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FC/OC VS Battles Wiki

Credit to artist Inu Fuji for this reference images.

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Glory you say, O Great Spirit of Darkness? How can one with such a blackened soul ever feel the light of glory?
~ Bellion, to Runa

Bellion is a minor antagonist faced by Runa & Jin on their quest. A dragon that's lived long enough to be revered as one of the "ancient ones," carrying with him countless lifetimes of experience. Much of which he's spent cultivating the Azure—a powerful force of light that purges and incinerates the dark, blowing away all of his foes with not but simple flashes of its glory. His foes, being, of course, just innocent human societies trying to survive and cultivate themselves. After all, how else is a dragon supposed to have fun, but to flex their draconic authority over the weak? Bellion’s ruthless conquests earned him notoriety as one of the continent’s most dangerous threats. Guilds across the land issued quests to end his reign of terror, and adventurers flocked to his cavern. Bellion no longer needed to hunt for amusement—his victims came to him.

Period by period, adventurers, warriors, and mages of all walks of life made their way to Bellion's cavern—each believing they would be the one to slay him and claim the prize—relinquishing the world of this monster. Some were driven by hubris, others by genuine heroism—it mattered not. Although they came in different shapes and sizes, with different motives and aspirations, they all faced the same fate—incinerated by the Azure. The quest to slay him became infamous for its grim toll—entire parties wiped out, again and again. Eventually to the point that it was raised to the maximum level in the guild database. A level 10, reserved for only the most abyssally impossible of tasks, that only the strongest elites had the slightest chance at taking on. Though, even they, would be too vexed by his reputation to dare challenge him. The bounty on Bellion’s head swelled as families and communities affected by his wrath contributed to the reward pool, amassing a staggering sum of 100,000,000 Roalts—enough to secure generational wealth. Yet, despite the lure of unimaginable riches, Bellion remained undefeated.

That is, until a true monster arrived.

The Great Spirit of Darkness, Runa—a legend in her own right—both feared and revered. Known as the Spirit Killer, she had eradicated every remaining dark spirit in existence, becoming one herself in the process. Hoping to show her Reincarnate disciple Jin, just how capable of a mentor she was, she approached the dragon with a sense of pride. And seeing her effortlessly breeze past his presence—the first in a long time—Bellion knew this was different. Finally, it was someone worth the time. Although he fought with everything he'd cultivated in his life, ultimately, he was decisively defeated by the spirit, putting an end to his long reign. However, Runa not so kindly handled him, showing no mercy to the dragon—stripping him of the Azure and banishing him to a black dimension of perpetual darkness, to suffer for eternity. Where he still remains to this day. She truly lived up to her name as a Great Spirit.


Despite his haunting reputation, Bellion is a deceivingly pretty dragon. And although he's known as an ancient one, his face doesn't show even the slightest sign of aging—temporally locked to a state reminiscent of a teenaged human. As Bellion notes, he needs not to show his age—for it'd only sour the glory of his light. As the titular Azure Dragon, his appearance is most defined by his glamorous blue-azure hair, which is bubbly and thick, worn down to his waist with fluffy bangs around his face—granting him the appearance of a feminine, yet handsome young man. His eyes are a crystalline diamond blue, sparkling with glee in contrast to his pitch-black sclera. His skin is a light blue shade, complimenting his more intensely blue features, with big black horns stick directly up from his head and slick, long elven ears.

Bellion is humorously small, especially for a dragon. Standing at just 5'7" tall, and with no muscle to show for it, he packs a surprising amount of punch for his tiny frame. He has a slim, yet toned body, covered in black, draconic armor that blends into his reptilian arms and legs. His hands and feet are segmented, with armored scaled laced across his forearms and forelegs. From his bottom springs fourth a massive dragon tail, similarly covered in black scaled armor. He has two pairs of azure-colored wings, matching the color of his locks, bursting out from his back with sovereignty.


Like most dragons, Bellion is outwardly and excessively prideful. He believes himself to be above the societies of humans he's conquered and adventurers he's mercilessly killed, and even saw Runa as being an inferior opponent. While he isn't as actively bloodthirsty as some other dragons, he has a history of tormenting villages, cities, and other small societies for his own pleasure. Although, Bellion is unique in the fact that he's less lazy than other dragons—having spent a large quantity of time dedicated to furthering his potential with the Azure, and separating himself from his peers as a result of it. Though, it would seem his age as reduced this quality of his, as now he spends most of his time couped up in a cavern, awaiting challengers he knows are nothing but a waste of time. Although Bellion appears quite brave and indomitable, he was made desperate by Runa's severance of his magic, and her banishment to a place of nothingness. The time spent there is likely to change him, whenever he has the opportunity to show it.

Combat Information[]


Tier: At least 7-A; High 4-C with the Ultimate Azure

Attack Potency: At least Mountain level (100 Megatons — One of his basic light prism attacks blew the mountain he and Runa were fighting on to smithereens and split caverns beneath the ground. His "Azure Flare" generated a flashbang explosion with the power of multiple nuclear superweapons. Physically, he is comparable, if not superior to Runa); Large Star level with the Ultimate Azure (3.827 Foe — One of his Ultimate Skills produced a gigantic wave of light brighter than any observable phenomena in the universe, purging the darkness of Runa's pocket dimension. The brightest naturally occurring phenomena are Gamma-Ray Bursts, which have a luminosity a quintillion times that of the Sun. One solar luminosity alone is equivalent to 3.827e+26 Watts. After this attack, Bellion stated that he was still only using but a fraction of his full potential, going on to use even stronger Ultimate Skills in his arsenal)

Speed: Relativistic (Comparable to Runa, who was dodging and weaving around some of his light-speed attacks from mid-range) with Speed of Light attack and reaction speed (As Bellion's abilities are based on light, they naturally move at the speed of light. He's able to react to and aim-dodge similar attacks as well)

Lifting Strength: At least Class G (Should be far superior to the likes of Nora Brynhildr)

Durability: At least Mountain level (100 Megatons — Collided fist to fist with Runa in close combat, tanking the vast majority of her attacks)

Stamina: Superhuman

Range: Tens of Kilometers (His light beams could cut through clouds, shave down mountains, and split apart underground caverns in one go. His explosions are described as being comparable to nuclear superweapons in size and potency)

Powers and Abilities[]

  • Extrasensory Perception: Can view the world through a "kaleidoscope of space and time" that allows him to see in perfect clarity even in the absolute blackness of Runa's World of Darkness. It operates without the need for any other sense.
  • Regeneration (Low-High): Returned from the sky after being blasted into a cloud of bloody mist. Recovered from Runa bursting out from his internals.
  • Martial Arts: Masterfully outmaneuvered, countered, and weaved around thousands of Runa's shadows ambushing him from all sides in close-combat simultaneously. Among them were clones of himself, clones of Runa, soldiers, giants, monsters, and even vehicles—each performing their own sequences of attacks. Has segments (equivalent to 6.34 Earth years) of combat experience.
  • Teleportation: Can teleport to anywhere in his immediate range of observation.
  • Reality Warping, Spatial Manipulation: He and Runa's collisions in close quarters were warping reality, distorting the fabric of space like it was nothing but a panel of glass, shattering upon every impact. Can bend space to his will, forcing objects and people towards him—allowing him to collide with them seemingly instantaneously, drastically increasing the potency of his attacks. His sheer radiance and power was able to destroy multiple of Runa's darkness dimensions.
  • Light Manipulation, Energy Manipulation, Energy Projection: The Azure Dragon's specializes in the manipulation and weaponization of immensely potent light magic, which he calls Azure Magic. Bellion can conceptualize and control many forms of light attacks through this, including beams, long-range explosions, bullet-hell projectiles, and waves. His light can burn brighter than any observable phenomena in the universe, capable of lighting up pocket realities of absolute darkness.
    • Danmaku: Can conjure dozens to hundreds of beam projectiles, light bullets, and energy dragons at once, surrounding his opponent in webs of trajectories nigh-impossible to escape from.
    • Statistics Amplification: Can amplify his physical strikes with his Azure Magic, to the point that he vaporizes beings previously comparable to him with his punches.
    • Explosion Manipulation: Can detonate explosions of Azure Magic, creating fireballs similar to those at the epicenter of a nuclear blast.
    • Extreme Heat (1,000,000,000 K): His Ultimate Azure attacks are brighter and hotter than Gamma-Ray Bursts.
  • Existence Erasure: His Ultimate Azure Burst wiped Runa off the plane of reality, like an artist erasing a mistake on a sheet of paper.
    • Conceptual Manipulation (Type 1, 2): The Ultimate Azure can disintegrate any object in existence, including space, time, and the metaphysical (mind and soul), burning it all to nothingness. It is comparable to Runa's Death of the World, which killed every concept present in her isolated space, until nothing but a void remained.
    • Power Nullification: Magic is burned away in the presence of the Ultimate Azure.
    • Immortality Negation (Type 8): Temporarily burned away Runa's connection to Primordial Darkness.

  • Existence Erasure: Withstood Runa's Death of the World, an ultimate skill that kills everything in her dominion, including concepts like matter, space, time, and color—causing everything to fade to black.


Extraordinary Genius

Bellion has lived for countless segments, growing period by period into a wise and ancient dragon. As a user of Ultimate Skills, Bellion's sheer calculative ability must exceed that of multiple schools of magic. Any sufficiently advanced magic in of itself requires the user to calculate thousands, if not millions of different mathematical formulae in their mind simultaneously, deducing countless variables involving complicated theorem ranging from Fluid Dynamics to Field Equations and Riemannian geometry folds, often while multitasking.


  • As with any dragon, Bellion is exceptionally arrogant. He usually doesn't expect anyone to even get past his aura, and wasn't willing to take Runa seriously until it was too late.
  • His HP reduction aura can be circumvented by certain forms of regeneration.

Additional Information[]

Azure Flames of the Ancient Dragon: Bellion's passive-skill, which is constantly active around his presence. It is an aura of overwhelming light that burns away health, statistics, and the soul itself. Statistics that are affected by this ability are as follows: HP (Health Points), MP (Mana Points), ATK (Attack), DEF (Defense), SPD (Speed), STA (Stamina), INT (Intelligence), and LUCK. It reduces them each at a rate of 5% per second, with it potentially increasing in potency as Bellion reveals more of his magic potency. As the soul is burned away, as is the mind, memories, and fundamental concept & information of the individual. Most adventurers end up incapacitated after just a few moments inside its range.

  • HP Reduction: Reduces the health points of the target. This directly affects life essence, which is fundamental to the sustained life of an individual. Although this can be circumvented by certain regenerative abilities, it has absolutely nothing to do with outside injuries or apparent damage. It is metaphysically tied to the health of your being. You could appear to be perfectly fine on the outside and still die from a lack of life essence.
  • MP Reduction: Reduces the mana points / mana capacity of the target. This directly affects the soul's storage and absorption of mana, which is needed to project all magical skills. A lack of mana also poses a threat to life, as both it and life-essence are required for the sustaining of the soul.
  • ATK Reduction: Reduces the attack points of the target. This directly affects attack potential, regardless of whether it is physical, magical, or otherwise. This not only reduces the damage done to the opponent, but also the actual projected size and strength of the attack. This is to say that something like an explosion will do less damage and be smaller than it was before.
  • DEF Reduction: Reduces the defense points of the target. This directly affects all of the damage mitigating capabilities of the opponent, including physical durability, armors, forcefields, and resistance.
  • SPD Reduction: Reduces the speed points of the target. This directly affects the movement, casting, and reaction speed of the opponent. Less speed means you move slower, think slower, and overall act slower than before. This is often difficult to realize at first as perception is reduced as well.
  • STA Reduction: Reduces the stamina points of the target. This directly affects the physical endurance, survivability, and overall stamina of the opponent. Reduced stamina makes it harder to endure attacks, survive lethal blows, and inhibits the target's ability to remain resilient in body, mind, and spirit. It may also hinder regenerative abilities, slowing the healing of injuries. Most notably, it affects willpower, which is a key component in spiritual power.
  • INT Reduction: Reduces the intelligence points of the target. This directly affects the cognitive ability of the opponent, reducing their overall IQ and problem solving skills—significantly impacting linguistic, mathematical, spatial, and crystalized intelligence. Most notably, this hinders the ability to cast complicated magics, as the mind can no longer comprehend or visualize them strongly or accurately enough to be projected. Both knowledge and memory are similarly affected, blurring the experience that one has gained throughout their life.

Unparalleled Radiance of the Azure Dragon: The second stage of Bellion's passive-skill, automatically activated once he begins seriously emitting his magical power. It is an aura of overwhelming light that heats the air around him to a scorching hot, illuminating the atmosphere to a blinding level that makes it hard for anyone to see anything beyond his azure glare. It is melting and biologically debilitating, with even Jin under Runa's protection feeling as though her heart was dying by just standing nearby. The ground around him was shredded apart by the flares of light swirling around him, incinerating solid rock like nothing. Without Runa's protection, Jin immediately felt every conceivable pain that could be conceptualized by a human being. Everything from piercing headaches and burning sensations to the fatigue of terminal illness—like dying in every way a person could possibly die.

Azure Magic: Bellion specializes in the manipulation of blue-hot light magic, known as the Azure. With it, he can formulate and project massively potent and powerful light attacks, ranging from the creation of artificial stars to energy dragons. His attacks are packed with so much energy that they warp space, creating artificial gravity that draws opponents into them, on top of them already moving at light-speed.

  • Azure Dragons: Bellion can manifest armies of metaphysical dragons created from his azure magic, sending them to thrash and bite enemies from all angles.
  • Azure Stars: Bellion can create and fire miniature stars that explode in micro-novae, generating starry, nuclear fireballs that consume everything in sight.
  • Prism Lasers: Bellion can fire long-ranged, white-hot lasers capable of splitting mountains and reaching deep into the ground from above, instantly incinerating and exploding anything that comes into contact with it.
  • Azure Flare: Bellion unleashes a massive wave of azure light, blinding all nearby and exploding with the power of nuclear superweapons.

Ultimate Azure: The most powerful of Bellion's magic—ultimate skills that he's spent decades crafting throughout his life. Each of them is incomparably stronger than any of his normal attacks. A force of destruction that can disintegrate anything in existence.

  • Ethereal Light of the Ultimate Azure: Purge of Darkness and Cleanser of Souls: Bellion radiates an unimaginably gigantic aura of the azure, capable of igniting entire pocket realities with a light brighter than any observable phenomena in the universe. It disintegrates the darkness of all beings who meet its wrath, erasing the body, mind, and soul.
  • Ultimate Azure Burst: Bellion fires a blast of azure that wipes the target off the face of reality, like an artist erasing a mistake from a sheet of paper.
  • Ultimate Azure Cannon: Bellion fires a triangular prism blast capable of incinerating dozens of Runa clones simultaneously.
  • Azure Aura: Bellion coats himself in the power of ultimate azure magic, heightening his abilities to transcendental heights.
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