“ | You fail to realize, that for me... This is just the beginning.
But for you? It's Game Over |
„ |
~ Betty |
Bête Noire, also referred to as Betty, is the main antagonist of Season 2. She was a spell and a physical incarnation of the soul trait FEAR, lacking certain emotions, solely focused on fulfilling its purpose, to make sure humans and monsters would never live in peace. As of Animosity, Bete Noire has been killed by Wing Din Gaster and her body, along with her magic, has been corrupted and taken over by HATE.
When Agate casted the "Bête Noire Spell", Bete has a very similar appearance to Amber Lightvale, the late, chosen vessel for Bete’s body from Agate. Bete appears predominantly identical to her, but with some changes from the "Bête Noire Spell" and its effects. Bete has the physical appearance of the aforementioned pre-teen girl, but with a pink/inverted color scheme, having beige skin, natural brown hair with magical, hot pink highlights and a hot pink eye color. She wears a light pink and lavender sweater, a hot pink dress with torn edges, lavender leggings, and brown boots.
She has pink pupils that become brighter when HATE controls her, her sclerae turn darker depending on how much HATE is being used, and her mouth becomes crooked and fully black if the HATE takes over.
With her soul intact, her sclera becomes a dark shade of magenta, her pupil and iris becomes a darker shade of pink with slit-shaped pupils, and her mouth becomes more crooked, similar to Akumu's. Her body is no longer empty and is filled with pink magical matter. When her external shell is burned off, it reveals the pink matter underneath with an appearance similar to Akumu but with a humanoid shape and sharp teeth.
Displaying her human alias, Bete seem to be incapable of cruelty at first glance. She appeared to be naturally cheerful and wielded a somewhat happy-go-lucky attitude, and never seemed to worry about the future, as she was never seen feeling hopeless. She showed her peers a facade of great friendliness and was quick to greet Jessica and Frisk when she met them.
Nevertheless, despite appearing sweet and innocent, Bete's false personality quickly dissipated after Asriel and Sans discovered some AMD camera footage of her acting suspicious. During this time, Dr. Gaster learned that Agate Lightvale sacrificed her own soul to create a powerful creature that would make sure monster-kind and humanity never live in peace. Afterward, Bete revealed her sadistic personality, quickly indicating that she enjoys it when she severely hurts others (both physically and emotionally), showing that she has a very sadistic, psychotic, violent personality. She appears to enjoy hurting her opponents before she kills them. In fact, Bete is known for attempting to kill anyone in her way. It's also clear that she has no problem lying to, or betraying, others, as she manipulated Jessica into doing what she wanted them to do. Another example of this is when she caused Undyne to hallucinate, causing her to kill Alphys instead of Bete, or when she caused Jessica to hallucinate a badly damaged version of Alina, causing her unnecessary emotional pain whilst taking the HATE vial. During combat, she often becomes arrogant, resulting in her underestimating her enemies. She also displays minimal tactical knowledge, allowing master strategists to defeat her in battle, as show in her various battles with Gaster, although it is observed that she can calculate and knows how to get what she wants, she nevertheless seems to not be able to plan to a great extent.
Bete may also suffer from thanatophobia, as if a foe attempts to attack her with a powerful blow, she displays an absolutely terrified expression on her face, showing she fears death immensely. Like many fictional villains, Bete, for the most part, believes what she is doing is right. According to a post, and a couple of lines from Scared of Me, she believes that monsters and humans living together is "like a time bomb waiting to go off". Therefore, she thinks that what she's doing is "just speeding up the process", this shows that Bete's views on humans and monsters living together are the same as Agate's. She also knows everyone's past, and uses the mistakes of other characters to justify what she does, exemplified by her chastising Asriel (as Flowey) for comitting genocide on the inhabitants of the Underground.
Bete seems to be scared of HATE's plans, as it could control her; this means she knows that HATE has different plans than her own. The HATE's plans are later shown to be the absolute destruction of anything and everything.
Combat Statistics[]
Tier: At least 8-B | At least 8-B | Likely 7-B
Key: Base | Post Hate Vial | True Look
Name: Bête Noire; The Black Beast (translation of former), Betty (alias), Agate Lightvale ("true" name; technically/implied)
Origin: Glitchtale
Gender: Inapplicable, appears female
Age: 1,000 (Has been dormant for this long)
Classification: Spell Construct, SOUL of FEAR, a "Bête Noire"
Powers and Abilities:
Superhuman Physical Characteristics, Skilled with many weapons (Akumu's ability to change into various weapons and good at using), Matter Manipulation (Can create a magical white spear with a pink glow from her soul with a string attached to it), Magic and Absorption of it, Illusion Creation, Energy Projection (Possibly can shoot pink slash projectiles from scythe), Self-Sustenance (Types 1, 2 & 3. Doesn't need to eat, sleep, or breath), Perception Manipulation (Caused Asriel to see her as Chara, while Sans was likely excluded, also created a fake scythe while fighting Asriel to kill him), Soul Manipulation, Can take control of enemy attacks with Rhabdophobia, Life Creation and Summoning (Summoned a plethora of pink creatures with enough magic), Immortality (Types 1 and 2. Does not age and was unaffected by fatal wounds such as parts of her face being blasted off, even before she had a healing factor.), Soul Reading (Knew everything that Frisk, Asgore, Asriel, and Sans had done just by looking at them in the eye) and Statistics Amplification (Through absorption of souls and the presence of fear), Can get a Power Boost if in a near-death experience, which in Do or Die, it mainly affected Akumu. Akumu has Shapeshifting/Transformation (Akumu is able to assume a myriad of different forms, mainly a Scythe for Betty. It can possibly create pink slash projectiles from the scythe), Size Manipulation, Body Control, Flight, Healing (Akumu can give a piece of it's soul to Betty to heal her) and Pocket Reality Manipulation (Akuma contains souls within a pocket reality inside itself).
All powers from HATE are Regeneration (At least Mid; can regenerate her arm, and half of her body as well as her head, as she did so when Akumu used the HATE vial to save her.), Resurrection (Low-Godly) and Mind Control (Brought back Sans when only his soul remained and later did the same to Asriel. Provided that she has access to their soul, Betty can use HATE to revive a dead person under her command.), Forcefield Creation (Created a large dome made of HATE when fighting Frisk), Energy Manipulation (Bete can create an explosion beam with HATE, and powerful slashes with her scythe), and Body Control (Able to extend HATE tentacles from her body)
Same as before to greater extent, Aura (During the second fight against Frisk, she releases a high amount of energy from her body), Enhanced Body Control (After she fuses with Akumu, Betty appears able to turn her arms into blades and various other weapons, she can even extend her limbs), Resistance to Power Nullification (Took a hit by Jessica's AMR), Fire Manipulation (Acquired pyrokinetic abilities in Ḣ̸͈a̷̞̽ẗ̵̥́e̸̟͒), Matter Manipulation / Creation (Has created weapons from her soul, such as shields, blades over her arms, arrows, and a bow), Regeneration (At least High-Low, likelyLow-Mid; it was shown she can regenerate without using HATE, but it's still not as effective when compared to HATE's power. Regenerated whole body skin, which is like a protective layer for her body, against Mettaton rather quickly), Energy Projection (Bete can create explosion beams, large, explosive arrow/triangular projectiles, slash projectiles, and energy auras).
Attack Potency: At least City Block level+[Statistics Values 1] (Defeated Gaster and Alphys), higher with Akumu (Drew blood from Undyne the Undying) Varies with Rhabdophobia (The strength of this attack depends on the strength of the attack that she's stolen)| At least City Block level+, likely far higher[Statistics Values 2] (Stronger than her base form; demonstrated when she managed to hold her own against Undyne the Undying while her base form stood no chance). Higher with Akumu | Likely City level[Statistics Values 3] (After gathering enough magic for a few hours due to the pink creatures, she stated that she could wipe out the entire city. In the timeline where Betty won because Chara died to Asriel, the city was aflame), higher with HATE magic (When she was begining to get overwhelmed by Gaster and Determination Sans's Gaster Blaster, she overpowered both with an energy attack of HATE). Varies with Rhabdophobia (The strength of this attack depends on the strength of the attack that she's stolen)
Speed: At least Subsonic+, likely higher (Comparable to Gaster. Despite initially getting blitzed by her and being slower than her, was able to react to and attempt to counterattack Undyne's spears) | At least Subsonic+, likely far higher (Far faster than her base form; demonstrated when she was keeping up with Undyne the Undyning. Was able to escape Frisk's attack that can damage a canyon). Higher attack speed with hate magic (When possesed by HATE, her attack cut Undyne the Undyning horizontal and the backround wall before she could react). | At least Subsonic+, likely far higher (Betty can move at speeds that make it look like she is teleporting)
Lifting Strength: Unknown | Unknown | At least Class M (Should be far superior in this regard to Undyne)
Striking Strength: At least City Block level+ | At least City Block level+ | City level, higher with the help of Kumuzilla | At least City level with true form
Durability: At least City Block level+ (Could endure blows from Gaster), higher with Akumu (Could block Gaster's Gaster baster, which made Betty fear for her life) | At least City Block level+, regeneration makes her difficult to kill | City level, regeneration makes her difficult to kill
Stamina: Superhuman
Range: Standard Melee range, Extended Melee Range with sycthe. Tens of Meters with Akumu, likely up to Hundreds of Meters with Magic. Tens of Kilometers with Kumulings (Overran a whole City) | Same as before | Standard Melee range, Extended Melee Range up to Tens of Meters with Body control. At least Hundreds of Meters, likely Tens of Kilometers with Magic (she stated that she could wipe out the entire city). Tens of Kilometers with blobs (Overran a whole City)
Standard Equipment: Spear, Akumu, Multitude of souls within Akumu, HATE vial, Kumulings, and Kumuzilla.
Intelligence: At least Above Average (Fooled everyone into thinking she was innocent, including Frisk. Planned out an attack on Toriel's school that was ultimately successful. She also a skill fighter because Agate was, in fact, a very skilled and experienced fighter. Who’s a soul is what Betty is based off)
Weaknesses: Betty is rather arrogant, and toys with her opponents when she has a clear upper hand, preferring to instill FEAR and break their DETERMINATION. She underestimates her new opponents which have cost her battles. She doesn't strategize, rather she opts for brute force to defeat her opponents. She must constantly feed on magic in order to live. Anyone with enough willpower can counteract her fear-based techniques. Needs Akumu to create her sycthe and various other weapons in this form. Akumu is her other half and contains all the souls she or the Kumulings have absorbed. If It dies, she'll slowly die and vise-versa for Akumu. Rhabdophobia takes up a lot of magic and she needs a multitude of souls or a lot of fear to use it.| Same as before, but she is constantly generating magic. When consuming the HATE itself was a bad idea because it limited the powers she could use from that point and on. Because of this, Betty can attack her opponents, but if she gets damaged and regenerates with HATE, the HATE will slowly corrupt her (although she could just simply avoid using the HATE, there are situations where Betty is usually forced to use it or she will die). Under Constant threat of being possessed by the HATE Entity, stating when she dies that she's been the one holding it back from doing so.|Same as before without the Akumu related weaknesses due to fusing with her other half.
Notable Attacks/Techniques:
- Spear of Fear: Betty can conjure a spear which she uses to take others, souls, usually by throwing it.
- Weapon of Nightmares: Betty can also use Akumu as a weapon. The creature can form various weapons, such as a scythe or an arm-mounted blade. Betty can also send Akumu to attack alongside herself.
- Illusion Casting: Betty can cause others to hallucinate by making them see false visions, such as when she tricked Asriel into seeing Chara.
- Rhabdophobia: Betty's special attack that creates a negative pink area where she takes control of all enemy magic and allows her to use it against her enemies.
- Energy Manipulation: When Bete and Akumu can release energy from them and form/use it for their own need.
- Pink Creatures and Kumuzilla: The pink creatures are used as soldiers and soul gatherers for Bete while Kumuzilla is her strongest creation that can wipe out an entire city.
Themes: Bete Noire, Fearless Terror, and Neo Fear
Notable Victories:
Sabrina (Puella Magi Adifligo Systema) Sabrina's Profile (Speed was equal)
Chara (Glitchtale) Chara's Profile (Both were 7-B)
Sonic.exe (The Multiverse Series) Sonic.exe's Profile (Sonic's 2nd key and Betty's 1st key was used. Speed was equal and the fight took place on Mount Everest)
Notable Losses:
Dylan (Dootverse) Dylan's profile (Fully Powered Up Dylan and Post Hate Vial Betty were used and speed was equal.)
Inconclusive Matches:
Statistics Values[]
- ↑ Superior to 60.664 tons
- ↑ Far superior to 60.664 tons
- ↑ Likely 6.3 megatons, baseline city level