Characters who are acausal.
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- Abaddon (Warriors of Eden)
- Ace Balaster
- Adam Newman
- Ahriman
- Ahsoars vyna Tarava
- Aika Chiharu
- Akira's DeLorean
- Alatreon (Everybody Wants to Rule the World)
- Alexander Stratos (EWTRTW 5)
- Altaire Rivera
- Altera
- Alysia Burnheart
- Amalatro
- Amandiel (Tales of nephilim)
- Amara Hawking
- Anjin
- Annie (Tales of nephilim)
- Anoria Saurchur
- Antony
- Apollo (LOT/Tales of Nephilim)
- Apollo no.Ω
- Apophis (BtSD)
- User:Apotheosis69
- Archangel Michael (Tales of nephilim)
- Areta Tenki
- Ashi Oto
- Ashkalaar, Archon of Havoc
- Asmodeus (Tales of nephilim)
- Athena (Skyrim)
- Atropos (Tales of nephilim)
- Azalea Aculeus
- Azariah
- Azazel (Tales of nephilim)
- Azrael (Tales of nephilim)
- Azure Luna
- Canan Rivera
- Carter Hope
- Cassian Helios Vocitus
- Chara (Glitchtale)
- Chelik, Bane of the Arasah
- Chronos (BtSD)
- Cien
- Clotho (Tales of nephilim)
- Clover (Undertale Yellow)
- Cole MacGrath (InFAMOUS Extended Universe)
- Cthulhu (Collapse)
- Cthulhu (Phobians)
- Edward (Reincarnation Wars)
- Ekaterina Kozlov
- Elena Ulysses
- Eljin Ulysses
- Emilia (Tales of nephilim)
- Emperor Xuanye (10th Emperor - Monogattari no Jūnen (物語の十年))
- Erza Scarlet (God Genesis/GxC)
- Evyren, the Riven Matron
- Ezekiel Rivera
- Eönwë Ivellta
- Filiph (Tales of nephilim)
- Fiona (LOT/Tales of Nephilim)
- Flowey (Inverted Fate)
- Flurry of Kaos
- Frisk (Inverted Fate)
- Froze
- User blog:Furudo Erika in a Pirate Hat/Death
- User blog:Furudo Erika in a Pirate Hat/Libra
- User blog:Furudo Erika in a Pirate Hat/Sela
- User blog:Furudo Erika in a Pirate Hat/The Author
- User blog:Furudo Erika in a Pirate Hat/Xena/Mio
- User blog:Furudo Erika in a Pirate Hat/Yulie
- Kagutsuchi
- Kain (Tales of nephilim)
- Kang the Conqueror (Avengers Alliance)
- Kara Zor-El (God Genesis/GxC)
- Kenan Rivera
- Keresta Resket
- Kiara Yuuki
- Kiyoko (LOT/Tales of nephilim)
- Koji Komatsu
- Korokage
- Kouyate (Satoshi's Teacher - Monogattari no Jūnen (物語の十年))
- Kral Kaos
- Kura (Reincarnation Wars)
- Kurukafa, Lead of the Savior
- Lagalza, Maker of the Mivorians
- Lahkesis (Tales of nephilim)
- Lamashtu
- LeBron (Everyone Wants to Rule the World)
- Legera
- Legion
- Lilim (Tales of nephilim)
- Lilith (tales of nephilim)
- Lissie (Tales of nephilim)
- Liu Zhizhu
- Louie Mao
- User blog:PoISoNEX555/Love
- Lucasta
- Lucifer (Exist2035)
- Lucifer (The Sanctuary)
- Lucifer the demiurge
- Luna (Tales of nephilim)
- Maeleachlainn Theudobald Chlodochar, Jordán Burton Gefen Preben Simion Ælfstan Palladino Joaquim Sebastijan Désiré, Faisal Garnier Thor Ewald Janson, Hrodulf Kröger
- Maestro (MM8BDM)
- Malacoda
- Man of Undeath
- Marauder
- Marth (tales of nephilim)
- Masakado's Sword
- Max Stone
- Mercure Kaharak
- Metatron (Tales of nephilim)
- Metatron (Warriors of Eden)
- Mikage
- Mikei-Sangyū
- Morax (Tales of nephilim)
- Mythrisha