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FC/OC VS Battles Wiki
Bomb Master Jeffrey TikTok
Alright, kid. Let's see what kinda skills you got.
~ Bomb Master to Jeffrey


Bomb Master is a minor antagonist in Jeffrey Gets Banned From TikTok. He is the best and most famous player of Super Bomb Survival up until the arrival of Jeffrey. When Jeffrey arrives on the small planet hosting the game, Bomb Master challenges him to the famous game along with several others, and subsequently loses. With his ego shattered, he later teams up with TikTok to hunt down Jeffrey.

Power and Stats[]

Tier: 8-B to 8-A

Name: Bomb Master (SBS title), real name unknown

Origin: Jeffrey Gets Banned From TikTok

Gender: Male

Age: 30s

Classification: Robloxian

Powers and Abilities:

  • Superhuman Physical Characteristics
  • Acrobatics (Is considered untouchable by his fans and enemies alike. Had allegedly never gotten hit by a bomb in Super Bomb Survival until the day Jeffrey arrived. Has the double jump Perk.)
  • Attack Reflection and Non-Physical Interaction (With Smack. With this special technique, he can reflect any attack, including usually intangible attacks like fire and radio waves. Bomb Master is also capable of reflecting attacks without physically touching them, although this is played off as an oversight. However, this does have a cool down of 5 seconds.)
  • Instinctive Action (dodges a meteor that spawns directly on top of him)
  • Temperature Manipulation (Can freeze anything within a few meters with Cold Snap)
  • Ice Manipulation (With Ice Staff. Can shoot ice spikes from the ground that freeze enemies on contact.)
  • Weapon Mastery (Skilled in the use of bombs and the Ice Staff)
  • Explosion Manipulation (Bombs)

Attack Potency: City Block Level+ to Multi-City Block Level (Can harm Jeffrey the TikToker with a slap. Can completely encase others in ice with Ice Staff.)

Speed: Athletic Human (Like Jeffrey, he can generally run at athletic speeds and react to bombs quickly.)

Lifting Strength: Class 25 (Can lift nukes that are comparable to their real-world counterparts, which can easily weigh up to 30,000 lbs.)

Durability: City Block Level+ to Multi-City Block Level (Should be just as durable as Jeffrey.)

Stamina: Superhuman (His longest recorded matches in Super Bomb Survival last up to 8 hours.)

Range: Standard Melee Range, Extended Melee Range with Slap, Several Meters with Cold Snap, Tens of Meters

Standard Equipment: Standard bombs

  • Can Create/Summon: Ice Staff

Intelligence: Above Average. Isn't very smart in general and tends to let his ego influence his decisions, but is shown to be skilled in evading obstacles while eliminating enemies in the process.

Weaknesses: Tends to let his ego influence his decisions. Otherwise, none notable.


Notable Matchups[]





Discussion threads involving Bomb Master