FC/OC VS Battles Wiki

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FC/OC VS Battles Wiki


One of several Inselgesselcraft capes on the Isle of Man, Axe of Axis was one of many capes brutally murdered by The Knight of Consquences on the latter's quest to destroy the group. He possessed the power to create weapons of varying sizes which he is able to control with his mind, with him often creating giant swastikas.

Powers and Stats[]

Tier: 10-A physically, Varies up to 9-A via Weapon Creation

Name: Axe of Axis

Origin: No Way Out

Gender: Male

Age: Unknown

Classification: Parahuman, Blaster, Nazi

Powers and Abilities: Weapon Creation, Weapon Manipulation (Axe of Axis's main power is generating weapons he is able to telekentically control. He most often uses it to create massive swastika, with him lobbing those at enemies. He can also create more traditional melee weapon), Martial Arts, Weapon Mastery (Has Pinpoint 4, with it making him extremely adept at precise lethal hits of various kind)

Attack Potency: Athlete level (He is an active cape, with him seemingly being above his unpowered subordinates when it comes to physical prowess), Varies up to Small Building level (He can create and telekentically toss weapons of various sizes, with the fastest and largest being able to harm the Knight of Consequences)

Speed: Athletic Human, Subsonic attack speed (His projectiles are so fast that they are hard for Knight of Consequences to reliably block)

Lifting Strength: Average Human

Striking Strength: Athlete level

Durability: Athlete level

Stamina: Athletic (Was able to fight effectively despite being bombarded with sounds so loud that they actively cause damage)

Range: Extended Melee Range to at least Tens of Meters via weapons

Standard Equipment: None notable

Intelligence: Average

Weaknesses: None notable


Notable Victories:

Notable Losses:

Inconclusive Matches:
