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FC/OC VS Battles Wiki


One of the many that were a part of the Detroit Incident, Bane was one of Coldsteel Zach Dust's followers before eventually being murdered by Alice Magnea in the incident. Not much is known of him besides him being Coin Lesser's lost brother, sold off when they were kids.

Powers and Stats[]

Tier: 10-C physically, Varies from 9-C to High 8-C, possibly higher with weapons

Name: Bane, Bone R. Err (Real name per WoG)

Origin: Can't Have Shit In Detroit

Gender: Male

Age: Unknown

Classification: Parahuman, Striker/Thinker/Blaster

Powers and Abilities: Superhuman Physical Characteristics, Absorption, Dimensional Storage (Can create a mini-portal in his hand which absorbs materials like Coin Lesser's breaker form), Enhanced Senses (Has superhuman senses all around), Weapon Mastery (He is proficient with using guns and other ranged weapons), Weapon Creation, Weapon Manipulation (Can convert matter he absorbed into golden weapons like swords, spears, shields, and guns. Afterwards he can control the weapons telekinetically, tossing them incredibly far away), Limited Information Analysis (Gets an innate knowledge of the value of anything he absorbs)

Attack Potency: Below Average Human level physically, Varies from Street level to Large Building level (Can produce and control varying golden weapons from knives all the way to 18-wheel truck sized swords. Harmed Huntmaster's wendigo which can take hits from Alice Magnea) with weapons, possibly higher (Has enough money to use tier 4 weapons which should be far stronger than tier 3, however to what extent is unknown)

Speed: Below Average Human travel speed (Has mutations over his body which make him slower than the average person), Subsonic+ combat and reaction speed (With non-gun weaponry he can still hits the likes Huntmaster's Wendigo which is equal in speed to Alice Magnea), Supersonic via guns (His gun bullets should be as fast as regular ones)

Lifting Strength: Below Average Human physically, Class M, possibly higher with Weapon Manipulation (His tier 3 weapons are as large as a 18-wheeler truck while being made from pure gold, with him having full control over them. His tier 4 weapons should be even larger, though to what extent is also unknown)

Striking Strength: Below Average Human level

Durability: Large Building level (His leg did not get chopped off by Huntmaster's repeated strikes despite her ability to harm Raiden)

Stamina: Peak Human (Managed to keep fighting even after his leg has been nearly sliced through. Generally has peak human endurance)

Range: Hundreds of Meters (Can control his weapons in a range of up to 200 meters)

Standard Equipment: 10 million dollars and a Taurus Raging Bull

Intelligence: Above Average (Is a generally knowledgeable person, with him also being rather proficient in firearm usage)

Weaknesses: Needs 12 seconds to create tier 3 weapons, with tier 4 likely taking even longer


Notable Victories:

Notable Losses:

Inconclusive Matches: