FC/OC VS Battles Wiki

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FC/OC VS Battles Wiki

Bakura the bat.

... I said nothing.

Forget about me... all of you.


Bakura is a crying bat. She's a main character in Kitty Pride.

Drake and Gatto saved her from a wolf attack at the beginning of the game, then in Flightown she joined them and never left. Nermal brought her to Cujam along with the others characters.

Combat Statistics[]

Tier: 9-B | At least 8-B | At least 8-A

Name: Bakura Fragola

Origin: Kitty Pride

Gender: Female

Status: Alive

Age: 14

Classification: Bat, Crying bat

Powers and Abilities: Accelerated Development (By using Drake's material), Damage Boost (With Flight technique), Elasticity (Can survive being completely crushed due to her bat physiology), Flight (Is a bat), Healing (with Marshmallow), Magic, Paralysis Inducement (with Wipe), Power Mimicry (with Adapt), Regeneration (Mid-Low. Crying bats' flesh have healing properties), Statistics Amplification (with focusing), Superhuman Physical Characteristics

Attack Potency: Wall level (Start at this level, weaker than Early game Magus who likely get one-shot by the doubt, who easily made a crater of about 50 centimeters in diameter in the rock) | At least City Block level (Get to this level at max stats, weaker than max stats Drake and Magus, stronger than max stats Mai, who can one-shot Lune, who jumped 250km high while weighting over 12 tons herself) | At least Multi-City Block level (Stronger than base Nermal, who triggered a mini-nuclear explosion of 12 kilotons of tnt)

Speed: Subsonic | Massively Hypersonic | Massively Hypersonic+

Lifting Strength: Class 25 | Class G | Class G

Striking Strength: Wall Class | At least City Block Class | At least Multi-City Block Class

Durability: Wall level | At least City Block level | At least Multi-City Block level

Range: Standard Melee Range

Intelligence: Average

Weaknesses: Don't have any combat experience. Never dodge an attack.


Key: Early game | Base | Best equipment

Notable Attacks and Techniques[]

Bakura fights with headbutts.

  • Focusing: Focusing is a technique mastered by the five playable characters of Kitty Pride, it increases the power of destruction exponentially, making the user infinitely stronger as long as you give him time.
  • Marshmallow: The flesh of crying bats has healing properties. Bakura can injure herself to heal on purpose.
  • Adapt: Copy half the enemy's type if he has one.
  • Flight: Drop Mai on the enemy from a great height to make him attack.
  • Wipe: Immobilizes the enemy.
  • Catch: Land on the enemy's head (by clinging to his hair if he has any) to damage the cervical vertebrae.



Notable Victories:

Notable Losses:

Inconclusive Matches:
