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FC/OC VS Battles Wiki
"After living a life of nonstop work I wanted to take it easy. I understand the importance of working but it's bad to overwork, regardless of the importance of one's job. You must hold your personal values separate from your one's at work. If you get focused on your job too much, and think things like 'I can do this now', 'I can work a bit longer', 'I have to do that or this', "If I work a little harder it'll somehow work out”, over and over, it's a slow descent into a painful and nonstop life of work. I believe you shouldn't get caught up in things like that,  because I died from it. There needs to be a balance between life and working, personal values and work values. I wish to live a life following my own rules where I can stay laid back and work every now and then. One needs to understand their limits and take things into consideration. I learned that after I died, that's why I don't tolerate overworking or poor working conditions, I hate seeing people overworking themselves, it isn't right. Living a peaceful life is fine, but everything's needs to be done in moderation with some balance right? If you keep overworking again and again, well, we all know the result of that. I'm somewhat on a tangent though, I was supposed to be talking about myself....haha"

"Right. It might not mean much coming from me, since I never really had to 'work' from someone's else perspective. At least, from people like you, I only worked a desk job. Though I'd say taking care of a family is a job on its own. It's a fun one though. I just feel like everyone needs a bit of relaxation in your life, focusing on your work all the time and holding your work above all else, despite what it is, I'd say that's self destruction. I only say this because I was a corporate wage slave. I lived for my job and only for my job. I set aside romance, leisure, and everything else for the daily slog. In the end, my life had been empty of everything except punching the clock. I don't want anyone else to live a life like that, because, life is supposed to be filled with life and things to do. Having fun, relaxation and being peaceful, maybe even having a wonderful family, and yes, even working, but you must hold your balance and values in place. Sometimes you have to set things aside, even if it's as far as your work morals or ethic. It's important, or else one will end up like I did, living an empty life only focused on work, only dedicated to working. That's why I made the most of my new life, and hey, even if I'm breaking rules, or something like that, I met so many wonderful people, I have wonderful daughters, and I've even come to meet someone like you.”
~ Azusa speaking to Reimu on her ideals of working and her lifestyle.

Azusa Aizawa


Azusa Aizawa (アズサ・アイザワ, Azusa Aizawa) is the main protagonist of Slime Taoshite 300-nen, Shiranai Uchi ni Level Max ni Nattemashita series. Previously a Japanese woman who died from overwork, she was reincarnated as an immortal Witch and proceeded to take life easy while killing slimes as a form of income. After 300 years, however, her level becomes maxed out as a result and, consequently the most powerful being in the world, draws unwanted attention to her peaceful life. One day day in flatta, Azusa and her family, were suddenly teleported into Japan, in the year of 2019. Azusa and her family then dedicate their time to finding a way to return back home, getting into shenanigan's and adventurers, and even meeting new people and adding people into her family, this is Azusa Aizawa's journey in Adrift.

Personal Statistics[]

Name: Aizawa Azusa (Before her death), Azusa Aizawa

Origin: Adrift Tabletop RPG

Gender: Female

Age: 17 Physically, 300+

Classification: Human, Witch, Witch of the Highlands, Divinely Blessed Witch

Date of Birth: May 17th

Birthplace: Japan

Weight: ?

Height: ?

Eye Color: Light Blue

Hair Color: Blonde

Martial Status: Dating/In a Relationship.

Status: Alive

Affiliation: N/A

Previous Affiliation: N/A

Combat Statistics[]

Tier: Varies, usually 7-C

Powers and Abilities: Superhuman Physical Characteristics, Has some fighting knowledge (Azusa isn't very accustomed to fighting and lacks experience, as she has no distinct style in combat which leaves her full of weak points, she simply relies on her overwhelming strength and magic. However she has steadily built experience by fighting overtime, but not enough to be called skilled.), Accelerated Development (Passive/Abilities/Other/Physical Stats/Leveling. Azusa is a fictional character in the world of Adrift, all of the fictional characters power vary, lower, or increase depending on the influence in them and their abilities, becoming more established in the world and gaining influence overtime, the more established a Character is in the world, the more they gain "Influence", and Influence is what allows for a Character to get stronger and develop new abilities. Thanks to Azusa's passive skill to gain more exp, she gains more influence than others), Immortality (Type 1. Azusa was blessed with immortality, being able to live forever. Azusa is essentially ageless), Teleportation (Azusa has the ability to teleport, often using it in conjunction with her fighting style for feints and catching people off guard, she can also travel long distances.), Flight, Fire Manipulation (Able to manipulate and control flames), Air Manipulation (Able to manipulate and control wind and air. She can even conjure up tornados to use against her foes.), Information Analysis (Via Item Appraisal), Earth Manipulation (Able to manipulate and control earth, Azusa can even go as far to create earthquakes with her magic), Ice Manipulation (Able to manipulate and control Ice, can even go as far as to create Blizzards with her magic. Should be able to reach Absolute Zero), Electricity Manipulation (Azusa can control and manipulate electricity, her lightning strike spell being one of her strongest spells. Her lightning has the ability to stun and paralyze people who are touched by it), Mind Manipulation (Azusa can control and manipulate the minds of her foes), Power Nullification (Via Dispel. Azusa is able to cancel and nullify magic/spells and abilities on objects or one that the opponent may have. Via Detoxification, Azusa is able to cancel and nullify status effects used on her, examples being poison.), Attack Reflection (Azusa is able to reflect magical attacks back to the user via Magic Reflection, even if not physical. This skill was strong enough to be able to reflect all Danmaku from Reimu back to her.), Absorption (Via Mana Absorption, she is able to steal Mana/Stamina, as well as health from others), Healing (Via Restoration.), Shapeshifting (Via Shapeshift), Invisibility (Via her Invisibility skill), Creation (Able to create clothes for ghosts. Azusa is also able to create potions and medicine with her knowledge of herbs), Barrier Creation (Azusa is able to create large barriers to place over locations and etc. The barrier is able to block attacks from the outside, and anyone inside or entering the barrier with a malicious heart or hostile intent, such as harm or crimes, it would detect them and wrap around them like a net, immobilizing/restraining them, damaging them, and weakening them. It immediately incapacitated Beelzebub, who is comparable to Azusa.), Social Influencing and Empathic Manipulation (Azusa has the passive skill of spreading happiness to others. Azusa is also very good with words and convincing others not to fight with her words alone, as well as making friends with them. This skill is extremely effective against children and dragons, making them both more effective in combat, when it comes to charisma and leading, Azusa is talented.), Damage Boost (Stronger against Slimes and Dragons. Deals more damage while invisible and deals more damage hitting weak points.), Able to understand/translate any language with Language Comprehension, Power Creation (Via Magical Creation, Azusa is able to create new powers and spells for herself for any situation that might need it. However, this is not able to be used in combat as creating new abilities and spells require time and research.), Summoning (Able to summon Beelzebub, as well as Laika and Flatorte.), Durability Negation (Azusa can negate durability of others with some of her abilities. Additionally, she can negate the durability, armor, and resistance of slimes, if she hits the weak point of slimes she can instantly kill them if they are weak enough.) Fear Manipulation (Only against slime enemies. Slimes that fight against Azusa will be passively invoked with fear upon seeing her aura as the one who has killed many slimes. If the slime is weak enough or doesn't have resistance, they will immediately be incapacitated.), Creation (Azusa can create new magic into the world), Fusionism (He can combine black flames and other flames to make black flames)

Attack Potency: Varies depending on the amount of influence/belief Azusa has (Depending on how a Character is perceived by someone, they can either be extremely powerful or extremely weak. Azusa is one of the more powerful established characters in the verse. Alongside her ability to gain extra experience, she has a high amount of it), usually Town Level (Superior to Chara. Azusa is very strong and powerful in her own right, having the title of most powerful in the world. Azusa was able to harm and take hits from Metal Sonic, who is comparable to Lala and continuously grew stronger in battle. Was stated that she was on the same level and comparable to Rimuru Tempest in strength)

Speed: Varies depending on the amount of Influence Azusa has, usually Supersonic travel speed and combat speed (Was able to fight against Metal Sonic who is comparable to Lala and grew continuously faster in their fight. Comparable to Rimuru, who was easily and effortlessly able to react and deflect Sasuke's attacks while most people couldn't even keep up with Sasuke's movement in combat). Massively Hypersonic+ attack speed with Lightning Strike

Lifting Strength: Varies depending on the amount of Influence Azusa has

Striking Strength: Varies depending on the amount of influence Azusa has, usually Town Level

Durability: Varies depending on the amount of influence Azusa has, usually Town Level

Stamina: Superhuman (Azusa was able to fight Reimu for a long/extended period of time. Was able to fight Metal Sonic and immediately after fight an army of Ronald Mcdonald clones without showing many signs of exhaustion. Naturally has a large amount of vitality and mana)

Range: Standard melee range when unarmed, extended melee range with a dagger, hundreds of kilometers with her magical techniques.

Standard Equipment: Dagger.

Intelligence: Azusa is academically above average, her combat skill is also average. However, Azusa is Gifted when it comes to creating medicine and potions, having a passive knowledge of herbs and over 300 years of experience creating them.


  • Azusa isn't very skilled or knowledgeable in combat and lacks proper style, which exposes many of her weak points. Azusa mainly relies on her raw stats and magic, mostly depending on overpowering them rather than skill alone. However this oddly works most of the time, and is even able to trick more skilled opponents such as Beelzebub.
  • A Character is dependent on how real humans perceive them. Thus, if people believe that she is weaker than she actually is, her Influence will lessen, and thus she will actually become weaker.
  • Azusa isn't able to use her Magic Creation in combat or immediately most of the time unless she has a good idea or solid idea for the concept of the skill and has seen something similar. If it's more complicated and not simple, it takes a bit longer.

Notable Attacks/Techniques:

  • Teleportation: Azusa has the ability to teleport, often using it in conjunction with her fighting style for feints and catching people off guard, she can also travel long distances if she wishes to do so.
  • Levitation: A simple and efficient flight spell which allows Azusa to fly
  • Blazing Flames: Azusa is able to create, control, and manipulate flames and fire to be used offensively and defensively. Her flames are comparable to her own power, and is able to harm and incapacitate people on her level fairly easy.
  • Tornado: Azusa is able to create, control, and manipulate wind and air to be used offensively and defensively. Azusa can even go as far as to create a large tornado, or even past that, to harm her foes.
  • Item Appraisal: Azusa is able to appraise any object or item that comes into contact with her, immediately gaining all information, history, effects, and hidden effects about that item, effectively gaining all knowledge about the item.
  • Earthquake: Azusa is able to create, control, and manipulate earth and rock to be used offensively and defensively. Azusa can even go as far to create a large-scale earthquake and even more, to harm her foes.
  • Blizzard: Azusa is able to create, control, and manipulate ice and snow to be used offensively and defensively Azusa can even go as far as to create large blizzards and instantaneously freezing over rivers, waterfalls and large areas. Her ice is stronger than Flatorte's, which was able to freeze metal sonic upon contact.
  • Lightning Strike: Azusa is able to create, control, and manipulate electricity and lightning, as well as thunder, to be used offensively and defensively against her foes. Lightning Strike and related attacks are Azusa's strongest offensive magic, and she has trouble controlling it as it can easily kill people on her level. It did a large amount of damage to Metal Sonic.
  • Mind Control: Azusa is able to manipulate and control the minds of her foes in any way she wants to make them do what she wants and control them in any way possible,
  • Dispel: Azusa is able to cancel and nullify magic/spells and abilities on objects or one that the opponent may have, preventing attacks from hitting her and preventing her opponents to use their abilities.
  • Detoxification: Azusa is able to cancel and nullify status effects used on her, examples being poison and other abilities with effects and magical traits.
  • Mana Absorption: Azusa is able to steal and absorb mana and stamina from others, as well as health/vitality to gain for herself.
  • Create Barrier: Azusa is able to create large barriers to place over locations and etc. The barrier is able to block attacks from the outside, and anyone inside or entering the barrier with a malicious heart or hostile intent, such as harm or crimes, it would detect them and wrap around them like a net, immobilizing/restraining them, damaging them, and weakining them. It immediately incapacitated Beelzebub, who is comparable to Azusa
  • Magical Reflection: Azusa is able to reflect magical attacks back to the user via Magic Reflection, even if not physical. This skill was strong enough to be able to reflect all Danmaku from Reimu back to her.
  • Invsibility: Azusa is able to turn herself invisible, masking and erasing her presence. All attacks made while invisible or in stealth does extra damage to her foe.
  • Magic Creation: Azusa is able to create new powers and spells for herself for any situation that might need it. However, this is not able to be used in combat as creating new abilities and spells require time and research. However new skills can be made instantly if she understands the concept good enough and knows similar skills.
  • Restoration: A skill that Azusa immediately created with Magic Creation. A simple healing spell that's able to heal most injuries instantly.

Key: Gunvolt/Eden Arc


Notable Victories:

Notable Losses:

Inconclusive Matches:
