Arceus (full name Leo Ripley) was a late-arrival to the Weebscaler Accord's capital of Molokar, but nonetheless was a welcomed addition to the colony's ranks, arriving shortly after the Siege of Termination in 5508. A skilled mercenary of local repute, he was quickly added to the new recruits of the Bellator Knights, alongside a prisoner of the Alliance of Peza, Seara. Despite his relatively low experience with the colonists, he is a low-ranking official of the Accord's government, and one of the lieutenants of the Bellator Knights.
Powers and Stats[]
Tier: At least 8-C, likely High 8-C, higher via Swarm Wrist
Name: Arceus
Origin: Be My Rimworld Pawns
Gender: Male
Age: 24 biologically, 33 chronologically
Classification: Bellator
Powers and Abilities: Superhuman Physical Characteristics, Weapon Mastery, Martial Arts (Is a region-recognized master of melee combat, and is one of the legendary Bellator Knights, all of whom possess the very best combat skills that can be achieved by a mortal man), Power Bestowal (Arceus is a Blade Whisperer, which means that he can bestow low-level sentiences upon weapons he wields, allowing them to be imbued with a limited array of helpful abilities, such as large damage boosts or statistical improvements to their wielders), Fire Manipulation (Arceus is a pyromaniac and can start fires with basically anything), Forcefield Creation (He wears a simple shield belt that envelops him in a shield that will take damage for him), Energy Manipulation, Durability Negation (Arceus wields a power sword, which is a type of blade that emits a razor-sharp energy field around itself that allows it to cleave through armors and defenses it would otherwise never damage), Energy Projection (Wields a charge pistol as a side arm, which launches similarly durability-negating shots at short ranges), Information Analysis (Arceus has a brain implant that targets enemy weakpoints and flaws in strategies, allowing him much greater efficacy both offensively and defensively), Free Movement (Uniquely, Arceus wears Dragoon armor, which possesses an in-unit AI that analyzes terrain and automatically adjusts movement, such that he is unimpeded by negative elements of the terrain, such as spider webs, tar pits, or inclines/declines in height), Electricity Manipulation, Magnetism Manipulation, Technology Manipulation (His current sword has been bestowed with EMP bursts as the effect of his Blade Whispering, and can stun foes as a result or outright destroy technological enemies), Statistics Amplification (As a Warlord, he possesses multiple psycasts that amplify his physical characteristics, such as his speed or attack speed), Acrobatics (He can perform long-range pirouette jumps), Flight (He possesses Bellatorian wings, which while too weak to sustain proper flight, allow him to make shorter-ranged leaps and glides over short durations), Regeneration (Low-Mid, can heal from potentially fatal wounds in minutes), Longevity (As a Bellator, his average lifespan is about 125 years, with a maximum of up to 185 years), Damage Reduction (Bellators have naturally thicker and more damage-resilient skin, causing them to significantly reduce incoming damage), Breath Attack (He can breathe fire), Accelerated Development (Bellators develop their warrior skills far faster than non-Bellators), Enhanced Senses (Like all of his kin, he can see in total darkness), Telepathy (Bellators are biologically telepathic and can communicate over planetary distances with one another), Mind Manipulation (He is a low-level psycaster as a result of his Bellator genes), Cyborgization (He has numerous cybernetic implants, perhaps most notably his power arm and nuclear stomach), Bodily Weaponry (He has a highly advanced version of the power arm that can rip apart enemies in seconds and compares to some of the colony's most powerful melee weapons), Explosion Manipulation (He has a series of missiles implanted into his wrist that can be subtly unleashed at a moment's notice, dealing tremendous amounts of damage), Social Influencing (Arceus is a capable negotiator and manipulator, and possesses a professional degree of talent in these areas), Resistance to Fire Manipulation, Empathic Manipulation, Radiation Manipulation. Disease Manipulation, Poison Manipulation, Corrosion Inducement, and Pain Manipulation
Attack Potency: At least Building level, likely Large Building level (As a Bellator Knight, he is superior to the likes of Feralisk Clutch Mothers falling from space; Bellator Knights can somewhat contend with threats such as Chthonians), Large Building level via Swarm Wrist (His wrist contains eight micro-payloads which are each powerful enough to badly wound a low-ranking Bellator Knight instantly)
Speed: Normal Human (He is fairly slow for a Bellator, possessing a baseline walk speed of only 7.3 m/s), Superhuman via psycasts (His psycasts allow him to amplify his speed to approximately 3x, resulting in a 21.9 m/s walk speed), Subsonic+ via Flight and Power Leap (Both should be approximately comparable to the leaps used by Comiphorous)
Lifting Strength: Class 25 (All Colonists, even children, can lift and haul the Peraceratherium, which means they can carry about 16.6 metric tons at maximum)
Striking Strength: At least Building level, likely Large Building level, Large Building level via Swarm Wrist
Durability: At least Building level, likely Large Building level
Stamina: Superhuman, the Bellator geneline can endure punishments so great and exhaustion so tremendous that a regular colonist would buckle and expire from the lack of sleep alone
Range: Extended Melee, up to Tens of Meters via charge pistol
Standard Equipment: Power sword, charge pistol, shield belt, dragoon and cataphract armor
Intelligence: Average
Weaknesses: None notable
Notable Victories:
Notable Losses:
Inconclusive Matches: