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FC/OC VS Battles Wiki
Anime Boi-22

Art by むおん

I'm so glad that I could be such an integral part in the lives of both of you. Please, don't mourn my death. Remember your blood.


Asim Hope is a major character in Before the Sable Dawn, being the adoptive father of twin siblings Shizuka and Haruki. After a life of time spent in the mystical world, acting as the herald and messenger of the Pleroma, he would later abandon that life and settle down in the mundane world. But he would later become the victim of a demon's vicious scheme to amass power in order to take over the world.

Combat Statistics[]

Tier: At least 6-C, possibly higher

Name: Asim Hope

Origin: Before the Sable Dawn

Age: 48 upon his death

Classification: Human, Messenger of the Pleroma

Gender: Male

Powers and Abilities:

Superhuman Physical Characteristics, Spatial Manipulation (Can extend and alter space infinitely thanks to the gift of Ouroboros), Time Manipulation (Can rewind and stop time thanks to the gift of Chronos), Memory Manipulation and Mind Manipulation (Can rewrite the memory and mind with the gift of Osiris), Illusion Manipulation, Perception Manipulation, and Dream Manipulation (Can create perfect illusions that manifest from their target's dreams thanks to the gift of Osiris and Apophis), Darkness Manipulation, Absorption, Void Manipulation, and Existence Erasure (Could manipulate the darkness and void of the Abyss with the gift of Apophis, which could be used to completely erase beings from existence), Fate Manipulation, Conceptual Manipulation (Types I and II), and Information Manipulation (Type II), Light Manipulation, and Magic (Could use Reasoning to extreme effects thanks to the gifts of all the Pleroma and even alter the Histories of individuals if he so wished), Power Nullification, Power Mimicry, Power Bestowal, and Power Modification (The gifts of the Pleroma only required a thought in order to immediately nullify, mimic, store, or modify any hostile powers targeted at him), Creation (Could create a miniature star in the palm of his hand), Extrasensory Perception and Non-Physical Interaction (Could see spiritual entities, abstract beings, and even entities such as the Pleroma), Healing (Up to Mid-Godly: Could heal even the History of others, as long as some parts of it were remaining), Precognition (Could see portions of the future if he wished to), Durability Negation (Could damage the History of beings), possibly Life Manipulation and Death Manipulation (Said to be capable of manipulating life and death by Mephisto)

Resistance to Void Manipulation, Existence Erasure, Absorption, and Darkness Manipulation (Would be left unaffected by the Abyss and would've even been able to survive in it), Fate Manipulation, Causality Manipulation, Conceptual Manipulation (Types I and II), Information Manipulation (Type II), Light Manipulation, and Magic (Although on a lower scale, he acts like a demi-Pleroma, sharing their same resistances to Reasoning and having no History to be altered), Information Analysis (Scales to the Pleroma, who could outright reject any attempts at scanning them), Madness Manipulation (Types II and III) (Would be left unaffected by imagery of the true form of Apophis, which crushes the mind and sanity of those who see it), Sealing (Mephisto said the only way to get Asim out of the picture was through his death, as not even sealing him would've worked), Disease Manipulation, Death Manipulation, and Life Manipulation (Scales to the Pleroma, who were left unaffected by the Black Plague, which was fueled with the essence of Life and Death), Age Manipulation (Outright denied himself being supernaturally aged), Radiation Manipulation and Temperature Manipulation (Although on a lower scale, he should have a similar resistance to Apophis who could devour a star whole)

Attack Potency: At least Island Level+, possibly higher (As a messenger of the Pleroma, Asim boasted strength beyond measurement and would've easily been able to defeat every single faction in the mystical world. The Pleroma even claimed their gifted power would allow him to "reshape the world and move the moon" but such feats were never shown)

Speed: At least FTL

Lifting Strength: Class M

Durability: At least Island Level+, possibly higher

Stamina: Superhuman. Asim was considered to have immense endurance, continuing to fight despite lethal wounds to his body and could use Reasoning on great scales despite what it nearly killing him on multiple occasions.

Range: Extended Melee Range, Tens of Kilometers, possibly Planetary with abilities (Could use Reasoning on scales of tens of kilometers and the Pleroma claimed he could "reshape the world and move the moon" with their gifts)

Standard Equipment: A staff

Intelligence: Average (Despite being gifted with the powers and knowledge of the Pleroma, Asim would only use their knowledge in situations where it was needed)

Weaknesses: Restricts his powers and knowledge in order to stay human.

Notable Attacks/Techniques:

The Blessed One: As the chosen one by the Pleroma, Asim was gifted many of their abilities and powers in order to enact their wills and message. Each of the Pleroma gifted him a unique power that would've allowed him to reign over the entire world. From Ouroboros, he could manipulate space to an infinite degree, creating distances infinitely long or shortening them to such a point that it would look like him teleporting. From Chronos, he gained the ability to rewind and even stop time, allowing him such a fine control over one of the fundamental aspects of existence. From Osiris, he gained the ability to rewrite the mind and memory of any individual he so choosed, such a power even exceeding that of Khadir's own mental powers. From Apophis and Osiris alike, he would gain the ability to cast perfect illusions, drawn from the target's own dreams and hopes. From Apophis specifically, he would gain the ability to manipulate the very void the Pleroma lived within. Such powers would seemingly allow him to "reshape the world and move the moon".
