Characters with the ability to absorb things in a variety of ways.
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All items (499)
- Abaddon (Olethros)
- Abaddon (Warriors of Eden)
- Ach'taskri the Millennium
- Adam Newman
- Adam Taurus (Dragon Ball RWBY)
- Aggressive Kirby
- Ahriman
- Akatsuki Ryuu
- Ako (Cosmic Knight)
- Akumo
- Aladjinn
- Alatreon (Everybody Wants to Rule the World)
- Albion
- Alela Stardust (Tempest Arrow)
- Alex (Wasteland Country)
- Alexander Stratos (EWTRTW 5)
- Alpha (Destroy the Godmodder)
- Altaire Rivera
- Alva (The Deathmachine)
- Android 22
- Antony
- Aoumi
- Aphotic Aberration
- Apocalypse (DEATH BATTLE!)
- Arachi
- Arashi Tsureki
- Archie Sonic (DEATH BATTLE!)
- Ares (LOT) (Tales of nephilim)
- Arfoire
- Armani Wooten
- Artaxerxes "Assyria Semiramis" Dolos
- Ash York
- Ashram (LOT/Tales of nephilim)
- Asim Hope
- Asriel Dreemurr (Royal Rumble)
- Assassin (Creeper)
- Assassin (Saya)
- Assassin (Shinobu Oshino)
- Athena (LOT/Tales of nephilim)
- Athena (Skyrim)
- Augustus Archibald
- Avenger (Sweeny Todd)
- Azalea Aculeus
- Azariah
- Azencard (Everyone Wants to Rule the World)
- Azontr
- Azrai
- Azusa Aizawa (Adrift)
- Caillou (GoAnimate)
- Camellia Middlemist
- Canan Rivera
- Captain America (Avengers Alliance)
- Carol Machiel
- Celestia
- Cerberus (Sogontosverse)
- Chara (Glitchtale)
- Chardwick Hellruhm
- Chisa Ayako (Adrift)
- Cinner
- Clarrisa (The Rotten Queen)
- Cobalt (Veneficaverse)
- Coin Lesser
- Coin Lesser (Kinyobi)
- Cole MacGrath (InFAMOUS Extended Universe)
- Cole MacGrath (InFAMOUS Multiverse: "Cole")
- Comiphor
- Cora Yates
- Cosmic Child (Super Blox Arena)
- Crystalmind
- Curse Conducting Blade
- D.E.A.T.H-C.H.A.O.S (Tales of nephilim)
- Daiki (The Proud Demon)
- Dalemens (JOD`S) (Tales of nephilim)
- Damian Andreas
- Damien Macintosh (Unchosen)
- Darox (Nova Dragon)
- Darth Nox (A Look to the Past)
- Delta!Sans
- DestroyerBRAND
- Detainer Astro Toilet
- Diego "DIO" Brando (Yggdrasil)
- Dinah Valdez
- Dizkin
- Doctor Strange (Avengers Alliance)
- Dogannoy
- Dr. Eggman (NU Rewrite)
- Dr. Hecate
- Dr. Hecate Battle Army
- Dr. Hecate Battle Drones
- Dr. Oddment
- Dracul (JOD`S) (Tales of nephilim)
- Dragon Girl
- User blog:Dripveneno/Perfect Cell (D.AU)
- Eldur (Save the World)
- Elyan
- Ember
- Entropic God, Noxus
- Epicurius
- Esgore
- Evil Cole MacGrath (InFAMOUS Extended Universe)
- Evil Goku (Goku Versus)
- Evil Robot (MM8BDM)
- ExecutorBRAND
- Extinction
- Famine (Ovenverse)
- Fantasies
- User blog:Faruel1998/Chardwick Hellruhm
- User blog:Faruel1998/Maxwell Vane
- Fatalis (EWTRTW3)
- Filiph (Tales of nephilim)
- Fiona Ní Sídhe
- Fleshbeast (Be My Rimworld Pawns)
- Flowering Garden (Tales of nephilim)
- Flowey (Inverted Fate)
- Frankenstein's Monster
- Frisk (Inverted Fate)
- Froze
- Fulton
- User blog:Furudo Erika in a Pirate Hat/Xena/Mio
- User blog:Furudo Erika in a Pirate Hat/Yulie
- Gabriel (Tales of nephilim)
- Gal
- Garfunkle
- Gear of Inuresihi (Tales of nephilim)
- Gege (Helbas GGesom)
- Genesis Valentine
- Geulemlin
- Glitch
- Godzilla (Godzilla: Lord of the Galaxy)
- Godzilla (Warlock)
- Goku Black (Hyourinjutsu)
- Golden Sonic (Pre-RockClones)
- GoliathBRAND
- Google Chrome
- Grender Supervoltix
- Grey Fang
- Griffin Von Frankenstein
- Grigor the Second
- Gunvolt (Adrift)
- H.E.L.E.N (Tales of nephilim/JOD`S)
- Hades (TWCW)
- Hammond Marsh
- Heath Lemschyrós
- Hecate
- Helena Lucifer Smith
- Helena Lucifer Smith/The Devil
- Helena Lucifer Smith/The Serpent
- Homura Yasashi
- Hoovydundy
- Hulk (Avengers Alliance)
- Hydro (The TimeBound Stars)
- Hyro Inazuma