FC/OC VS Battles Wiki

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FC/OC VS Battles Wiki


Given that FC/OC also allows its users to do calculations made for a character feat of theirs or even a feat that scales to just about many or even all of the verses characters, it is important that a guide page is made here so that users of FC/OC will have instructions on what to do when making calculations for their verse and their characters.

For that, this guide will use links from FC/OC's neighboring Battles wikia and main counterpart, Vs Battles Wikia.

What is a Calculation

As said on VS Battles Wikia, a calculation (referred to as "calc" for short) is a method of determining a statistic (often referred to as "stat" for short) of a character (usually Attack Potency or Speed) in cases where it cannot be directly determined via guesswork or otherwise. It makes use of scientific formulae and mathematical equations to calculate any particular stat of the character.

Sampling Calculations

Here are some examples of calcs made by several users here in FC/OC Battles Wikia:

These are, once again, some of many calcs made by users here if they want to know how fast their character are or what level of AP/DC they made in an attack or so on.

Note that one does not really need to do calcs for their verse if they don't want to do so; this is simply just one way of putting up justifications for a characters feats within their verse.


Here are links of what one would need in order to calculate any kind of feat for the character(s) in question. (Work in progress)


There are some concerns and problems one may run into when doing calc's of any feats that may involve the above or even otherwise (Work in progress):
