Beautiful Art Commissioned by Kriller Ky
“ | It's fun! Toying with inferior beings brings me endless joy. What else would I use my gifts and power for? To help people? Don't make me laugh! What did they do to deserve my gratitude and praise? What good does that do me? Nothing—nothing at all! To be born lesser is to be born destined to be preyed upon. That's the nature of this world. Prey and predator, the eaten and eating, the violent hierarchy—no matter what one does in life, none can't escape that ultimate fact of fate. You have no real value beyond it. And it just so happens that I was born with the greatest, most undeniable value in this system! What does that make me, if not the rightful owner of the fate of all others? They're mine to take. They deserve to be taken! They were only put here for my amusement—to scream, to fight, struggle, and fall! That's the only beauty that they—that ALL of you bring to this world. Do you seriously find issue in that? All of you are so pathetic anyways. What more could you ask for than to be made into entertainment for your superior? It's ungrateful! You should bow, you should break, and you should choose to! You should be happy to be at the bottom! I didn't choose to be born at the top, but I'll be damned if I don't relish it! If someone wants to prove me wrong—if they want to flip the hierarchy—then they better come with everything they have. Until then, I’ll keep playing with my food. |
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~ Azariah on why she is the way she is. |
Azariah is one of the Apostles of Gold serving the Plutumeta Empire in the Ark Collection. She is introduced early in the series as one of the perpetrators behind the destruction of Hyrule under the guidance of her empress, Cashonah. An irredeemable wound in reality, Azariah is an immoral and violent sadist that derives her purpose and entertainment from the suffering of those she deems beneath her, and has no interest in pursuing any other goal.
From the moment of her birth, Azariah had always known of the violent hierarchy—the brutal law of the Ark world. It was etched and woven into her being, part of her very DNA as an “abomination.” Amongst her species of Eldritch creatures, survival was a competition. A bloodbath between blood relatives where only the strongest survived, devouring their kin—a family reduced to prey. "Kill or be killed"—it was the golden rule. The only rule that mattered—the rule she depended upon. That was the faith that shaped her into the predator she became. She carried her belief like a sword, firmly held at her side, ready to be unsheathed at moment's notice. She slashed and cut into everyone around her with that primal edge, enforcing that idea onto others outside her circle, and outside her world. She consumed them—literally and metaphorically, because they had been too weak to consume her. With each conquest and victory, she rose, more powerful than before, her hunger for dominance only growing. Power became her purpose, and the world rewarded her for it.
After some time, her mindless battles led her to an opponent who finally matched her monstrous ability. A woman whose essence seemed to have merged with the golden rule, for it was as though she was the rule itself—Cashonah. Having been effortlessly destroyed in their fight, Azariah expected death to finally consume her, but to her surprise, Cash had other plans. Seeing Azariah's potential, and her relentless character that so desperately sought to capitalize on the weakness of others, Cashonah found her to be the perfect subject to appoint into power. It was then that Azariah learned of her status as the Empress of Plutumeta, the Golden Empire. A tyrannical, authoritarian dictatorship seeking complete control over its home continent. Forced into submission by Cashonah, Azariah became one of the empires "Pillars" alongside another woman named Aries. A position that granted her great authority in the nation, with the responsibility of both protecting and expanding its borders. That is to say, she became a real conqueror.
Azariah may only be described as a paradoxical beauty—a blend of both entrancing elegance and mystifying horror. Her slender body is a glowing light tan, just barely masked by her sparkling, golden one-piece that desperately clings to her sinuous curves. A dress that reveals the extent of her transcendental femininity while framing her divine yet ominous visage. Her flowing hair erupts into twin tails of obsidian indigo, streaked with violet, giving it the appearance of a twilight night sky. Looking closely reveals that those locks look straight back at you, with eyes engraved within the strands, gazing at the world with an Eldritch wonder. Two towering, crescent-shaped horns arc upward from her head and curl back around like an infernal crown—their segmented, carapace-like structure glowing faintly with an enigmatic purple hue that whispers of arcane power. Within the cracks are more eyes, inscribed between the segments. They never stop observing.
Surrounding her are undulating tentacles, each a Lovecraftian tendril barring its own function and purpose. Rich in shades of midnight purple and pulsating magenta, these appendages writhe with a life of their own. Eyes, surreal and unblinking, are embedded within their sinuous surfaces, gazing into unfathomable dimensions and exuding a hypnotic sense of omnipresence. Their sleek, glossy texture reflects an eerie, ethereal light, as though they belong to a creature born beyond the stars. Her face is monstrous, yet charming—characterized by her glowing pink eyes that act as a window into the cosmos, with irises that seem to hold galaxies and nebulae within them, shimmering intensely enough to leave an observer paralyzed in her maddening allure. She bares sharp, predatory canines, exposed by her smirking expression of almost constant mischief and malice, with multiple, writhing tongues erupting from her mouth like a slither of snakes, fighting amongst one another to be the first to feast on whatever enters her maw.
Standing at a menacing 6'9", Azariah's massive stature only enhances her otherworldly presence, granting her an unspoken authority over most, as though a physical representation of her position above others. Her bare legs are elongated with the grace of a ballet dancer in retrospect of her lean torso, tapering into her dainty, slender feet. Her ankles and wrists are adorned with golden bracelets, with polished nails that match the radiance of her palette. She is an Eldritch being of almost divine beauty—something like a God.
Groomed by the world into the perfect predator, Azariah is a terrifying person—an irredeemable evil—a wound in reality. Not merely psychopathic or sociopathic, she is almost entirely amoral, acting only on her own, primal impulse to hunt, kill, and dominate. She doesn't understand the emotions of others, nor does she have an interest in trying to. After all, to her, people have no value beyond the hunger and desire that they satiate. She will spend all of eternity laughing and engaging in their suffering before she makes the attempt to help or care for another living being outside of the Pillars. In her eyes, the world at large is nothing but a sandbox, with her at its center, playing with everything within its borders like a child using toys. Azariah is actively and immensely malevolent, going out of her way to commit atrocious crimes against others, culling and abusing countless individuals to further her own growth and entertain herself. She has violated and offended people of every species and race in nearly every way that one possibly can—including the most vile and disgusting of them all. Genocide, torture, sexual violence—she does not care. Azariah is, in essence, a perfect mirror-reflection of the Grimdark Fantasy world of Ark.
Having only been defeated a single time in her life, Azariah boasts an unstoppable ego to go alongside her destructive amorality. She believes herself to be a God, blessed by the system, who is divinely worthy of preying on those weaker than her. From her perspective, if she is stronger than another, then it was only fate that they would become her subject—no, their "purpose." However, because she has rarely ever met another being on her level, Azariah seeks to find someone who can give her a real challenge, if not for anything but further satisfaction and entertainment in facing them. She was incredibly stoked to meet MEGA and Paraco for this reason, believing them to be more interesting specimens than the usual, and wanting them to make her "work for her treat." Azariah always looks forward a good fight. She has absolute confidence in herself, her abilities, and especially her master.
During her fight with MEGA, a deeper side to her character was revealed. Azariah is someone who was not given any option by her circumstance but to become the ultimate predator. She was a product of environment and pure, systematic evil. Born into a species of cannibalistic abominations and rewarded for all of her vile acts, her mind was influenced to the point of no return. For something like her to even be capable of existing, MEGA finds to be a fault in the grander System itself, rather than the individual. For that reason, he offered to kill her as a way to gift her freedom—eliminating the evil she was bound by from the very beginning. Up until the very end, Azariah rejected that idea, however, after being surpassed and forced into submission, she finally showed some sign of changing. In her dying moments, as MEGA spoke of his life goals and philosophy, Azariah had a realization, for the first time, understanding the ethics and morality of another person. She died while kneeling, thankful to MEGA for rising above circumstances and taking on the System that created her, yearning to become the prey she'd forced so many others to become, in order to become a part of his mission. She left the world with the faint hope that even monsters like her could be redeemed.
Combat Information[]
Tier: Varies from 3-A to higher with Existential Mitosis; usually 3-A
Attack Potency: Varies from Universe level (7.202e+113 Joules — A single one of her cells should be about 100 quadrillion times weaker than her main combat body, which is capable of fighting against a post-Limbo, post-training MEGA) to higher (There is no limit to how many times Azariah can split up and combine to multiply the strength of her collectives. She states that she can double her cell count every second, exponentially growing the number to an absurdly high level. Even starting from one, it would only take a minute for her to reach a quintillion cells. After just five minutes, that number becomes 2 novemvigintillion cells, and there is no telling where it could go from there. Azariah stayed in her pocket dimension for multiple minutes duplicating herself in order to gain strength) with Existential Mitosis; usually Universe level (7.202e+130 Joules — Azariah's standard combat body is made up of 100 quadrillion individual cell bodies. In this form, her presence alone was suffocating MEGA and Paraco, breaking their bones and crushing their organs under pressure, posing a severe and almost insurmountable threat to the both of them). Azariah can ignore durability and negate resistance in many ways.
Speed: Massively FTL+ (1.306e+46c — Comparable to post-Limbo, post-training MEGA. Her speed is not shown to be explicitly multiplied in the same way as it is her strength), with Infinite reaction and perception speed (Comparable to post-Limbo, post-training MEGA); higher with Existential Mitosis (The larger her collective of cells becomes, the faster she gets)
Lifting Strength: Universal (1.989e+53kg — A single one of her cells should be about 100 quadrillion times weaker than her main combat body), higher with Existential Mitosis; usually Universal (1.989e+70kg — Comparable to post-Limbo, post-training MEGA)
Durability: Varies from Universe level (7.202e+113 Joules — A single one of her cells should be about 100 quadrillion times weaker than her main combat body, which is capable of fighting against a post-Limbo, post-training MEGA) to higher (As with her strength, there is no limit to how high of a durability she can obtain through rapid duplication) with Existential Mitosis; usually Universe level (7.202e+130 Joules — Significantly more durable than post-Limbo, post-training MEGA). Azariah is extremely difficult to kill due to her Existential Mitosis and regenerative immortality.
Stamina: Superhuman (Azariah has not demonstrated any amount of fatigue in her battles. She is furthermore unfazed by grievous injuries, whether her limbs are chopped off or body blown apart)
Range: Up to Intergalactic physically (Her tentacle appendages can become large enough to spread across the galactic monstrosities of her dreamscape). Intergalactic with most abilities (Her space-time manipulation can warp significant portions of her dreamscape. Shub-Niggurath can expand to encompass multiple galactic monsters. She could still attack MEGA and Paraco from an intergalactic distance away). Interdimensional with Dimensional Travel (Can travel across various dreamscapes, possibility spaces, and other universes, which are arranged within 5th-dimensional hyperspace)
Tier: At least 3-A, higher with the Silver Key
Attack Potency: At least Universe level (Incomputable — Competed with Post-Ascension MEGA even as his graphical rate of exponential growth began to go up every extension of the Power Tower and increased to the point of "leaving it all behind." She considers her "cells," which are Bubble Realities large enough to make the Hubble Volume look like a Planck Length, to be tiny and insignificant portions of herself that she can make and break with ease. Has absorbed the power of countless eldritch monsters the size of galaxies), higher with the Silver Key (The Silver Key possesses the power to continually "unlock" greater power for its user, which allowed Azariah to keep up with MEGA's absurd rate of development. The Silver Key itself is constantly evolving to "open the lock" of its antagonist, growing to combat any defense or force that could ever stand in opposition of it). Azariah can ignore durability and negate resistance in many ways.
Speed: At least Massively FTL+ (Incomputable — Her movements left behind a cosmic structure of extremely numerable and dense light trails spanning countless Bubble Realities throughout the universal body of Yog-Sothoth in tandem with Post-Ascension MEGA, during a timeframe so small its pointless to think about, with even a Planck Instant feeling like an eternity in comparison. Continually kept up with MEGA despite his ridiculous level of growth, which constantly power towered itself millions of times over) with Immeasurable reaction and perception speed (Azariah can react to attacks that move across the temporal axis and keep pace with MEGA's infinite level of precision across infinite possibility spaces); Immeasurable by bypassing space-time (Azariah's movement is unrestricted by the laws of causality, allowing her to bypass space-time and appear at any point in the continuum of reality with a thought. She describes that she can "arrive before she's even left," and MEGA notes that it as though reality is "lagging behind her." She regularly uses this capability to attack in overwhelming numbers from both the past and future, sending strikes across the entire continuum); higher with the Silver Key
Lifting Strength: At least Universal (Incomputable — Clashed and held her own against Post-Ascension MEGA's sweeping strikes, holding him back even with his power increasing exponentially beyond the extensions of the Power Tower. Can effortlessly move around her Bubble Reality Cells), higher with the Silver Key
Durability: At least Universe level (Incomputable — Survived getting clocked in the face by Post-Ascension, will-empowered MEGA), higher with the Silver Key (Blocked numerous strikes from an ever-evolving MEGA, becoming more and more durable as result. The Silver Key possesses the power to continually "unlock" greater power for its user)
Stamina: Limitless (Azariah is empowered by Yog-Sothoth, the fusion of herself with Azathoth's Dream, an infinite, all-encompassing entity of hyperspace. She can attack across all of eternity forever)
Range: Universal+ (Azariah can deliver attacks across all of space-time, including those that simultaneously fill the entire universe. The entire continuum is within her range). Interdimensional with Dimensional Travel. High Outerversal with the Silver Key (The Dream Artifact can reach through every layer of existence, including the physical, spiritual, and imaginary—and can even pierce into Reincarnate Souls)
Tier: Low 2-C, higher with the Silver Key
Attack Potency: Universe level+ (Yog-Sothoth is the form that Azariah achieves by absorbing and becoming one with the space-time continuum of Azathoth's Dream, merging the "all" of that dream into a single being. She is a metaphor for the One-In-All and All-In-One. A 4th-dimensional, hyperspatial entity, with the power to wipe out entire worlds with the wave of her hand), higher with the Silver Key
Speed: Immeasurable (Can move across 5th-dimensional hyperspace, which is outside of conventional temporality. Moving across the 5th axis allows for movement beyond time, crossing into the past, present, and future in the prior 4 dimensions simultaneously), higher with the Silver Key
Lifting Strength: Immeasurable, higher with the Silver Key
Durability: Universe level+, higher with the Silver Key
Stamina: Limitless
Range: Interdimensional and Extradimensional (5-D — Can reach into other parts of 5th-dimensional hyperspace, interacting with other worlds that sit within it). High Outerversal with the Silver KeyPowers and Abilities[]
- Enhanced Physiology, Arkane Physiology (Advanced)
- Overwhelming Aura: Azariah possesses an immensely suppressive aura derived from her hierarchical existence above all others.
- Paralysis Inducement: Her Dominion of the Hierarch manifests as a tyrannical force that prevents the freedom and action of all in proximity to her—freezing the mind, soul, and body alike. Incapacitated MEGA and Paraco with her presence alone, crushing their bones and preventing them from breathing just by being too close to them.
- Power Nullification: As freedom is restricted, as is the usage of ability. No skills can be activated while her authority surrounds you. Her pressure restricts the movement of mana through the Spirit Circuits, cutting off the capacity for one to project magic.
- Deconstruction: Weaker beings may crumble to dust and blow away from the utter intensity of her being.
- Immortality: Azariah's abominable existence grants her immortality in many forms.
- Type 1: Azariah's biological cells do not naturally age or die as they constantly refresh, allowing her to live eternally in health.
- Type 2: Every part of Azariah, down to her cells and DNA, is as equally her as any other part of her is. Even if her body is erased, any speck of dust, lose fingernail, or strand of hair left behind carries forth her being. Her life is anywhere that a tiny piece remains. She can survive and come back from almost anything as a result, being immensely difficult to rid the world of.
- Type 3 — Regeneration (High): Can rapidly regenerate a new "cell" body from any piece of her biology or DNA that remains, even if its a single, damaged molecule. This form of body generation is practically instantaneous when she focuses.
- Type 4 & 6: Azariah can connect her Soul to any of her generated "cell" bodies, encompassing multiple physical beings at the same time. No matter how many versions of her are erased from the world, she can simply make another, and another, and another, continually reattaching her consciousness to them. There is no limit to how many times she can do this, with her hive regularly puppeteering over 100 quadrillion separate bodies simultaneously.
- Type 8 & 9 — Resurrection (Low-Godly): Azariah has clones of herself scattered across not only the Ark planet, but in other, personal dimensions such as Azathoth's Dream as well. Even if one is to destroy every trace of her in the universe, it still would not matter if she possesses backups in entirely separate worlds. And still, if her Soul is still intact, she can simply cast Nyarlathotep in order to generate more new bodies from thought alone, giving her an option for survival even should someone manage to destroy absolutely everything.
- Duplication, Hive Mind: "Azariah" is a hive mind made up of countless existential mirrors of her Essence which she calls "cells." Each cell is its own being, possessing an individual replica of her concept—soul, mind, and body alike. They can act either independently or dependently of one another, combining to form more capable collectives or separating to take on separate tasks. The ability she uses to create these cells is known as Existential Mitosis—the duplication of her existence. Every cell can multiply itself rapidly, doubling in number by the second when she's focusing. And while they each only possess a small fraction of what she's capable of, even lone cells carry godlike strength. Azariah overarching being houses every cell, spiritually connecting them to one another. All of their experiences are shared through this link, allowing them to act in-sync, combining all of their garnered knowledge, memories, and powers.
- Transformation, Size Manipulation, Bodily Weaponry: Azariah's cell bodies are a culmination of disgusting, writhing eldritch tentacle monsters acting as appendages. They can shift and change shape, becoming small enough to penetrate bodily holes or large enough to dwarf galaxies. They are her primary form of physical attack, using them to overwhelm and ensnare her targets.
- Spatial Manipulation: Her tentacles can distort space to reach opponents, collapsing the distance between two points and creating wells that force others into their reach. It appears as if they are gravitationally attracting the target. Azariah can open gates in space-time and generate subspaces. She can hide within layered geometry, escaping from perception.
- Portal Creation, Summoning, Teleportation, Dimensional Travel, BFR: Azariah can summon even more of her eldritch tentacles from portals, using them to attack opponents from outside of their perception. These portals can be made across and between dimensions. Using her portals, Azariah can spatially teleport herself and others to any location of her choosing, including her Dream Space, Azathoth's Dream.
- Pocket Reality Manipulation: Azariah has control over her personal world, Azathoth's Dream—a dreamscape defined by eldritch horrors lurking in an endless abyss. A cosmic background filled with monstrosities in the shapes of celestial objects, dancing in the endless night. Entire galaxies and stars made of titanic beasts and writhing tendrils swirl around to form multiple spherical worlds across the expanse. Azariah has full authority over the countless beings that exist in this dimension.
- Energy Manipulation, Chaos Manipulation, Transmutation: Can wield the Eldritch Blackness of the Ultimate Void, which is a metaphysical energy of chaos that turns anything it touches into monstrosities for Azariah to command.
- Disease Manipulation (High Outerversal[Hax Potency 1]), Soul Manipulation (Information Manipulation (Type 2), Conceptual Manipulation (Type 1), Mind Manipulation, Memory Manipulation), Biological Manipulation: Azariah's body carries a potent toxin that manifests as a conceptual disease known as the Antithesis Identity Virus (AIV) when it makes contact with a suitable host. It is an existential nightmare of a pathogen, capable of seizing not only the biology of the body, but seeping even deeper, into the Mind, Soul, and Essence of its target. The virus does not care for who or what you are, regardless of species, race, or if you are even a biological entity at all—the infects all the same. Not even inanimate objects are exempt, as the virus can infect technology and those lacking a proper consciousness. The potency of the virus is incomprehensible, as it was capable of immediately affecting MEGA and Paraco, both of whom are Reincarnates possessing incredibly metaphysical aspects of being.
- Transmutation, Duplication, Information (Type 2) Absorption: The virus attacks every facet of your existence, turning fragments of it all into factories to generate more of itself, duplicating endlessly while simultaneously stripping away and absorbing essential information in order to define the greatest path to "victory." When this happens, the target appears to be corrupted by a purple force spreading across the body, transforming them into a husk of what they previously were.
- Reactive Evolution, Power Bestowal, Power Nullification: Using the absorbed knowledge of its host, the virus evolves rapidly in direct opposition of their being, becoming the literal antithesis of them—as Azariah notes, it is a virus designed specifically in order to kill YOU, and YOU alone—a disease that empowers itself to become your worst enemy. It is this fact that defines the virus, and makes it so devastating, as it will vary in its ability depending on who it is infecting. Against MEGA, it became the "Virus of Devolution," and against Paraco, it became the "Virus of Permanence." MEGA mentions that it is as though it negates your entire existence, taking control of it, and converting you into something else—something that assassinates your entire character. It has never failed to subdue anyone, as it will adapt rapidly to gain immunity to every threatening ability one possesses, or a means to counter it directly—not allowing neither Paraco's Absolute Restoration or MEGA's evolution to do anything against it.
- Absorption: Once the virus obtains complete authority over the host's body, it finally attempts to corrupt and absorb their consciousness, ultimately merging with the user's Soul and Essence. It was capable of evolving to the point that even MEGA and Paraco's Reincarnate Souls were at risk of being taken over.
- Greater Transformation, Transmutation, Absorption, Madness Manipulation (Type 3): With the God of Abomination, Shub-Niggurath, Azariah can transform her arm into an ever-growing eldritch appendage bearing many mouths. It devours everything in reach, expanding across intergalactic distances to consume the world itself. It is impossible to escape, as even gazing at the form of the ultimate pandemonium induces infinite nightmares, terrifying onlookers to the point of insanity. Once it makes contact with an object or entity, it will begin to assimilate and transmute them into itself, using them as fuel for further growth. Sub-Nuggurath possesses supernatural density that makes it extraordinarily durable, with not even MEGA or Paraco being able to break free from it through physicality.
- Creation: With the Chaos God of Countless Forms, Nyarlathotep, Azariah can manifest new cells with her imagination alone, creating them out of thin air in her perception. She can appear anywhere throughout the continuum by just thinking of it. Using it, she was able to instantaneously surround Paraco with countless bodies in her world.
- Teleportation: The cells created by Nyarlathotep can be used to transmit herself to other parts of the cosmos with just a thought.
- Immortality (4-D[Hax Potency 2]):
- Type 8 & Avatar Creation: In her Yog-Sothoth state, all of Azariah's cells are lower-emanations of a extradimensional being embodying the continuum of Azathoth's Dream. They are the equivalent of thoughts inside of a mind, appearing and vanishing at will, like figments of a lucid dream. As long as her true self, Yog-Sothoth, exists, she can continue to generate new cells from nothingness, even if all of them are destroyed.
- Type 9: Yog-Sothoth is literally the continuum itself, existing on a higher-plane of existence relative to 3-dimensional space.
- Supergenius Intellect: Upon fusing with Azathoth's Dream, Azariah gains all knowledge available to her in the dreamscape. This includes all information possessed by the countless abominations and the truths of mysteries of physics and science that have existed within it for countless ages. Her avatars are bodies of information, their presence alone leaking out infinite mysteries. Among them being things like "the answer to the Continuum Hypothesis," "concepts that could cure cancer," and "the science of comprehension." It was enough to overwhelm the likes of MEGA and Paraco, both of whom are super geniuses in their own right.
- Martial Arts, Sword Arts, Information Analysis, Analytical Prediction: In this state, Azariah is an equal match for MEGA in combat, with the two of them constantly exceeding the very archetype of skill, generating new methods of attack and defense never before seen by the world. Both of them predicting and acting in tandem with infinite different theoretical possibilities simultaneously, calculating angles of attack where even an infinitesimal difference in value would be devastating. Reached the mathematical apex of what could be done within 4th-dimensional space-time.
- Information Manipulation (Type 1), Paralysis Inducement, Mind Manipulation: Azariah's presence radiates infinite information—endless mysteries in the form of questions that shouldn't be answered and answers that shouldn't be told. It completely overwhelms what the mind can perceive and understand, destroying it outright after prolonged exposure. Even with Paraco constantly refreshing her mind, she was still paralyzed by the sheer amount of information being dumped into her every instant.
- Multilocation: Azariah's collectives can exist anywhere she imagines herself being across all of space and time, even to the point of occupying the entire universe with her countless selves.
- Size Manipulation, Large Size (Up to Type 8): Azariah's cell bodies can become any size they want, merging with her bubble reality cells to form gigantic titans in the dreamscape. Such bubble realities being so large that they make the observable universe look like a single Planck length beside their immeasurable horizons.
- Fusionism: Azariah can fuse her Bubble Reality Cells together, creating gigantic bodies controlled by her consciousness.
- Cosmic Awareness, Retrocognition, Precognition: As a result of being merged with the universe, Azariah is aware of everything across space and time, in the same way that one is aware of their own thoughts. Her true form is the timestream itself, one with her "mind," granting her avatars perfect memory of both the past and future, regardless of where things stand in the perceived reality of the present.
- Space-Time Manipulation, Telekinesis: Azariah can psychokinetically manipulate the fabric of space-time, twisting and churning existence itself with her thoughts and gestures. She can move entire Bubble Realities with this power, throwing them at incomprehensible speeds and using them to crush opponents. She can pull and push entities towards and away from her; fuse points together; change vector-directions; and much more with her control over the geometrical field.
- Danmaku: Can cover the entire universe in an omnipresent web of pre-animated tentacle attacks, set to simultaneously hit every cubic instant of the world the moment that time unfreezes from her perspective.
- Time Travel, Afterimage Creation: Azariah's movement is unrestrained by the laws of causality, allowing her to skip and bypass space-time, leaping ahead of her causal relationship with the universe and instantly arriving at any point on the continuum. She can go backwards and forwards in time, attacking from a completely unavoidable and unpredictable place. Her movements through the continuum leave behind convincing after-bodies in the present, frozen in time, before her new form appears from nowhere as the last one dissipates. Any action she makes while streamlining across time is set in stone, with it being practically impossible to dodge attacks from the future and past.
- Acausality (Type 1, 3, 4): As an avatar of the world, Azariah is synchronized with every version of herself across the timestream. Her past, present, and future are all one of the same entity, linked together. As she is in the past is as she is in the future, with the same memories and experiences as where she would be an eternity later. Every version of herself can move freely through time, interacting with one another without issue. What affects one avatar will not affect another, as every Azariah is a different entity, even if they appear to have a causal relationship. Furthermore, any version of Azariah can replace one is it to be destroyed, instantly taking her place and continuing where the last left off. There is no limit to how many times this can be done, so long as her higher-form remains.
- Information Analysis, Power Bestowal, Reactive Evolution: With the Silver Key, Azariah can pierce into the world itself to "unlock" the solutions to problems, like a key opening the door to victory, solving the mystery needed to overcome defeat. The Key analyzes all things and evaluates every possibility, creating a phenomenon meant to negate the current dilemma that Azariah faces. Usually, this means granting Azariah a new skill to counter one of her opponent's skills, such as when she gained Unreality Engine in order to destroy MEGA and Paraco's magical skills. When piercing into an entity, it will "unlock" their being, reading everything about it from the Essence and Mind to the Soul, uncovering what is needed to obliterate them. While it was capable of reaching into Paraco's Reincarnate Soul, this was ultimately a failure as the Key nor Azariah could understand the maddening information contained within it. With the Silver Key in hand, Azariah's growth rate was able to keep pace with MEGA, whose exponential evolution caused them to grow beyond what mathematical functions could graph, exceeding the limitations of the "Power Tower" and all of its extensions. The Silver Key also adapts its methods of attack, granting the user skill beyond compare.
- Mathematics Manipulation, Power Nullification: Using the Silver Key, Azariah created the Unreality Engine, an absolute negation technique that mathematically destroys all magical ability by targeting its roots. It cancels the projection of magic and disrupts the flow of mana, breaking apart the skill.
- Metaphysical Interaction (Can interact with Beyond-Dimensional Existence (Type 2), Abstract Existence (Type 1), Acausality (Type 5), Idealistic Nonexistence (Type 1, 2, 3, 4, 5), Transduality (Type 3) — High Outerversal[Hax Potency 3]), Existence Erasure, Durability Negation, Resistance Negation: The Silver Key is a Dream Artifact with the ability to interact with, observe, analyze, and "unlock" the solution to all things. In doing so, it becomes the key to every lock, affecting and destroying all problems in comes into contact with. The Silver Key can pierce through every layer of existence, going beyond the physical to strike the Body, Mind, Soul, and Essence/Ousia of an object simultaneously, ignoring all defenses. No resistance can prevent the key from unlocking the method to overcome it. It is so potent that even Reincarnate Souls are potential candidates before its immeasurable wrath. While slashing towards Paraco, it is mentioned that if Azariah's target had been the Essence of space or time, those concepts would've vanished right then and there, erased from their reality by the Silver Key.
- Omnipresence, Higher-Dimensional Existence (4-D), Large Size (Type 8): Is in a state of complete unity with the continuity of Azathoth's Dream, becoming the Lord of All, Yog-Sothoth, a being of hyperspace. Even her individual, infinitesimally small cells, are Bubble Realities so large that Hubble Volumes are like Planck lengths next to them. She is every where and every when, a 4th-dimensional entity spanning across all of space-time geometry.
- Arkane Physiology Resistances (Advanced)
- Overwhelming Aura (High Outerversal[Hax Potency 4]), Fear Manipulation, Illusion Manipulation, Empathic Manipulation, Paralysis Inducement, Power Nullification, Madness Manipulation (Type III), Existence Erasure, Death Manipulation: Unaffected by MEGA's Spiritual Eminence of Imperial Domination aura. Unaffected by the maddening auras of Eldritch monsters and deities like herself.
- Transmutation: Can survive and live inside of Azathoth's Dream, which is composed of Eldritch Blackness—a substance that turns anything that makes contact with it into mindless, unrecognizable monsters.
- Disease Manipulation (High Outerversal[Hax Potency 1]), Soul Manipulation (Information Manipulation (Type 2), Conceptual Manipulation (Type 1), Mind Manipulation, Memory Manipulation), Biological Manipulation, Duplication, Power Nullification: Immune to the effects of her own Antithesis Identity Virus.
- Extreme Temperature Fluctuation (From 0 K to at least ~1032 K): Survived for a prolonged period of time in Paraco's presence, while she was radiating a heat that exceeded that of a nuclear explosion's core and holding a sphere in her hand that exceeded the Planck temperature. Managed to escape to another dimension before she could be vaporized by her Planck star. After gaining more cells, Azariah could withstand Paraco's unrestrained Entropic Radiance of Incandescent Dissolution, an aura that caused galaxy-sized monsters in outer space to disintegrate from heat alone. Azariah can survive indefinitely in the temperature of outer space, and like any advanced Arkane, should have no issue dealing with Absolute Zero.
- Radiation Manipulation: Survived Paraco's Entropic Radiance of Incandescent Dissolution which emits enough radioactive particles to split the atoms of galactic monsters trillions of light years away.
- Nuclear Manipulation, Electromagnetism Manipulation, Matter Manipulation (Macro-Quantum), Deconstruction (Macro-Quantum): Azariah's abominable physiology grants her strength beyond what the basic capabilities of MEGA & Paraco's force magic can handle—which can instantaneously rip people apart at the particle level. The particles within her body themselves are resilient and resistant to outside manipulation, not allowing either of them to pull her apart so easily as they can with others.
- Regeneration Negation (High): Could still regenerate despite being hit with multiple attacks from MEGA & Paraco, which irreversibly damage the DNA and prevent even molecular levels of self-healing.
Extraordinary Genius
Azariah is an immensely gifted magic user, capable of executing multiple Ultimate Skills simultaneously, which each on their own would require a wealth of knowledge equal to that of multiple magic universities combined to merely comprehend, let alone project with accuracy. Any sufficiently advanced magic in of itself requires the user to calculate thousands, if not millions of different mathematical formulae in their mind simultaneously, deducing countless variables involving complicated theorem ranging from Fluid Dynamics to Field Equations and Riemannian geometry folds, often while multitasking. Having fought countless varying opponents for periods on end, Azariah has become accustomed to many different styles of battle, and is a hardened military general for her country. Due to Existential Mitosis, Azariah has gained information through, at the bare minimum, quadrillions of different clones all acting as one, simultaneous force, sharing every thought and experience across all of their ventures. Even with the lowest possible assumptions, that would amount to no less than hundreds of trillions of years of information absorbed across the entire collection.
Upon invoking Yog-Sothoth, Azariah absorbs and becomes one with the entire Azathoth's Dream continuum and the infinite mysteries lying dormant within its space, time, and existence. This includes endless knowledge about all things available to the world, alongside the countless periods of experience gained from the Eldritch monsters who've lived within its boundaries. Azariah in this state is an infinite wealth of information who literally radiates enough intelligence to drive a mortal being to madness in her presence—questions that can't be answered and answers that can't be told—including things like the solution to the Continuum Hypothesis, the cure to all disease, the science of consciousness, and innumerable other incomprehensible secrets that not even the likes of MEGA could understand. She houses the very truth of her universe.
While sword fighting against MEGA, she demonstrates an immeasurable degree of combative skill alongside him. Having taken all the knowledge to be had in the world, Azariah became aware of sword arts that exceeded the knowledge of man. Incomprehensible and unintelligible phrases of pure, martial beauty. She deliberately predicts and anticipates every movement in battle, her mental blueprints encompassing the infinity of all possibilities that could occur at any moment, in a fight where even an infinitesimal difference in the decimal values of the mathematics involved would be instant death against her opponent. Azariah believed that she and MEGA were close to reaching the apex of what could be done with swords, given their limited 4-dimensional environment. The two of them had mastered attacking across every axis, from space to time.Weaknesses[]
- Azariah likes to play with her food, especially if they've given her an entertaining time. She likes to really leave a mark on her opponents before going out of her way to kill them, by psychologically and physically abusing or torturing them. This eventually led to Paraco gaining an advantage over her, as she was given enough time to deduce the existence of Azariah's Yog-Sothoth state.
- Azariah must first be inside of Azathoth's Dream in order to invoke her Yog-Sothoth ultimate skill.
- If a majority of her cells are destroyed, it still does take some amount of time for her to regain a significant number. Even if it is seconds, continuously pressuring her is extremely detrimental to her persistance.
- It is possible to escape Azathoth's Dream normally through interdimensional and spatial travel abilities.
Standard Tactics[]
Before even starting with her, the challenger must make it through her Dominion—her presence is a pressuring barrier that will quickly flatten anyone below her level, crushing them both internally and externally. Azariah begins most of her fights by swarming the opponent with her writhing, tentacle appendages. She can summon them from every angle, quickly overwhelm most foes with this much using a combination of countless clones, portals, and spatial warping abilities to completely surround them in a web of her tendrils. If even one of her tentacles manages to touch the enemy, she can infect them with the Antithesis Identity Virus. This is where most of her battles end, as AIV will evolve inside of the infected target to become an antithesis capable of devouring them. It had never failed up until MEGA and Paraco came along. If by some miracle her opponent gets through that, she'll start using her more serious, ultimate skills. She can drag anyone into Azathoth's Dream in a moment's notice using portals or spatial abilities, forcing them to face off against an army of Eldritch monsters. She will utilize Shub-Niggurath to attack with extremely wide range and subdue opponents, and use Nyarlathotep to create clones that the enemy can't possible predict. If all of these options fail, she will finally invoke Yog-Sothoth, becoming one with Azathoth's Dream. Her avatars begin attacking through time, using the Silver Key to counter every ability of the opponent and strike them with an incomprehensibly powerful force.
- If the opponent has a way to permanently stay away from Azathoth's Dream, she will attack using all of her other options.
- If her cell count is low, she will escape to Azathoth's Dream for some amount of time to recover a sufficient amount with Existential Mitosis.
- She will use subspaces / Azathoth's Dream in order to prepare and think in the middle of battles.
Additional Information[]
Abominable Existence: Azariah's existence as the species of Abomination grants her numerous physiological advantages over a normal Arkane. Her biology is supernaturally strong, durable, and infinitely malleable, capable of evolving to suit its environment at a rapid pace. Everything about her as a living entity, down to her very DNA and molecular makeup, is incredibly resilient—to the point that most of MEGA and Paraco's arsenal of fundamental forces, despite having the capacity to rip someone apart down to the atom in an instant, have zero effect on her. Being infinitely malleable, Azariah can transform portions of herself into writhing appendages at will—usually taking the form of monstrous tentacles, tendrils, and additional limbs, covered in eyes that give them an Eldritch aura. She can shapeshift her body to an almost unlimited degree, even going as far as to create massive tentacle arms spanning multiple galaxies in size if she wants, generating the additional biological tissues at a moment's notice. This trait of hers also grants her the ability to fully reform herself from lone cells or strands of DNA if she's destroyed, allowing her to hide "clones" of herself away from sight, as even a few cut fingernails, hairs, or a drop of blood could become another bio-copy of her in an instant if she willed it. Azariah never physically ages as her cells constantly refresh themselves, and she can survive in practically any condition or setting, even if she's frozen solid, blended to paste, chemically manipulated, burned to ashes, or further.
Dominion of the Hierarch: Azariah’s presence is a mirror of her character and status—an oppressive, tyrannical force that suppresses the freedoms of those "beneath" her. That is to say, merely being weaker than her, or even just believing her to be above you, is enough to be completely prevented from acting out against her—no, to be prevented from acting at all. Her aura of suppression denies all ability. You can't talk, you can't walk—even your thoughts are shackled down by her existence. It manifests as a metaphysical pressure encompassing the body, mind, and soul, locking them in place and crushing them under the stress. Not even the likes of MEGA and Paraco could handle being nearby, their bones breaking from inside their bodies as Azariah stepped towards them. Any weaker and they would've crumbled to dust and blown away by her utter radiance. Azariah can guide this oppressive force and dictate who it does and does not affect, allowing some areas to be unaffected while concentrating it against others. She can use this authoritarian pressure to telekinetically move and grab space-time itself, using her mind to control the battlefield.
Existential Mitosis: Azariah's signature skill—the ability to create "cell" bodies through endless, bacterial duplication—existential clones of her identity, Body, Mind, Soul, and Essence alike. These "cells" of hers are all tethered to an encompassing "Oversoul," that serves as the most "true" version of herself, from which every duplicate is puppeteered. All of them share information, like memory, experiences, thoughts, and intelligence with the Oversoul, which then reflects back onto the group, compositing their knowledge. Every single cell thus becomes a perfect extension of her being. She controls them all simultaneously, allowing them to act either dependently or independently of another. As dependents, the cells can coalesce, merging together to form more powerful and capable bodies. Usually, Azariah has a "main" combative body at all times, formed from something like 100 quadrillion cells. There seems to be no limit to how much she can divide and merge these forms so long as she has enough mana in stock, as she was able to sit in another dimension for minutes rapidly duplicating in preparation for fighting MEGA & Paraco. Independently, the cells can travel the world like strays, taking on missions for the greater collective. This is usually how Azariah opts to patrol the nation and world. Countless cells roam the planet at all times, searching for new treasures and protecting their borders from threats. Even a single one of her cells holds godlike power within. Such that no normal member of her country could possibly compete with. Every single cell can begin duplication at any time, doubling her number or strength rapidly. She can choose to attack either as a single, massive force, or as an innumerable amount of smaller forces. It makes her stupidly difficult to rid of. She in of herself is a living infestation.
Black God of Abomination, Shub-Niggurath: Azariah invokes the power of Shub-Niggurath, transforming her arm into an ever-expanding Eldritch mass that devours all light in the cosmos. The abhorrent monstrosity is equipped with many mouths and eats that absorb everything it comes into contact with instantaneously, including invisible energies like mana and metaphysical aspects like the Soul. Niggurath's flesh is immensely durable and dense, to the point that not even the direct touch of Paraco's radiant aura could burn through it. In just moments, it was able to expand across many galactic beasts lying dormant in the dreamscape's sky, and may have grown to encompass the entire world had it not been stopped so quickly. Even just looking at the form of Shub-Niggurath is insanity—the ultimate pandemonium that induces infinite nightmares onto those that gaze upon it with the intent of perception. Dark dreams that infect the Mind, distorting comprehension and leading the victim to death.
Chaos God of Countless Forms, Nyarlathotep: Azariah invokes the power of Nyarlathotep, transforming the world into her own mental playground, wherein even a single one of her thoughts can manifest as a new form for her instantaneously. Although it rapidly drains her of mana, the skill grants her a method of catching the opponent off-guard using swarms of thought-based clones that can be summoned at a moment's notice. It adds a further barrier to any attempt at killing her.
Azathoth's Dream: Azariah's personal reality, an Eldritch dream dimension of innumerable horrors. The reality itself is a living organism. A god-like monster whose body is in of itself a collection of massive orbs, each containing abominations beyond description. Creatures larger than galaxies, lying dormant in the black abyss of the night sky. Entire galaxies and stars made of titanic beasts and writhing tendrils, swirling around to form multiple spherical worlds across the expanse. There are eyes in the void, and the ground is sentient. All of them are mere servants of Azariah. Extensions of her will that obey her every command—an army of nightmares. Just existing in this world is detrimental to any normal being, as it contains the Eldritch Blackness—a metaphysical substance that turns all who interact with it into mindless, unrecognizable monsters that Azariah can freely control. Azariah can freely enter and exit Azathoth's Dream through portals or instantaneous teleportation. She can drag any subject there with her as well, forcing them to fight in her playground, under her rules. It can also be used as an escape, in order to grant her time to make preparations or duplicate.
Ultimate God of All, Yog-Sothoth: Azariah's final, paramount, and supreme skill. When used in tandem with Azathoth's Dream, the world itself spirals in to become one with her, transforming her body, mind, and soul into a continuum of space and time that reigns over all of infinity, across present, past, and future. She gains awareness over it all, taking the power and experience of monsters for herself, and merging her mind with the infinite knowledge the world has to offer. The plane becomes the universe inside of Azariah's mind, where even her "cells" are now the size of entire realities. Similar to the usage of Nyarlathotep, every thought she thinks in this state can become another cell—generating as many avatars as she wants to fight those still alive within her. As she is one with infinity, her avatars are unbound by space and time, capable of moving across the continuum freely, bypassing the law of causality and accessing every part of the timeline with a thought. Holding so much information, even these avatars leak out the infinite secrets of the cosmos, overwhelming any unworthy mind with so much knowledge they collapse. No matter how many of these avatars one defeats, it is ultimately pointless in subduing the true Azariah. "Yog-Sothoth" is everything. To destroy her, you must destroy everything—the universe itself. Otherwise, she may simply generate as many clones as she wishes with her imagination.
Dream Artifact of the Ultimate Mystery — The Silver Key: The ultimate answer. The key to every lock and solution to every problem—the Silver Key is the most powerful weapon available to Azariah. A key blade that views the world as a collective of metaphysical "locks" that it must open. The blade can pierce through any of these locks, which can be representative of any problem that Azariah faces, and "unlock" them—generating solutions to her problems. An example is when she pierced it into the cosmos itself with the intention of solving the issue of MEGA & Paraco's magical abilities, instantly unlocking the "Unreality Engine" skill as a method of countering them. The key seeks out whatever most logically suits its master, Azariah, evolving constantly in order to aid in her victory. When it clashes with another blade, it passively "unlocks" the strength necessary to overwhelm that opposing force. When it strikes someone, it grows into a sword meant to pierce into every facet and aspect of their existence—to the point of threatening even Reincarnate Souls. It operates similarly to the Antithesis Identity Virus, stripping information from every phenomena in the world, and feeding that into its inner-mechanisms to solve the problem. The Key also grants portions of this knowledge to its wielder, should it deem it to be necessary—such as when she needed the skill to compete with MEGA in close combat.
Hax Potency Explanations[]
- ↑ 1.0 1.1 Upon manifesting in MEGA and Paraco, the Antithesis Identity Virus evolved enough inside both of them to affect and significantly threaten taking over their Reincarnate Souls.
- ↑ Her immortality is based upon her true form, Yog-Sothoth, the personal embodiment of the Azathoth's Dream continuum, which is a 4th-dimensional construct (universe).
- ↑ Although it was stopped by both of their even deeper esoteric powers, the Silver Key could cut into MEGA and Paraco's existential layers, threatening to slice apart their Reincarnate Souls. Furthermore, it is stated that if her target had been the Essence of Space or Time, those ideas would have been stripped away from the world entirely.
- ↑ MEGA's aura can affect demon souls in Hell, a plane beyond comprehension.
The Ark Collection by Phoenks | |
The World | Arkane Physiology • Reincarnate Physiology • Species Encyclopedia • Cosmology Explanation |
The Cosmic Triumvirate | MEGA • Paraco • Ophis |
Plutumeta, the Golden Empire | Cashonah • Aries • Azariah |
Vagabond's Aegis | Koji Komatsu • Sakaya Komatsu • Azalea Aculeus • Sakura Izayoi • Hanami Izayoi |
Nora's Storyline | Almace Alcatraz • Nora Brynhildr |
Others | Bellion, the Ancient Dragon |