Calamity and Spitfire's Thunder Render by Vector Brony.
“ | Ponies lives are countin’ on ya, Li’lpip. Y’all gotta pull yourself together. Hurt tomorrow, help today. | „ |
~ Calamity to Littlepip, Chapter 39 of Fallout Equestria |
Calamity and Fallout Equestria created by Kkat
Named for how he caused trouble during and after birth Deadshot Calamity was a born into a high ranking Military Family in the Pegasi Enclave. When he was old enough he joined his older brothers in the Military Academy, earning high marks for his skills in long ranged weaponry and survival skills, making him a leader of his own platoon. But one day Calamity caught wind of some the Enclaves projects and their High Ranking officials gawking at the idea of giving anything beneath the clouds assistance and would rather just find a reason to try and terraform the Equestrian Wasteland. Infuriated by this Calamity had threatened to reveal these plans to the public but he was caught and branded a traitor by his own family, literally. He was branded a Dashite, an official enemy of the Enclave state, for having murdered his whole platoon (which was a lie) and was banished to the hell bellow.
For a few years Calamity acted as a Bodyguard, Escort, and mercenary in New Appoloosa, a town built near the remains of Ponyville. Being a Pegasus allowed him to score many jobs and assignments to make a name for himself, but always tried to lean towards clients who were good willed. Eventually he became known as the Towns Protector, watching over the blossoming but illy gotten town.
One day Calamity heard about a huge raider/bandit encampment taking refuge in Ponyville being cleared out by a single pony. Scoffing at the idea and the radio hosts history of overplaying events Calamity had taken up guard on the outskirts of town, thinking there'd likely be raiders in the area. And seemingly he was right, a lone raider was approaching the town, completely armored and loaded. He caught the raider off guard and battled them, until he realized that this was the pony he had heard about on the radio, a newly escaped stable pony, Littlepip.
Feeling rather remorseful Calamity helped Littlepip find her way around New Appoloosa. When he heard that she was off to kill an encampment of slavers in the area he argued with her and her naivete on how the wasteland works, but it was in vain, it was then that he thought back to how he was labeled a traitor for trying to do the right thing. Calamity reconciled with himself, already being in her debt and knowing she'd risk her life to save her potentially enslaved friend, Calamity abandoned his better judgment, taking on what would become the greatest adventure of his life, Being Littlepips, right hand man.
Calamity carries the appearance of a well built Pegasus cowboy. He wears a battle saddle and his trademark black desperado hat. he is rust colored both in his orange mane and red coat symbolizing his hobbies of working in dirty environments both metaphorically and literally. His cutie mark is a branded colorless Rainbow Dash cutie mark. Symbolizing that he has defected from the Enclave and is to be treated as a traitor to his kin. Formerly it was screwdriver and hammer. He speaks with a dixie accent.
Calamity is a pony who lives and dies by his loyalty to those close to him. He cares deeply about doing right by others, no matter how horrible it makes him feel. He will trot to hell and back if he feels that its for the best, and hates being indebted to others. Its was the former trait that literally cast an emblem defining the life he would live, for when he caught wind of how The Enclave wanted to glass the wasteland, he found himself facing down everyone he ever knew, and still stood firm. For no matter how much his government, and even his family lied and smeared him, he will not put up arms against his own people, choosing to help the wastes under developed settlements. For in his heart, Calamity hates doing wrong by innocent ponies, no matter if they're misled, or if he wouldn't be fault. But his decisions and upbringing haunt his ability to act sometimes, lending him to make bleak decisions at times, and question himself when faced directly with his Pegasi kin. What eats him most is how his actions affect the innocent, or harming those he perceives as such. Though he hates doing bad by good ponies, it his dedication to making amends that lead him to his best friend, the love of his life, and ultimately being viewed as a hero.
Personal Statistics[]
Alignment: Fluctuates from Neutral to Chaotic Good
Name: Deadshot Calamity
Gender: Male
Origin: Fallout Equestria by Kkat, a My Little Pony/Fallout Fanfiction
Age: 20s (Older than Littlepip by several years) | 20s - 30s (the epilogue details events that happen from 14 days to 10 years after the end of the story.)
Classification: Pegasus Pony, Dashite, Former/Disgraced Enclave Soldier, Former Mercenary, The Element of Loyalty, Bastard Son | Cyber Pegasus, The Element of Loyalty
Birthplace: In the Clouds controlled by the Enclave
Likes: Velvet Remedy (Wife), Littlepip, Steelhooves (Friendly Rival), Xenith, Ditzy Doo (Client before he started traveling with Littlepip), Homage, His Family (Despite how he was treated.), Loyalty, Honesty, Firearms (gets notably ecstatic about finding new weapons), Scavenging and Looting the Wasteland (His comrades note him as explicitly addicted to looting), Repairing guns and weapons, sharing war stories with Steelhooves.
Dislikes: The Enclave (He is very vocal about how the Military Nation hides what happens to the wasteland and their own actions from their citizens for their own gain.), Autumn Leaf (Bullied him along with the rest of his family for years, though he can't bring himself to harm him.) Red Eye, The Goddess, Other "evil doers" in the wasteland, High Society
Eye Color: Rust Orange
Hair Color: Mane: Rust Orange Coat: Rust Red
Hobbies: Repairing his weapons, flying escorts, looting ruins
Values: Loyalty (His Element), Society, Honesty, Technology, His Friends, and Family
Marital Status: In a relationship | Married to Velvet Remedy
Status Alive
Affiliation: Littlepip's Friends, Applejacks Rangers | All Previous Affiliations, New Appoloosa, Followers of the Apocalypse, New Canterlot Republic, Junction Town
Previous Affiliations: Enclave (Falsely Branded him a traitor to cover up their genocidal ambitions for The Wasteland.), Steel Rangers (Until they betrayed Steelhooves and attacked Stable 2.)
Combat Statistics[]
Tier: 8-C | 8-C
Powers and Abilities: Superhuman Physical Characteristics, Skilled Marksman (Spent 7 years in the military, proficient with various firearms.), Regeneration (Low via healing potions), Explosives Expert (Carries Dynamite, and several grenades.), Skilled Mechanic, Martial Arts (Trained in the military), Flight, Fire Manipulation, Plasma Manipulation (via Plasma Weaponry), Weather Manipulation (Although never shown like Pegasi from FiM he is capable of this.) | All Previous Abilities, Enhanced Senses (Should be very similar to a Pipbuck but the extent of his cybernetics is unknown)
Attack Potency: Building Level (Can harm Littlepip Physically, can harm Alicorns with his weapons Shots from his Plasma Canon are strong enough to seriously wound Mr Topaz , who is this strong from sheer size alone . Harmed Wonderbolts who could survive their own Buckaneer Blaze attacks.) | Building Level (Should be no weaker than before.)
Speed: Subsonic movement speed (Should be comparable to this canon FiM feat.) His reactions are naturally faster than Littlepips.), possibly up to Transonic flight speeds (Faster than he is when grounded, flew across Equestria which is hinted to be similar in size to America likely at this speed. Fought against The Wonderbolts who are highly trained speedsters/assassins when he thought he couldn't.). Up to Supersonic attack speeds with weapons (Carries a magically enhanced sniper rifle.)
Lifting Strength: Superhuman (Can Lift and fly with Littlepip and Velvet on his own for extended periods of time unaided) | Likely Higher
Striking Strength: Building Class | Building Class
Durability: Building Level (Scaling to Littlepip, Survived being struck by a missile, Survived being struck by seemingly natural lightning from an Alicorn, Survived a blast capable of blowing out a metal wall, and remained conscious afterwards. Survived a Wonderbolt doing this to him, albeit heavily injured.) | Building Level (Higher than before, his cybernetics are made from Enclave Power Armor, which was designed to be a more portable variant of Steel Ranger Power Armor.)
Stamina: High, remained conscious after half his body was blown apart by a missile. Fought multiple Wonderbolts after taking their Buckaneer Blitz attacks.
Range: Standard Melee Range normally, Several Meters with various weapons.
Standard Equipment:
- Standard Rifle: Long range rifle of unknown origin, can be armed with armor piercing rounds.
- Dynamite
- Battle Saddle: Standard issue Enclave Battle Saddle, it is modular saddle that is designed to allow pegasi to carry and use multiple weapons at a time while retaining their agility, the trigger is a mouthpiece.
- Plasma Cannon: A powerful heavy ordinance weapon that can be mounted on Calamity's Battle Saddle, shoots green magically enhanced plasma, capable of harming even the most dangerous threats in The Wasteland.
- Spitfire's Thunder: a one of a kind sniper rifle Littlepip found and gave to him. While requiring ammo still its designed more like an energy weapon. Powered by magic, Spitfires Thunder weighs like a feather and leaves no recoil when firing. Shots fired from this rifle are amped by the rifles lighting gem, and sound like lightning when fired, hence its name.
- Novasurge Rifle: Smaller Plasma Rifle that is more useful for taking out multiple targets, Calamity can mount four of these on his battle saddle at once.
- Healing Potion: Usually has one of these, provides Low-Low regeneration if consumed.
Intelligence: Above Average Mechanic, manages and often repairs the groups equipment and is knowledgeable in vehicle and weapons repair, he does however have lapses in intelligence when it comes to battle tactics. Things he often leaves to Littlepip or Steelhooves to handle.
Weaknesses: Naive at times, he must change his battle saddle weapons manually, he must physically interact with clouds in order to use his weather manipulation and his proficiency with said ability is unknown. He has major qualms about killing other Pegasi, or members of his family, and will hesitate to do so.
Key: Normal | Post Cybernetic Enhancements/Epilogue
Respect Thread on him and Littlepips other friends: Link
Blog post on Calamity and the Verses Tiering: Link
Notable Victories:
Notable Losses:
Inconclusive Matches:
Discussion threads involving Calamity (Fallout Equestria) |