Calculations of feats and other stuff made for a particular verse.
Note: Calculations are made here when a user, one who has knowledge on math and other such subjects like science and physics who can do calculations, do this in order to find out the result of certain feats made by their characters in terms of say, an AP/Durability feat or a speed feat. However there can be other calculations made that doesn't have to be combat related such as the size of a place or person, the GBE of a moon, planet, or even star, and so on.
Keep in mind that making calc's isn't a mandatory thing nor does it have to be a way of finding out how fast or strong/durable their character is or anything else in particular.
All items (389)
- User blog:AidenBrooks999/55 Cancri E's Core Destruction
- User blog:AidenBrooks999/Beam Powered by a Chaos Emerald Vaporizes some mountains - SMBZ
- User blog:AidenBrooks999/Shadow and Cape Mario Power (Lamentally consistent ;-;) - SMBZ
- User blog:AidenBrooks999/TrES2b's GBE - Celestial Hunters
- User blog:AlsoPbGoat/Riki-Oh Feats
- User blog:Amelia Lonelyheart/Amenia: A few Calcs
- User blog:Amelia Lonelyheart/Henshin a go go: A few calcs
- User blog:Armorchompy/My D&D Homebrew - List of Feats
- User blog:AyOgUyS/Another JJS Calc
- User blog:AyOgUyS/JJS Hollow Nuke
- User blog:Blahblah9755/Save the World, Blitzing a necromancer
- User blog:Blahblah9755/Save the World, shoulder checking a building
- User blog:Blunt Claw/Clover SOUL early game speed calc
- User blog:Blunt Claw/Clover SOUL speed calc
- User blog:Blunt Claw/Clover SOUL speed calc 2
- User blog:Blunt Claw/Clover SOUL speed calc 3
- User blog:CanineAnnoyer/Undertale Fangame Calcs
- User blog:CCMBROTTERFN/Joker VS Giorno Calculations
- User blog:CCMBROTTERFN/Leviathan (The Last Sorcerer Animation) Calculations
- User blog:CCMBROTTERFN/VS. Retto Arc Calculations
- User blog:Chanimate/Aldrich Bludwatcher Additional Feats (The Last Sorcerer)
- User blog:Chanimate/Chanimate Explosions (My Version of the Calculations)
- User blog:Chanimate/Redoing the Aldrich Freezing Leviathan Calculation
- User blog:DemiiPowa/Kyuji Can Blitz
- User blog:DemiiPowa/Kyuji Gets Krushed
- User blog:Diamond Drone/Crash Maul: An Assortment of Feats
- User blog:Diamond Drone/DEATH BATTLE gets calced
- User blog:Diamond Drone/DEATH BATTLE more calcs
- User blog:Diamond Drone/Death Battle: The Bowser Question Blockdisk
- User blog:Diamond Drone/DougDoug feats
- User blog:Diamond Drone/Freak Fortress: Modern Feats
- User blog:Diamond Drone/Freak Fotress: Classic Feats
- User blog:Diamond Drone/Garry's Mod: Addon Feats
- User blog:Diamond Drone/Garry's Mod: Admin Editor Boxes
- User blog:Diamond Drone/Garry's Mod: Building Feats
- User blog:Diamond Drone/Garry's Mod: Full-Life Consequences
- User blog:Diamond Drone/Garry's Mod: SkyBox Barrel Horses
- User blog:Diamond Drone/Gensokyo Odyssey calcs
- User blog:Diamond Drone/HLVRAI: General Feats
- User blog:Diamond Drone/Magic the Noah calcs
- User blog:Diamond Drone/Misc Calcs for fun
- User blog:Diamond Drone/Pootis Engage: Assortment of Feats
- User blog:Diamond Drone/Sven Co-op: Misc Calcs
- User blog:Diamond Drone/TF2 Freakshow: Extended Classics
- User blog:DMUA/Astiria: "My full power would kill us all" Cliche
- User blog:DMUA/Bizarre Fantasy: Anikitos has fantasies about being Frieza
- User blog:DMUA/Cataclysm: The feats
- User blog:DMUA/Crimsondice: There is no detroit, we made it up
- User blog:DMUA/Divine Substitutes: The feats
- User blog:DMUA/Dungeon Dynamite: The unspecified number of feats of 8
- User blog:DMUA/Everybody wants to die 2: They made a sequel
- User blog:DMUA/EVOLVERSE: Castle Chaos feats
- User blog:DMUA/Fox Dad: A furry pokes his wife, chaos ensues
- User blog:DMUA/Glitchtale: Undyne vaporizes a building
- User blog:DMUA/Kinyobi: Dusk before Dawn: Requiem for a Calc Slave
- User blog:DMUA/MORO Productions: A little past 5-C
- User blog:DMUA/Spy's Sexelent Adventure: I question my existence and make various calcs
- User blog:DMUA/Spy's Sexelent Adventure: The last bout of the calcs
- User blog:DMUA/Spy's Sexelent Adventure: They've gone into Tier 5
- User blog:DMUA/Spy's Sexelent Adventure: Tier 8-7 feats
- User blog:DMUA/Track Down: LAND explodes, many fools tank it directly to the face, and big robots aren't slow robots
- User blog:DMUA/Valhalla the Tabletop feat log
- User blog:DMUA/Wok's Weaverdice game: I really hope this doesn't escalate like the rest of my RP blogs
- User blog:Duragoji123/HOTAK0 is a very big boi
- User blog:Ednaxel2/Metal Sonic calcs and stuff
- User blog:El rapero de tf2/096's Compendium (SCP: Containtment Breach)
- User blog:El rapero de tf2/Alice's movement speed
- User blog:El rapero de tf2/Ao Oni's hole no diddy
- User blog:El rapero de tf2/Ms. Circle fucks a wall up
- User blog:El rapero de tf2/Ms. Circle's stats
- User blog:El rapero de tf2/Rewrite destroys a large rock
- User blog:El rapero de tf2/Sonic.exe's perception speed
- User blog:El rapero de tf2/Tornt's exe VAPORIZES his capsule
- User blog:Flowerguy1/BoomBuster's Sonic.Exe: Calculations
- User blog:Flowerguy1/DEATH BATTLE: Batman Vs. Feats
- User blog:Flowerguy1/DEATH BATTLE: Bowser VS Eggman Feats
- User blog:Flowerguy1/DEATH BATTLE: Crash VS Spyro Feats
- User blog:Flowerguy1/DEATH BATTLE: Crona Definitely Needs a Plumber to Fixed That Leak!
- User blog:Flowerguy1/DEATH BATTLE: Darth Vader VS Obito Feats
- User blog:Flowerguy1/DEATH BATTLE: Lucy make an huge boom boom
- User blog:Flowerguy1/DEATH BATTLE: Madara VS Aizen Feats
- User blog:Flowerguy1/DEATH BATTLE: Magneto VS Tetsuo Feats
- User blog:Flowerguy1/DEATH BATTLE: Makima Breaks Through Wall
- User blog:Flowerguy1/DEATH BATTLE: McCloud O'Hare and Narigo Feats
- User blog:Flowerguy1/DEATH BATTLE: Misc. Feats
- User blog:Flowerguy1/DEATH BATTLE: Mob VS Tatsumaki Feats
- User blog:Flowerguy1/DEATH BATTLE: Natsu pulled a SSB's Fox McDonald on Random Building
- User blog:Flowerguy1/DEATH BATTLE: Omni-Man VS Bardock Feats
- User blog:Flowerguy1/DEATH BATTLE: Rocket's Explosions
- User blog:Flowerguy1/DEATH BATTLE: Shadow Versuses Feats
- User blog:Flowerguy1/DEATH BATTLE: Venom VS Crona Feats
- User blog:Flowerguy1/GamingAllStarsGmod: Some Explosion Feats
- User blog:Flowerguy1/Mario '85: Smashing through Pipes
- User blog:Flowerguy1/One Minute Melee: Bakugo and Yang causes explosion
- User blog:Greatgorilangaqil/Glacis Drake Ramping
- User blog:Greatgorilangaqil/Missile Head Missiles Destructiveness
- User blog:Greatgorilangaqil/Mutant Creeper Explosion ( Jujustyle7 )
- User blog:Greatgorilangaqil/Siren Head Feats (Draw My Story)