Gunu, It is a 2 meter long shapeshifting creature. Most people do not know its origin, but it is believed that it arose after the death of the dark branches of the sacred tree. This creature feeds on human flesh and has a very powerful metamorphosis power, in addition to several other abilities.
Powers and stats[]
Tier: 2-C, Low 1-C, possibly 1-C in peak, Much higher with dimension
Key: Base - peak
Name: It has no name, but it is called Gunu
Origin: N.R
Gender: indefinable
Age: Eons (Hunting since the age of dinosaurs, Maybe even earlier. Described as being Eons old)
Powers and Abilities:[]
Superhuman Physical Characteristics, Metamorphosis(His main ability is the ability to assume various forms, whether human or animal), Master of hand-to-hand combat (easily dominates humans) , Natural weapons (It has sharp claws and teeth), Precognation (Can see the future in slips), Clairvoyance (Always knows where his victims are or are going.), Inorganic physiology (Type 1), Intangibility and incorporeality (it is made of light, so it can change shape as it pleases, since its true form is neither physical nor corporeal), Immortality (Type 1, 2, 4 e 5)(It has been alive since the age of the dinosaurs and because it is a pure light, it cannot die with its physical body being destroyed in any way or level, as it is just a light.), Abstract Existence (Type 2) (He is described as being just pure hunger, the embodiment of hunger, and it has been said that concepts do not die.), Death manipulation ( If one of your phantom hands touches the opponent, he dies instantly), large size(Type 0) (It is 2 meters tall)
Space-time manipulation, portal creation, dimensional travel, BFR and non-physical interaction (Can create rifts in space-time and interact with its dimension (which is parallel to the normal world) through of brute force)
Pocket Reality Manipulation e BFR Dimensional(Upon seeing a victim, he automatically takes them to his pocket dimension, which has an Infinite size.
•Time Manipulation: He can manipulate the weather of his dimension as a whole, increasing and decreasing the measure of weather or climate, as well as the weather itself.)
Attack Potency: |Low multiverse level( He can create a dimension in which his victims are trapped, with him manipulating the space of the entire dimension without any difficulty. He destroys and recreates the dimension every time he finds a victim, Sometimes he does this in the same second, destroying reality and recreating it in the same second. In fits of rage, he makes reality distort and also destroys reality again. Claimed to be able to destroy the normal universe and its dimension together [1]), Low level multiverse complex , possibly complex multiverse level([2]It could devour the concept of time, That addresses infinite Universes, so it should give cydcold, which would lead to darkness a 5-D, possibly 6-D plane), Much higher with dimension
Speed: |Unknown, at least subsonic(Can kill and attack humans without being seen)|Immeasurable
Lifting strength: |Immeasurable (Pulls the fabric of reality and moves the universe around)|Immeasurable
Attack strength: |Wall level +(Easily breaks human bones without difficulty. Can break human necks and kill them without difficulty. Its strength can surpass the force of a cannonball. ), Multi-universe level + at peak(pulls the fabric of reality and tears it with force), Low level multiverse complex , possibly complex multiverse level
Durability: |Low multiverse level|Low level multiverse complex , possibly complex multiverse level
Resistence: | Unknown
Range: |Standard Melee, Multi-universe level with Teleportation and powers, Low level multiverse complex , possibly complex multiverse level
Standard Equipment:
Intelligence: |Gifted (Has millions of years of hunting experience and is aware of all the events that have occurred on earth over millions of years, seeing the emergence and evolution of humanity.)
Standard tactics: He attracts the victim through the voice of an acquaintance, after which he takes him to his dimension and begins his hunt. Where he chases the victim and pretends not to see him, to scare him even more.
Weaknesses: |None notable
Notable attacks/Techniques
- ↑ 8 Universes
- ↑ 5-D, possibly 6-D