Seara, one of the Bellator Knights
Bellator is the warrior caste of the Weebscaler Accord, and comprise of one third of the noble castes of the country (the other two groups being the Sanguophage and the Aetherius). As warriors, Bellators are most often deployed in times of combat, and specialize in all forms of warfare (but tend to be favored for their melee expertise). They are superhuman bio-ascended demigods of the battlefield, each representing the legendary skill of the Bellator castes. Because of the high investment cost of creating a Bellator Knight, they are few and far between, each one a capable weapon of the Accord.
The Bellators are led by Crabwhale, who was the first of their kind and is the greatest amongst them. Other notable Bellators include Palminteri, Grunt, Romu, and Phantom II. The word "Bellator" means "Warrior".
Powers and Stats[]
Tier: 8-C
Name: Bellators
Origin: Be My Rimworld Pawns
Gender: Varies
Age: Varies, up to 185 years
Classification: Bellator
Powers and Abilities: Superhuman Physical Characteristics, Weapon Mastery, Martial Arts (Bellators are exclusively recruited from the exceptionally skilled in terms of combat abilities, and their bio-ascension only enhances this further to near superhuman levels), Energy Manipulation, Durability Negation (The rank and file of the Bellator gene-castes are given chainswords and force halberds as their standard armaments), Explosion Manipulation (Bellators traditionally wield a bolt pistol as a sidearm, which shreds armor and explodes once past it), Flight (Bellators possess wings that are incapable of long-term flight but can sustain shorter leaps and glides well enough), Fire Manipulation, Breath Attack (Bellators can breathe fire), Accelerated Development (Bellators are extremely capable warriors and learn combat-related information far faster than non-modified colonists), Longevity (They possess a standard lifespan of 125 years, and can live up to 185 years), Enhanced Senses (Bellator knights can see in total darkness), Damage Reduction (Bellators possess damage-reductive skin that kinetically reacts to damage to reduce it significantly), Telepathy (All Bellators are telepathic), Mind Manipulation (Bellators are naturally psionic and are all mildly talented psycasters), Statistics Amplification (All Bellators save for Phantom II are Warlord psycasters, and use this tree to massively amplify their movement and attack speed, as well as over double their strength), Regeneration (Low-Mid, Bellators can regenerate from gunshot wounds immediately after getting them in some circumstances, and can even heal severe damage to organs and such), Cyborgization (All Bellators possess at least one cybernetic implant, specifically a nuclear stomach that allows them to forego eating for extended periods of time), Forcefield Creation (All Bellator knights wear similar armor to Heavy Troopers, and their attire includes cuirassier belts which generate shields more powerful than those of the typical shield belts), Resistance to Fire Manipulation, Empathic Manipulation, Radiation Manipulation. Disease Manipulation, Poison Manipulation, Corrosion Inducement, and Pain Manipulation
Attack Potency: Building level (Even the most meager of the Bellator Knights is more than capable of quickly dispatching a Feralisk Clutch Mother on their own; said creatures can survive an unprotected fall from space)
Speed: Athletic Human (The standard Bellator Knight maintains a walking pace of approximately 7.8 m/s), Subsonic+ via Flight (Their wings propel them at speeds comparable to that of Comiphor's leaps)
Lifting Strength: Class 25 (All Colonists, even children, can lift and haul the Peraceratherium, which means they can carry about 16.6 metric tons at maximum)
Striking Strength: Building level
Durability: Building level
Stamina: Superhuman, the Bellator geneline can endure punishments so great and exhaustion so tremendous that a regular colonist would buckle and expire from the lack of sleep alone
Range: Several meters, up to hundreds of meters with firearms
Standard Equipment: Typically either a chainsword or force halberd, alongside their choice of boltgun (rarely also available are plasma, arc, or lasguns), cuirassier belt, typically grenadier or cataphract armor
Intelligence: Average
Weaknesses: None notable
Notable Victories:
Notable Losses:
Inconclusive Matches: