Users who can create and/or manipulate explosions.
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- Aaron Aventus
- Abigail Walker (InFAMOUS Extended Universe)
- Ace Fortuna
- Adam Pixton
- Adam Taurus (Dragon Ball RWBY)
- Adrian Mariner
- Agent Venom (Avengers Alliance)
- Aggressive Kirby
- Aika Chiharu
- Akira's DeLorean
- AKM Hinzert
- Akumo
- Alastoir (Exist2035)
- Alatreon (Everybody Wants to Rule the World)
- Alela Stardust (Tempest Arrow)
- Alex (Smash Bracket)
- Alexander Alejandro
- Alicorns (Fallout Equestria)
- Alle Cheats
- Alpha (Destroy the Godmodder)
- Alva (The Deathmachine)
- Alysia Burnheart
- Alyssa Morita
- Amakasu Yurei
- Amandiel (Tales of nephilim)
- Amber Rokkirodu (Un-Normal Creatures)
- Ame
- Angasu
- Annie (Tales of nephilim)
- Anoria Saurchur
- Anti-Air Wither Turret
- Antony
- Apocalypse (DEATH BATTLE!)
- Apollo (LOT/Tales of Nephilim)
- Apollo no.Ω
- Arceus
- Archangel Michael (Tales of nephilim)
- Armor
- Arthur Rivera
- Arya Stark (Yggdrasil)
- Ash Factory
- Ash York
- Ashi Oto
- Asmodeus (Tales of nephilim)
- Assassin (Creeper)
- Assassin (Guy Fawkes)
- Astryloth
- Asuna Kamakura
- Asuna Kamakura (Indie Cross ROLEPLAY)
- Athena (LOT/Tales of nephilim)
- Atsuko Kagari (BLASTZONE!)
- Autumn Leaf
- Azazel (Tales of nephilim)
- Azontr
- Azrael (Tales of nephilim)
- Azrai
- Baby Vegito Black (Hyourinjutsu)
- Batboat (Knights of Justice)
- Batman (DEATH BATTLE!)
- Batman (Knight of Justice)
- Batmobile (Knights of Justice)
- Batwing (Knights of Justice)
- Belial Dracohorn
- Belishtar, Riven from Vestiges
- Bell Cranel
- Bellator (Be My Rimworld Pawns)
- Bellion, the Ancient Dragon
- Black (Cooking with Black)
- Blake Belladonna (Dragon Ball RWBY)
- Blake Dixon
- BLU Heavy (Pootis Engage)
- Boba Fett (The Path to Power)
- Boom (Optimum Fang)
- Boomstick (Screwattack)
- Borealis Coccolo
- Boreas (Hikari's Light Festival)
- Brigand
- Bucky O'Hare (DEATH BATTLE!)
- Buddy (Interlopers)
- Buzzy (Hikari's Light Festival)
- Caillou (BrentAnimate Fox TV Remake)
- Caillou (BrentAnimate)
- Caillou (Trouble Life for Caillou)
- Calamity (Fallout Equestria)
- Canan Rivera
- Carla Golubev
- Cartoon Siren Head (The Mist of The Fate:The Curse Calamity, Trevor Henderson)
- Cell (BlastZone)
- Chance Cube
- Chance Icosahedron
- Chanimate
- Chelik, Bane of the Arasah
- Chisa Ayako (Adrift)
- Christopher Valco
- Coin Lesser (Kinyobi)
- Cole MacGrath (InFAMOUS Extended Universe)
- Cole McGrath (InFAMOUS Multiverse: "Prime")
- Commander Jet
- Confessor
- Cora Yates
- Corallus (Advent of Ascension)
- Cotton Candor
- CP Elise Livaille
- Crabwhale
- Crazy is Crazy (Spy's Sexelent Adventure)
- Cucumber Otter (YouTube)
- Cuphead (Indie Cross Animated Series)
- Daidōji (Kagura X Kagura)
- Daillou (Trouble Life for Caillou Remake)
- Daniel Summer (Exist2035)
- Danny Sexbang
- Death Battle T-Shirt
- Demon (Be My Rimworld Pawns)
- DestroyerBRAND
- Devil Mario
- Doc Scratch (Destroy the Godmodder)
- Dr. Eggman (NU Rewrite)
- Dr. Evil Skeleton Man
- Dr. Hecate
- Dr. Hecate Battle Army
- Dr. Hecate Battle Drones
- Dr. Hecate Solar Strike Nuke
- Drachyor
- Draco Porven
- Dream (Dream SMP)
- User blog:Dripveneno/Perfect Cell (D.AU)
- Drite
- Dylan (Dootverse)
- Edward (Reincarnation Wars)
- Einstein Holmes
- Elaba Momo
- Eldur (Save the World)
- User blog:Elizhaa/Composite Human
- Ember
- Emergency Alert System
- Emilia (Tales of nephilim)
- Endymion Aheri (LOT) (Tales of nephilim)
- Entoma Vasilisa Zeta
- Epicurius
- ESG8 (Character)
- Eskil
- Evil Cole MacGrath (InFAMOUS Extended Universe)
- Evil Robot (MM8BDM)
- Evyren, the Riven Matron
- ExecutorBRAND
- Extinction
- Ezekiel Rivera
- Fake NYN
- User blog:Faruel1998/Ember
- Fatalis (EWTRTW3)
- Ferris Shincho
- Figure (EDBG)
- Fiona (LOT/Tales of Nephilim)
- Firegiver
- Fit (2b2t)
- Flamma (Lou's Tale)
- Flowey (Inverted Fate)
- Flurry of Kaos
- Foo Fighter (SuperNatural)
- Fox McCloud (DEATH BATTLE!)
- Frisk (Glitchtale)
- Froze
- Frīja (Azure Core)
- FU Plus-droid
- Fujiwara
- Fumes