Characters who are female.
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All items (820)
- Abaddon (God Genesis)
- Abaddon (Warriors of Eden)
- Abe no Kiyohime
- Abigail Walker (InFAMOUS Extended Universe)
- Aero
- Ahsoars vyna Tarava
- Aida Marsh
- Aika Chiharu
- Aika Totoro
- Ailuj
- Aimee Whitfield
- Aizawa
- Aka
- Akame Nakamura
- Akane Rivera
- Alana Kouri
- Alex (Smash Bracket)
- Alex Shincho
- Alice Magnea
- Alice Synthesis Thirty (Xmark12's Legacy MUGEN)
- Alicorns (Fallout Equestria)
- Alma Chronicle
- Almace Alcatraz
- Alphys (Inverted Fate)
- Altaire Rivera
- Altera
- Alva (The Deathmachine)
- Alys Iccitii
- Alysia Burnheart
- Alyson
- Alyssa Morita
- Amara Hawking
- Amaria (Dawn and Darkness)
- Amaterasu (God Genesis)
- Amaterasu (Warriors of Eden)
- Amaterasu Mirai
- Amazon Warrior (The Stranded Barbarian)
- Amelia Eliterra
- Amily "Amy" Thorn (NU Rewrite)
- Amy Valentine
- An Shiraishi (Fraymakers)
- Anarath
- Angel (RWBY: 30 Days)
- Animalisk
- Anita McGrath (InFAMOUS Multiverse: "Prime")
- Ann (By The Way, Can You Survive an RPG Game?)
- Annie (Tales of nephilim)
- Anoria Saurchur
- Aoumi
- Aphrodite (God Genesis)
- Applejack (PONY.MOV)
- April (Fall inlove with the gangsters)
- Arabelle
- Arciene
- Ardaux
- Areta Tenki
- Arfoire
- Arghonaut
- Ariela Robinson
- Armani Wooten
- Arnice
- Artaxerxes "Assyria Semiramis" Dolos
- Artemis Bennet
- Artemis Wren (BtSD)
- Arturia Pendragon (Soaring Fateful Night)
- Arya Stark (Yggdrasil)
- Ashara Zavros (A Look to the Past)
- Asherah (Warriors of Eden)
- Ashi Oto
- Ashkalaar, Archon of Havoc
- Ashley
- Ashley Cartoon
- Ashley Lee
- Assassin (Creeper)
- Assassin (Saya)
- Astral (Neon Cavaliers)
- Astrid (Neon Cavaliers)
- Astrid Langston
- Asuna Kamakura
- Asuna Kamakura (Indie Cross ROLEPLAY)
- Athena (LOT/Tales of nephilim)
- Athena (Skyrim)
- Athena (Throne of Heaven)
- Atropos (Tales of nephilim)
- Atsuko Kagari (BLASTZONE!)
- Ava Tippit
- Aveal Maroona Turniga
- Aya Ryuusuke
- Ayanna
- Azalea Aculeus
- Azariah
- Azura
- Azure (TLKW)
- Azure Luna
- Azusa Aizawa (Adrift)
- Baci (Sonic and the Powerpuff Girls)
- Baci (The Legend of Team Brunette)
- Bailey Rooke
- Bakura Fragola
- Bassiere von Dohj III
- Basvara vyna Sratek
- BB the Cirno
- Beauty Psychic (Lilac)
- Bee (The Keyword Is Try)
- Beikan
- Bella
- Benedcikte Rinneman
- Berserker (SCP-682)
- Bertha Octavius
- Bessy (The Legend of Team Brunette)
- Bismarck (RW)
- Bizarre (Sonic and the Powerpuff Girls)
- Bizarre (The Legend of Team Brunette)
- Black Widow (Avengers Alliance)
- Blackjack (Cyborg)
- Blackjack (Pre Cyborg)
- Blackjack (Speak)
- Blackjack (War Arc)
- Blake Belladonna (Dragon Ball RWBY)
- Bloom (The Legend of Team Brunette)
- Blossom (Sonic and the Powerpuff Girls)
- Blue
- Boo (Project Horizons)
- Borealis Coccolo
- Braixen (Burning Desires)
- Bridget
- Bridget Summers
- Brunette (Sonic and the Powerpuff Girls)
- Brunette (The Legend of Team Brunette)
- Bubbles (Sonic and the Powerpuff Girls)
- Buddy (Interlopers)
- Buttercup (Sonic and the Powerpuff Girls)
- Buzzy (Hikari's Light Festival)
- Calamitas
- Camellia Middlemist
- Candy Sugar
- Carla Golubev
- Carmen Spark
- Carol Machiel
- Cassidy (The Interviewed)
- Caster (Charles Darwin)
- Caster (Spooky)
- Catherine Aberdeen
- Cayla Soule
- Celeste
- Celestia
- Celestine Stellaria
- Ceres Fauna (CouncilRyS RPG)
- Ceruley
- Chansilla (Death And Tromrent)
- Chansilla (Friday Night Funkin)
- Charlotte Fraley
- Chisa Ayako (Adrift)
- Ciel Bela
- Cien
- Claire (Adrift)
- Claire (SAO:RT)
- Claire (Tales of Aincrad)
- Claire Rue (Life Cards)
- Clarrisa (The Rotten Queen)
- Clementine Cloverloth
- Clotho (Tales of nephilim)
- Cobalt (Veneficaverse)
- Coco de Lolo
- Cognitum
- Connie Loveberry
- Consif (The Keyword Is Try)
- Cora Yates
- Coroa
- Cosmos
- CP Elise Livaille
- Cream the Rabbit (NU Rewrite)
- Cristina Summers
- Cucumber Otter (YouTube)
- Cynthia Hall
- Cynthia, Queen of Hellfire