The Legend of Team Brunette)
- Buttercup (Sonic and the Powerpuff Girls)
- Caillou (BrentAnimate)
- Caillou (GoAnimate)
- Captain America (Avengers Alliance)
- Card Guy
- Carla Golubev
- Caster (Spooky)
- Celestia
- CEO Lollipop
- Chelik, Bane of the Arasah
- Chihiro Fujisaki (NicoB's Bizarre Adventure)
- Chris (Another Return to Freddy's 3)
- Cobalt (Veneficaverse)
- Cody Adams
- Cognitum
- Cole MacGrath (InFAMOUS Extended Universe)
- Comiphor
- Commander Jet
- Connie Loveberry
- Connor R. Hellklier
- Courage the Cowardly Dog (Sonic and the Powerpuff Girls)
- Crith Cruinne
- D.E.A.T.H-C.H.A.O.S (Tales of nephilim)
- Daicas, Penchant of the Drench
- Daisy (BrentAnimate)
- Daisy and Cody (GoAnimate)
- Danny Sexbang
- Darox (Nova Dragon)
- Davi
- David Beckum (Abnormalverse)
- Declassified Document
- Delta!Sans
- Demon Bulma
- Destroyer (Insiders)
- Doctor Strange (Avengers Alliance)
- Dorothea
- Dr. Eggman (NU Rewrite)
- Dr. Eggman (Snapcube's Real-Time Fandubs)
- Dr. Eggman (Starved)
- Dr. Hecate
- Dr. Hecate Battle Drones
- Dr. Kulik
- Dr. Octogonapus
- Dr. Oddment
- Dr. Raichi (Dragon Ball Multiverse)
- Dracula (World of Projections)
- Dragon Girl
- Drake Biggs
- Dream (The Wrath Of Dream)
- Drite
- Edward (Reincarnation Wars)
- Edward Stigandr
- Einstein Holmes
- Elias Smith
- User blog:Elizhaa/Composite Human
- Ellinor Vivi Knutson
- Elyan
- Emben the Ember
- Epicurius
- Erika
- Ethan Xavier (Adrift)
- Eve Williams
- Evil Amik
- Evyren, the Riven Matron
- Exetior (NU Rewrite)
- Extinction
- Eönwë Ivellta
- H.E.L.E.N (Tales of nephilim/JOD`S)
- Hamden (The Keyword Is Try)
- Haruka (Kagura x Kagura)
- Haruka Kuroda
- Hazar Mazdabarzan
- Heath Lemschyrós
- Heinz Richter
- Helena Lucifer Smith
- Henry Hill
- Heznazap Zegna
- Hikari (New Light)
- Hina Blake
- Hiromi Mikami
- Hito Himitsu
- Honey Furr (New Light)
- Hoshi Kinko
- Hulk (Avengers Alliance)
- Human (Super WorldBox)
- Jaakuna
- Jalin Seattles (Clashing Frontiers)
- James Coleman
- Jaycie (Sonic and the Powerpuff Girls)
- Jazlyn Riona
- Jenovia (Number Line)
- Johanna
- Joly Biggs
- Josh (Fish Spider Industries Apocalypse)
- Julia Lawson
- Julia RockLiger
- Junter (NU Rewrite)
- Justin Smith (Jollibee's (CGI SFM Version))
- Justin Smith (Jollibee's)